Sunday, August 8, 2021

Happy 35th anniversary, Transformers The Movie!


I said back then...

Well, we're getting a 30th anniversary Blu-Ray of Transformers '86, anyway.
That's something.

I missed out on the 25th edition, so I'd better get moving on grabbing this one.

By the time we get to the 35th, physical media will probably be gone, so this is probably my last chance.

Well, I grabbed that 30th anniversary blu-ray, and it is sweet.
I don't seem to have logged it down when I did get it.
It was sometime before the Bumblebee blu-ray, I know that.

So!! We've finally got some good shit this time!

-Bumblebee was actually genuinely good.
And had a Transformers '86 Easter egg.
Well, two, actually.
"The Touch" and Arcee.

-Transformers: War For Cybertron is getting good fan response...but I don't have Netflix, so I gotta wait for blu-ray. 
Physical media hasn't died quite yet!
Anyway, that has Arcee, so that's another one linked to Transformers '86.

-Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts Of Cybertron was an excellent comics series, and that had Gozer materializing as a giant King Starscream.
So, there's the TF '86 shout-out there.

-Transformers/Back To The Future was cute, but not as good as TF/GB:GOS.
Course, I'm greedy, I want an Ectotron Gigawatt team-up next.
Anyway, it's got Rodimus, so there's the TF '86 shout-out.
Course, any TF thing that wants any respect shouts out to '86 now.

And, Bumblebee 2 is going to be "Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts".

It's 5 years later, and the Hasbro Cinematic Universe that crosses Transformers with G.I. Joe, MASK, Micronauts, Visionaries, and ROM hasn't shown hide nor hair of itself.
They did it in the comics though.
Minus Visionaries. was alright, but kinda messy in the character time management, and the characterizations were flat and fan-ficcy.
They probably won't get around to the movie version until I'm 70, and then I won't give a shit.

Ah, screw the pipe-dream shit, we've got great goodies right now!
It's an embarrassment of riches!

(As The Beast from "Split")

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