Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!!! (2019)

Last year, I mumbled my excuses for not having the Harry/JS hybrid book done.
Fuck it, it's done when it's done.
I have a final Harry story I want to get done in time for the 30th anniversary.
That, and the 30th anniversary post that'll absorb it, will be the final capper.
I know how I want it all to end now.

And, the outline of my next book is 99.99999999% done.

Now, the usual list...

And, Trump is still being infuriating, and destructive, but his vile little kingdom is crumbling.
So, here's hoping for more of that, and an end to this bullshit.
If he wriggles free of all this, I'll be.....miffed.

So, here's to 2019 being even better.
The movies are looking good, at least.

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Friday, December 28, 2018

Ranking the Ghostbusters-verse so far (2018)


I struggled whether to do this one, and then over how to do it, and....I think the best way is to bust it up into 2 lists.
One for movies, one for comics.
There's only 2 shows, and EGB had just one season, so RGB wins too easily.
I'll do a show ranking if/when "Ecto-Force", ever gets off the ground.


1. Ghostbusters.

Still the best.
Everything that RGB, ATC, and the IDW comics build out from for rules, characters, creatures, and world building, it's all right in this one.
The world could have been just as happy with just this one.
But, I'm glad there was more, because there's so much you can do with the premise.

2. Ghostbusters: Answer The Call.

Does the riffing go on too log?
Are there too many dance numbers?
Is there not enough actual ghostbusting?
Could the classic cast have been in it more?
All valid nitpicks.
But one thing overpowers all of that.
It's the one with Holtzmann.

3. Ghostbusters II.

Said it in the old review, it's a reunion with old friends.
And its gotten better with age.
I think these would/will stay the top 3 even if more films come out.


1. Ghostbusters: Crossing Over.

Ehhh, maybe it's recency bias,, having every Buster ever have their moment is pretty damned awesome.
If a similar feat gets "Infinity War", high on everyone's list, this needs acknowledging too.
It's a damned good job.

2. Ghostbusters 101

Again, could be recency bias, but I don't think so.
With just classic and ATC to focus on, everyone gets more face time.
God, I wish this had been the very next movie.
The boys & girls go together like peanut butter and jelly.
It really would have been something up on the screen.

3. Ghostbusters: Mass Hysteria.

The "Crossing Over", of the 30th anniversary.
Should have been Ghostbusters 3.
Dammit, Bill.

4. Ghostbusters: Spectral Shenanigans.

Makes me wish the regular series were a Netflix show.
Like Castlevania.
A Watchmen thick feast of GB goodness.

5. Ghostbusters: Displaced Agresssion.

A lotta lore gets crammed into such a comparatively thin volume.
Beaten out by the top 4 only in their size and scope.
This might be my favorite standalone GB story next to the first movie.

6. Ghostbusters: Get Real.

The one where they meet RGB.
It's a feast of RGB Easter eggs.
But....the regular IDW series already came out of the gate firing Easter eggs out of a Gatling gun.
It makes the show canon, and that's what matters most.

7. Ghostbusters:
Answer The Call:
What Dreams May Come

Although, the graphic novel scrubs "What Dreams May Come", not just off the front cover but all the issue covers in the cover gallery.
It's like it never happened.
Well....without that third title, that confuses it with the movie.
Fuck it, I'll still call it "What Dreams May Come".
Anyway, said it in the big 2018 list, cute, but didn't love it.

There, now when new stuff comes out, I have a template for ranking.
Whether it's just the next TPB for my comic collection, or if Ghostbusters 3 finally fucking happens.
See you next time for whichever happens first!!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

My Christmas Loot: Part 7, Loot In Time.

Part 6.

Here we go...

The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987)

See here for the old review.

I hated it there, but y'know....I'm coming around on it.
Its kinda got an Ed Wood energy to it now.
It's like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree, you're like "awww, you poor little guy, look at you trying".

If you set aside the movie you wanted it to be as a fan of the cards, and take it as its own thing, and notice all the "WTF?!?!?!", shit going on in this movie, both on purpose, and accidentally, it's a good irony watch.

Its aged like a fine wine.

Also, I just had to have it as a companion to "30 Years of Garbage".

There's interviews with the cast and effects guys, and they pretty much see it the same way.
It was a colossal flop in its day, the critics whipped out the chainsaws and the meat grinders, but its come back as a cult classic because of gen-xer weirdos like me.

This, "Sleepaway Camp", and "Killer Klowns From Outer Space", all had reversible case art that let you choose new art, or the classic poster art.
I went classic for all 3.
The new art is good, but I got these babies for nostalgia, so I gotta go classic flavor.

Speaking of...

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

See here for the old review.

Jesus, it took me 3 years to finally nab this?
It's better than the whole "Friday The 13th", franchise!

I've watched it 3 times now, once regular, twice for 2 of the 3 commentaries.
I love it more every time I see it, it's a fucking classic, how was this movie not in my life this whole time?
Well, good thing I waited, the Blu-ray came out in 2015, so now I get the best version.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space (1988)

Kind of a parody of "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers", and/or "Invaders From Mars", but with clowns.

The story is silly, but what its really worth watching for is the extravaganza of practical special effects.
I you loved the imaginative dream kills in the Freddy franchise, this flick is right up your alley.

Bring a dark sense of humor, and a love of 80's effects, and you'll have a goddamned hoot with this movie.

Same as with "Sleepaway Camp", I can't believe it took me so long to have this movie in my life.
But, again, this Blu-ray came 2018!!
Yeah!! This fucking year!!
Once again, I waited both too long, and just enough.

VHS Massacre (2016)

See here and here.

So, this kind of completes a loose trilogy along with "Rewind This", and "Adjust Your Tracking".
Lloyd Kaufman is in all three.
He's the Stan Lee that links it all together.

"Rewind This", covered how the technology of VHS, and the business of VHS rental rose up, and then it sprinkled nostalgia for the actual films in there.

"Adjust Your Tracking", skimmed over the history lesson, and focused more on the fan memories, and nostalgia collectors, and nostalgia stores that have cropped up.

"VHS Massacre", gets more angry and political.
Because Troma put it out, Lloyd Kaufman could get more candid without getting edited down, and he knows specifically the laws the Republicans tore down in the 80's and 90's that destroyed fair competition, and lead directly to the death of mom-n-pop video stores in favor of fucking Blockbuster, and without mom-n-pop, indie film has suffered.

One of the guys in "Adjust Your Tracking", grumbles about Blockbuster, but they stop short of rolling up their sleeves, and really digging in to how evil they really were.
Guess they wanted the tone to be happy.
I can see that, but the truth is dark, and you need the truth.

Thankfully, "VHS Massacre", rounds out the triumvirate, so you get the whole story now.
This one didn't mind getting glum.
They even show the director's own favorite mom-n-pop shops getting closed down.
You see 'em morph from living organisms to empty husks.
Reminds me of my photo tours of the local mall.

The little glimmer of hope they leave at the end though, is that this mega-conglomerate, everything streaming, no physical media, every thing big studio, everything top 10 world is un-sustainable.

They can't meet the content demand without the indies, and you can't find the new talent without the new kids starting on the bottom rung, which is the indies.
And you can't get indie film out there without the equivalent of mom-n-pop shops, whether it's brick & mortar, or online.

And, little nostalgia/indie video companies are indeed cropping up now.

So....these are going to be interesting times to see how cinema evolves.

OH! And Joe Bob Briggs is in it too!!

It's a good one.
I recommend all three of these VHS docs.
If you were an 80's kid, you'll want these as history books for your kids.

Anyhoo, I'll retro-link this in the documentary compilation post.

Spectral Shenanigans (2018)

Collects the first 12 issues of the ongoing IDW comic.
Takes place after "Displaced Aggression", and before "Mass Hysteria".

This is where Ron Alexander, IDW-verse Kylie Griffin, and Melanie Ortiz get introduced.
And two of the three ghosts they fight as mini-bosses in "Crossing Over".

Haven't dug into it yet, but skimming through, it's a juicy tome.

Secret Wars (1984)

One of the big events in comic book history.
A cosmic entity called The Beyonder vaccuums up all the heroes, and all the villains, and puts them on an uninhabited alien planet to fight.

It's the origin of Spidey's black costume that later became Venom.
So...transitive property, yeah, it's the origin of Venom.
Even though he doesn't become sentient here.

Interestingly, this all came about as a way to launch a line of toys.
In the back of the book, there's an essay on the history of the toys complete with photos.
Nostalgia joy!!
I had a bunch of them!!

Anyhoo, I'd love it if they did a variation on this for Avengers 5 in the MCU.
What better way to drop in X-Men and Fantastic Four?

The Incredible Hulk:
Crossroads (1984)

So, coming right off of "Secret Wars", Hulk starts going crazy, and the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men all decide he's gotten too dangerous for the Earth, and Doctor Strange banishes him to the Dimensional Crossroads.
Which is exactly as it sounds.
A crossroads of portals to everywhere in the multiverse.
Dr. Strange puts a spell on him so that if he runs into a planet where he's too destructive, or a planet that can kill him, Hulk will be poofed back to the crossroads to try again, and again, and again, until he finds a world where he can live out his life happily.

Every planet he goes to ends up being a little Twilight Zone episode.

This is my favorite run on the Hulk ever.
Weird stories, beautiful art.
I have the individual issues, but they're getting pretty ratty and fragile, so I needed the upgrade to a fresh book.


How Star Wars Conquered The Universe

I haven't read this yet, but I've had it described to me on one of my podcasts.

Basically, every authorized thing on the making of Star Wars has been a tapestry of candyfloss and fairy dust from Lucasfilm.
But...we could always tell.
This one is unauthorized, and digs into the real story.
Not necessarily a dirty story, per se, just that Lucas didn't really plan out all 9 movies, he has his friends and ex-wife to thank for it as much as his own efforts, and he didn't fart it all into existence all by himself. Also, these films have been tinkered with multiple times long before "The Special Editions", came along.
A lot of the littler people behind Star Wars finally get to tell their stories in this.
They get ahold of everyone they possibly can.

They cover all 6 original and prequel movies in the order they were released, the ancillary stuff like the Ewok movies, and the Ewok and Droids cartoons, and the Holiday Special, the toys, the comics, the radio plays, every little detail.
I think it just stops short at the Disney deal being made.
So....episodes 7-9 will probably be volume 2.

Can't wait to dig into this.
This is the behind the scenes Star Wars story I always wanted.

And, the rest was candy and clothes.


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Monday, December 24, 2018

Big 2018 year end movie recap.

There they all are.
Took me a couple passes to get it just right, but I think I nailed it.


And now the list...

1. Avengers: Infinity War

I could flip a coin tomorrow, and like "Spider-Verse", better.
It's tough, but it edges it out by a smidge.
Can't fucking wait for Endgame.
It's 4 months away, can you fucking believe it?

2. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

See above.

3. Black Panther

I can only imagine being a black nerd, and now having both T'Challa and Miles Morales to look up to at the movies. It's an incredible time.

4. Bumblebee

Little did I know when I bought li'l ol' Cliffjumper in '85, the door that was being opened.

5. Aquaman

Comic geeks always knew he was cool.

6. Deadpool 2

*Crosses fingers*
C'mooon, post-Disney Deadpool 3!!

7. Ghostbusters: Crossing Over 

It's a testament to both how good these comics are, and how much of a Ghosthead I am that this ranks up so high.

8. Creed II

Heart's on fire!!
Strong desire!!
Ra-ges deeeep withiiiin!!

9. Ash vs Evil Dead (Season 3)

Ash went out on a good note.
We'll miss ya, buddy.
But we'll always have these movies and shows.
It  was a great run, and a fun ride.

10. Ant-Man & The Wasp

We all know he's the savior in Endgame.

11. Incredibles 2

If they ever make a part 3, I'll either be dead, or senile.

12. Venom

Fuck it, mash it all up with "Spider-Verse".
Put a symbiote on Spider-Ham, put Eddy Brock in the Peni Parker suit, go nuts.
The doors are flung wide open.
Go for it, Sony.

13. Ready Player One

The singularity point for a nice infinite game of "six degrees".

14. Solo: A Star Wars Story

Good job, backlashers, now there's no Obi-Wan prequel.

15. Elseworlds

Last year, DC-TV ate DCEU's lunch. Now, not as much.

16. The Girl In The Spider's Web

Said it all in the winter review.

17. Halloween


18. Ghostbusters: Answer The Call:What Dreams May Come

It's cute, but I didn't love it.
There's potential there though.
Could've/should've launched a regular series.
Doesn't look like we're getting one though.
IDW has other plans in the immediate pipeline.

19. Death House

Said it in the winter review.

An incredible goddamned year.
Having it all there just makes it even more clear.

That's that, 2018 is all done.

See you in January for Glass, and then in March for Captain Marvel.

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Big winter 2018 movies recap.

There they are, as usual, in order of goodness.


And now the list...

1. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

A big surprise. I knew it was going to be good, and maybe even something special, but I think it goes behind "Infinity War", by > < this much.
Some critics are even putting it above "Infinity War", as the best comic book movie all year.
I'm not angry at anyone who thinks that. It's a coin flip.

2. Bumblebee

Sixth time's the charm for this franchise.
About damned time.

3. Aquaman

DC's turning it around.
Pretty fucking sweet.

4. Ghostbusters: Crossing Over (Part 1, Part 2)

I wish we had gotten this and 101 as movies.
I still think crypto-fascists messed up ATC at the box-office.

5. Creed II

If you love Rocky 4, you finally get a followup.
If you hate Rocky 4, it gets redeemed.

6. Venom

More fun than it had any right being.
Sign me up for part 2.

7. Elseworlds

A 3 hour infomercial for next year's super-duper-crossover.
Still pretty sweet though.

8. The Girl In The Spider's Web

Upon reflection, least good of the four Lisbeths, but even weak Lisbeth is still pretty fucking cool.

9. Halloween

Not a fanboy for this franchise, but it's movie history, so I had to be there.
Even as a non-fanboy, I was plenty entertained.
If you're ga-ga for this franchise, you'll be a happy camper.

10. Death House

Yeah....this just wasn't so good.
Big drop-off between 9 and 10.
Glad I saw it to satisfy curiosity though.

Another great goddamned year.

I dunno why I only foresaw Venom & Aquaman for winter, it ended up being a lot.
I have to look ahead better.

See you next in 2019 with Glass, and Captain Marvel.
Up very next, all of 2018 in review.

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Big 2018 Movies Part 19.

After 32 fucking years, they finally did it.
Holy fucking shit, it's....

Bumblebee (2018)

Previously with Transformers...
Short version, I loved the shit out of it.
Even better than Aquaman.
Second best of the fall/winter movies right after "Spider-Verse".

But, before I really dig into it, I have to tell the story of my history of waiting for this fucking movie.

As soon as the toys and cartoon show came out, my imagination envisioned a live-action movie.
I could totally see it in my mind's eye.

Now, I didn't see why it couldn't just be done in stop-motion, like the AT-ATs in ESB.
Aaaand, it could've been...for a quadrillion dollars, and 5-6 years of post-production.

But, if Phil Tippett was too pricey, I would have settled for someone animating the toys like "Robot Chicken".
Clearly, Hollywood didn't think they'd make their money off that.

Then....I think...87 or so...they did new buffers for the animated show with a live-action kid, and  stop-motion Optimus Prime.
And I was like "Yes!! Like that!! Make a whole movie like that!!!".
I still didn't understand budgets.

'88 rolls around, and Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker", comes out, and in the final act of that flick, he turns into a Transformer in CGI.
And for 80's CGI, it was pretty fucking impressive.
And again, I was like "YES!! Like THAT!!! Make a whole movie like THAT!!!".

I genuinely thought a live-action Transformers was coming in a couple years, tops.

I still didn't understand budgets, or that it probably melted an 80's super-computer into a glowing bubbling puddle to do that little bit of MJ transforming.
And MJ, crazy bastard that he was, probably paid for it out of his pocket.
Studio execs were stingier with the lettuce.

19 whole fucking years later, Michael Bay does the first Transformers movie in '07.
I'm like "YES!!! FINALLY!!! WHY DID IT TAKE SO FUCKING LONG!?!?!?!?!?! HERE WE GO!!!!!!! LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!!". and its four sequels were a big beer scented dude-bro belch in my face.

I gave up.

11 more years later, they finally hosed off the bong resin and Redbull, and gave me the movie I wanted when I was 12.
And they set it in the year I was 12.
They knew who this movie was apologizing to.

So, here's the rundown.
  • Again, finally. Fucking finally.
  • Yep, this delivered the goods.
  • Holy shit "The Touch", is in the soundtrack!
  • Holy shit, the 80's-ness of all the pop songs!!
  • Holy shit, the Speilberg-ness of the score!!
  • Holy shit, 1987 is one year after Transformers the animated movie came out!!
  • Holy shit, the Cybertron scene at the beginning!!! 
  • Holy shit, Soundwave! (and he does the voice!!)
  • Holy shit, Ravage!!
  • Holy shit, Shockwave!!
  • Holy shit, Ratchet!!!
  • Holy shit, Arcee!!!
  • Holy shit, Optimus!!!
  • Holy shit, the Decepticon planes!!
  • Holy shit, a guy was reading a Go-Bots comic!! Haha!! Yeah!!
  • Holy shit, Cliffjumper!! My first Transformer!!!
  • Holy shit, I don't want to violently kill the human cast!! I...LIKE them!!
  • Holy shit, my smile muscles are cramping up!!!!
  • Only slightly weak link? John Cena. He doesn't ruin it though.
Now I just need a time machine to send this to my 12 year old self.

Hell yeah, I'm buying this on Blu-Ray.
Transformers '86 and this are all I'll acknowledge.

Until this gets sequels.
There'd BETTER be sequels!!

Wouldn't that just fucking be the way though?
The other 5 pieces of shit rake in billions, and they finally make a good one, and no one goes to fucking see it?

That would just be the fucking way.
This fucking country.
*Laughs, shakes head*

Well, here's hoping I'm wrong.
Bring on Bumblebee 2 & 3.

And if you loved Transformers as a kid, go fucking support this.
This is the movie we've all been waiting for.
Give it money so we get more.

And up next for these, the fall/winter movies in review, and then all of 2018 in review.

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