I had a revelation today.
Being an 80's/90's video hound trained me to be a good writer.
Before Amazon and IMDB, to be a heavy duty movie explorer and collector, you needed
paper catalogs and paper guides, and I was almost internet fast at flying through those suckers.
It trained you in the organizational skills needed to keep your own giant-ass collection sorted.
All that organizing trains your mind for sorting timelines, and that helps in writing.
Plus, watching enough good movies teaches you to recognize the bad ones, and vice-versa, so you learn to decode storytelling.
Well, I use the global "you" most knuckleheads just slurp this shit up passively.
And then I get to get lumped in with the couch potatoes.
Whee, fun.
Society is such a hoot.
Fast-forward to the 2010's-present, and I've been escaping to my old 80's/90's safe space in the theaters, and on my blog, subconsciously doing the reviews to escape
Margaret's big-sistering expectations to write the next Harry Potter.
Little realizing I was using all the same skills anyway.
Realizing that....I don't need to escape anymore.
If I'm brutally honest with myself, the only plus to theaters was seeing the movie a year early.
Thanks to human beings, theaters kind of blow.
Die in a blue hot fire, you rectum mouthed bag of raccoon puke.
Yeah, I'm not gonna miss that shit.
Good riddance.
Anyway, having that whole epiphany finally gives me as much confidence in my writing as I always had in my video hound-ery.
They both come from the same wellspring.
I'll still find stuff to review from time to time, cuz it's fun, but I don't need it like an addict anymore.
I'm all right now.
I'm at peace.
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