Sunday, September 12, 2021

Birthday loot 2021. (Part 3)

Got my funds recharged again.
I count it as birthday money until the wallet is empty.
If there's anything left from last time, it becomes a "ship of Theseus" type thing.

I got these on Tuesday the 7th, but I just last night finished everything.

Anyway, I said last time....

See you next time for Snyder Cut.
And maybe FTWD season 6.


Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)

Ugh, past-me was naïve, and wrong.
Adversaries over the years have accused me of loving everything, and never backing down from an incorrect positive review.
Nope, now that I have a basis for comparison, the Whedon Cut is dead to me.
The Whedon Cut actually offends me now.

Everything I liked about Whedon Cut was leftover pieces of Snyder Cut.
Whedon's additions were cynical pabulum.

Whedon Cut is what we pitifully had to settle for, Snyder Cut is legitimately up there with Avengers, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, Dark Knight, ones like that.

Snyder Cut should have been cut into 2 movies like Deathly Hallows, and Kill Bill, and put into theaters, and it would have made a couple billion.
Warners are cowards.
Okay, WERE cowards, the fact that this exists now is them making amends.
I want Snyder's Justice League 2 now.
Unless the "restore the Snyder-verse" hashtag pulls off their goal, we probably won't see that.
The DCEU is pretty much going to be be the Harley-Quinn-verse, and Black-Adam-verse for the next decade.
Which I got no beef with, I like Margot Robbie and Dwayne Johnson, but....y'know.

Aaaanyway, as you can probably tell, I loved the shit out of Snyder Cut.
I was skeptical of this getting made, and I was skeptical of it being good.
Nope, the fanboys won, and they won something incredible.
This really is a golden prize.
I humbly swallow my cynicism.

For future new arrivals to the DCEU, Snyder Cut is the only version of Justice League you should touch.
Whedon Cut never happened.
That was a bad dream.

SO!! Naturally, I had to binge the trilogy with Snyder cut in it to see how it all flowed together!!

Snyder-verse trilogy.

Now THAT'S the trilogy!

One of the all time great superhero trilogies, one of the all time great trilogies period.

The binge will take you all day, but it's worth it.

And I apologize again to Whedon Cut haters.
Again, the good parts were all Snyder, I didn't know.
I was blinded by demons, forgive me.

Fear The Walking Dead Season 6 (2020)

Same as last time, research purposes.
(Eyes dart mysteriously)

And, that's those!!
Next time, the last movie to fill in my lost 2020, Black Widow.
BUT...I'll probably lump that into Christmas.
Shit, I may have seen "Ghostbusters Afterlife" by then!
Well, stay tuned for that adventure!


B. D. said...

I watched the 2013 documentary "Milius" for free on Youtube, 1 hour 40 minutes long or so, and it's fairly interesting....he was a right wing warmongering gun toting whackaloon and EVERY one of his old liberal USC film student buddies says so (Oliver Stone, Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, Scorsese) and he actually did pull guns on executives...but he claims it was "Red Dawn" that ruined his career! I've seen this movie referenced so often that I wonder if I should see it.

He had a stroke and has trouble talking now and probably won't last much longer. They don't address him being the inspiration for Walter Sobchak until the end credits.

Good enough documentary.

Diacanu said...

Oh, you HAVE to see "Red Dawn" at least once in your life.

Like, its message is poisonous paranoia, but the execution is so fucking hilariously cartoonish, and so trying to make you cry and hug a flag, it's like an alien made it after thinking all humans are the RNC.

It's wild.
You have to see to appreciate.

B. D. said...

I guess I'll make it a point to see it then.

In other news, RIP Norm MacDonald, I guess? Some of his SNL stuff was funny but it was kind of all the same thing. I wonder if I would have liked him more had I been older in the 90s...he had that funny bit at the Bob Saget roast where he just told really limp jokes. Had no idea he was past 60 or suffering from cancer.

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