Friday, September 10, 2021

Star Trek Day 2021 afterthoughts.

Okay, I've had a couple days to de-compress, so here's my thoughts, and some news nuggets I forgot.

I video-captured and assembled the images of the new SNW characters.

Left to right, top to bottom, Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel, M'Benga, Hemmer, La'an, and Ortegas.

How wild is it that both of Majel Barrett's TOS characters (Number One and Chapel) will be interacting on SNW?
I forgot to even mention that last time.

Okay, they didn't give an SNW release date, but I think I can zero in on it.

Prodigy drops October, Disco drops November, Picard drops February, that gives December-January for SNW. 
They don't wanna pick a month, cuz obviously they don't have every little pixel on the effects done yet. BUT, it has to be in that gap somewhere, thus making SNW series 10, and Prodigy 9.
So, even though they didn't give me the hard data I wanted, I think that little riddle is solved.

Okay, now reaction to that Picard trailer.
Or more exactly, conjecture based on what we're given.

Watch it again so you can keep up with me.

All right, so Q does something to the timeline so the La Sirena crew ends up in a fascist timeline.
In that timeline, Seven doesn't have her implants, so she's Annika instead of Seven.
Now, they clearly retain their original life memories, because they know the change has happened, but I suspect this is just a Q spell to facilitate their problem solving, much like Picard being able to keep memories between time jumps in "All Good Things...".

Then they hijack Borg Queen, then they come back in time to right now.

So here's what I think has happened.

For whatever reason, Picard voices some regret over being turned into Locutus, and wishes it had never happened.
He assumes he's saying this privately to himself.
Q shows up, and like a genie where you have to be careful what you say, he poofs that event away.
Specifically, he poofs "Q Who?" away.
Because Q was directly responsible for that event.

Now, if you get rid of "Q Who?" then "The Best Of Both Worlds" never happens.

And if TBOBW never happens, "First Contact" never happens.
Or specifically, all the Borg-y time travel-y bits.

And if those bits are gone, ENT's "Regeneration" never happens.

And if that's gone, the Hansens don't have enough Borg lore to go hunting for them, and Annika never becomes Seven.

Hence her implants being gone in the fascist timeline.

NOW! Here's where it gets wild.
If Wolf 349 never happens, Sisko's wife never dies, and his heroic war actions don't get him the DS9 assignment, and he never goes back in time in "Trials And Tribbleations" to save Kirk from a  time traveling Klingon agent.

Kirk dies.
Prematurely in TOS times, anyway.

Without Kirk, the evil plot of the bad Admirals in "Undiscovered Country" goes off without a hitch, and Starfleet becomes more militarized, crushes the Klingon Empire, and thus we get the fascist Starfleet of the altered Q timeline.

And, apparently, Fascist-Starfleet was able to whup the Borg, probably with some alien tech they took by force, because they have Borg Queen locked up like Hannibal Lecter.

Now, remember, in "First Contact" the Enterprise-E was able to re-create the Borg time vortex to get back home with their warp engines just by having the scans of the vortex from inside and out when they went in it the first time.
So turning a warp engine into a time-door-maker is as easy as the right programming.
BUT "First Contact" didn't happen in the fascist timeline, so they don't have that programming on hand anymore.
But there's one place where it would reside.

In Borg Queen's brain.

Hence why they have her on La Sirena, and how/why she's the magic time machine.

But they can't exactly go back to restore "Q Who?" cuz the events leading up to it are all gone.
And they can't go back to "First Contact" cuz it's gone.
So, they have to go back as far as possible before things diverge, and that's right now.

Why not just go back to "trouble with tribbles" to save Kirk?'s not a perfect theory, there's some pieces missing, cuz the trailer doesn't give me everything.

But from just the trailer, I think I did a good job.
We'll see how close I get.

For a news tidbit I lost in the mad shuffle to get all the rest posted!

Alex Kurtzman told Wil Wheaton they're still developing Starfleet Academy.
But he said "we're taking our sweet time" because they've already got 5 shows going, and they don't want to rush it out and screw it up.

They didn't mention Section 31, but we already know that's coming, and that they want to wait until one of the other shows gets over.
Discovery is the closest to that, and if it completes 5 years (because they laid it out as the time span of the whole arc from the get), that won't be 'til 2023.
If that pattern holds for Starfleet Academy, they'll wait for Picard to get over, so think 2025.

So Section 31 and Starfleet Academy are the next 2 shows, but don't tap your foot waiting, it'll be awhile.

That's all my thoughts.
Prodigy trailer and poster just made me happy, and Discovery gave me nothing at all to work with.

I'll retro-link this to the 55th anniversary post now.

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