Friday, April 9, 2021

RIP Margaret Wander Bonanno (A.K.A. Garamet)

*Sad sigh*

She passed yesterday, April 8.
Well...her death was announced yesterday, I had trouble contacting her for the past couple weeks, so she was gone longer than that.
But April 8th is what her bio says now.

Funny thing, she mentioned to me once that she thought she'd only be remembered for "Strangers From The Sky", but all the bios are mentioning virtually all her stuff.

I was digging around for stuff, and found this final podcast she did.
She didn't even mention she had done it.
Check it out.

She encouraged me to publish the Harry books, and she's thanked in the opening of book 1.

She was the inspiration for one of the hilariously lamest acts of trolling in internet history.
Dude who went by the handle of Skrain Dukat kept saying threateningly for two weeks leading up "get ready for your surprise".
Then he finally drops his surprise, and it's a series of still photos of him trying to burn "Catalyst Of Sorrows" on his grill, and it won't burn, like just a corner of it burns, then he puts it on his deck, and stomps it out.
With a workboot-y moccasin-y kind of shoe that everyone called "a lesbian shoe".
So then from then on, Skrain became known as "lesbian shoes" and that troll totally backfired on his ass. 
Oh, and to make it even funnier, Skrain had to buy the book twice for that stunt.
He sold it to a used bookstore, tried to buy it back from them, but it got sold, so he had to buy a second fresh copy.
So on top of making a knucklehead of himself, Margaret got his money twice.
Oh! And it was supposed to be a book burning of all her stuff, but he could only get ahold of Catalyst, cuz everyone wanted her stuff.
Everyone was like "Oh! Oh!! Burn my stuff!! Buy it on Kindle, and put each one on separate Kindles!! 🤣".
It became board legend.
Good times, good times.

She was a holy terror to all trolls.
I remember so-called tough guys going to the mods asking for her to be banned or blocked so they could be protected from her.
You goddamned know THAT gave me mockery fuel. 
"Can't take a little hippie lady? You wuss!" 😈

She fought like cats & dogs with Tamar Garish.
(Redhead catfight!! 😉 )

And in a lot of ways, she was kind of my unpaid shrink.
Sorry about that. 😓

She leaves a legacy of great books, lots of laughs, and lots of friends.
You will be missed.


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