It's been just about 2 years since last time, time to update these.
Stuff that had to go.....
Turned into "Collider Live", then one of the two main shmoes left, he was the funnier of the two, its been boring and sad without him.
Screen Junkies News.
All the good people left.
I don't do the spoiler review binge thing after every movie anymore.
I take in spoiler reviews as I feel like, from whomever I'm in the mood for.
The compulsive ritual thing had to go.
Popcorn Talk.
Ditto Screen Junkies News.
Comic Book Girl 19.
Just got to be a drag.
She cancelled her show with characters and skits and stuff that was more chirpy and upbeat, and switched over to this lazy gloomy video podcast in a microphone booth. She doesn't fucking like anything anymore, and her sidekicks are tedious chumps who I would never choose to watch if they weren't riding her coattails, and she's getting more and more into selling medical quackery.
Like, not as bad as Gwyneth Paltrow, but...I just can't be having that.
Channel Awesome.
See here.
Tamara Lynn Chambers.
Ditto Channel Awesome.
Plus, she's always quitting, and un-quitting, and re-quitting, and un-quitting her channel, and she just quit "Tamara's Never Seen", on Channel Awesome, so...she doesn't even really have anything for me to quit anymore, really.
She did it for me, hitting the button was just a formality.
Stone Gremlin Productions.
Double ditto Channel Awesome.
They shut down cuz the corporation that ran them folded.
The people involved brought it back as "The Try Channel".
The Quran Reloaded.
Got bored with everything Hugo & Jake for awhile for some reason.
Got rid of all of it.
A friend linked to them cuz they were tearing apart Jordon Peterson.
I re-subscribed to their main channel.
Its changed from "The Bible Reloaded", to just "Hugo and Jake".
Didn't re-subscribe to any of their other channels.
Dunno why.
Stuff that stuck around...
Saturday Night Live.
Again, mostly for the opening political skits.
Last Week Tonight.
Again, does good rant.
Collider Videos.
Although, I'm on the verge of deleting it.
John Campea left, John Schnepp died, Mark Ellis left, Robert Myer Burnett left, they've cut all the shows in half to under half an hour, so they can't get in depth on anything, there's only four people on there I really like, the new people are boring, it's a similar situation to Screen Junkie News.
The only thing I hold on for anymore, is I have a bit of a boner crush for Perri Nemiroff.
John Campea.
Also on the verge of deleting it.
I said it in the old review, Collider isn't the same without him, and he's not the same without them, but now its become more of a problem.
His rants are more pedantic, he's grumpier, he likes less shit, but the worst of it, is he's taken to framing everything in a negative blown out of proportion way as click-bait.
I fucking hate click-bait.
Stop manipulating me, and just give me news.
I'm not 7 years old being sold sugar cereal, and He-Man figures.
But...sometimes he scoops something, or has a hot take I haven't considered, and I've stuck with him for over 5 years now, so it's a familiarity/habit thing.
Screen Junkies.
Just for the Honest Trailers.
Everything else is ass-gravy.
Ghostbusters News.
Still time tested and reliable.
The host is still a humble and lovable shlub.
Yep, I'm sticking with him.
How It Should Have Ended.
Still a faithful tradition along with the Honest Trailers.
Every movie worth a damn gets one.
Best thing is still "what's the difference?".
I like 'em as people.
I click their stuff less and less, but when they've got something good, it's really good.
Jenny Nicholson.
Her posts are really infrequent, and she hates almost goddamned everything.
But, when we're in sync, and she's on her game, she's brilliant.
Kevin Smith.
Still good for keeping around.
His dedication to Stan Lee will make you bawl.
Andre "Black Nerd".
When he's really in the zone, he's hilarious.
His recent reaction to the "Cats", trailer is gold.
Mr. Sunday Movies.
I'm 50-50 on their review stuff, but their Easter egg videos are always helpful.
Katie O'Shaughnessy.
Still adorable.
Wish I could have her narrate my life.
The channel was dead for a long time, then all of a sudden, he's cranking out...TOO MUCH!
Jeez, let me catch up, fella!
What they manage to put out is good stuff, but it costs a pretty penny, and they're having a hard time.
Succumbs to the problem of everything that starts out with cartoons.
They all of a sudden think you want to see human on-air talent, and do everything they can to shove them in your face.
I just want the cartoons.
Your humans stink.
The Try Channel.
See Facts.
Hugo and Jake.
Formerly "The Bible Reloaded".
See "The Quran Reloaded".
Another good-old-reliable.
Although, I haven't been clicking his new stuff in awhile.
Dunno why.
He's been getting angrier and preachier lately.
Although, I can't really blame him.
Not only is fundamentalist religion been getting a stronger foothold thanks to Trump, the atheist movement got smashed to smithereens over fake-feminism that was engineered by Nazis and Russian hackers/trolls, so things are actually bleaker than when Richard Dawkins kicked the door open.
Pretty depressing when post-9/11 was "the good old days".
More to say on this later. See "Cult Of Dusty", below.
Noah Lugeons.
The Youtube atheist space has been infested with Nazis and Incels, but the audio podcast space has kept pretty sane.
The price of admission for audio podcasting tends to keep the riff-raff out, while Youtube being free attracts the flies to the shit-pile.
Anyway, this is just the Youtube re-posting of the audio channel, but sometimes, rarely, they have video content.
Cognitive Dissonance.
They have video content more often than Noah Lugeons.
They do election night coverage.
What I'll do, is I put it on the news and mute it for the video, and have them on for the audio, so it's like they're in the room commenting on the TV as I watch.
I wish they did the Superbowl.
What's been added....
A trans-woman former philosophy professor who dismantles the arguments of the Nazis and Incels on Youtube.
She's awesome.
Cult Of Dusty.
Back after a long absence.
He fell for the anti-SJW bullshit of the alt-right crypto-fascists, and was buddy-buddy with all the other anti-SJW atheist channels, then he fell for Trump, but then he figured out Trump was full of shit in the nick of time in 2016, and figured out the anti-SJW movement were cypto-fascist alt-right swine, BUT, then he fell for the anti-BlackLivesMatter bullshit, but then he finally figured out that was bullshit too, and he's back to full sanity, and does a podcast that's like Drunken Peasants used to be like before they turned full alt-right fascist.
Dusty, Contrapoints, Hugo & Jake, DarkMatter, and Creationist Cat are about the only ones left on Youtube atheism (unique to Youtube, not re-posted audio podcasts like Noah and Cog-Dis) that aren't horrible now.
The rest either flat out turned alt-right, or suck up to the alt-right for clicks and Patreon donations.
Fucking depressing.
LM Reactions.
Two cute Serbian girls reacting to shows.
It just makes me happy.
I can't explain it.
Married2the Real.
A chubby black couple reacting to shows.
Depending on the show, and the reaction, they can be hilarious.
Also, the wife does recipes that would give me a coronary.
I can watch it as food porn though.
Nikki & Steven react.
A ju-jitsu guy and his sexy little elf of a wife react to shows.
The wife is a big old sloppy crier.
Especially when animals and children get hurt.
Game Of Thrones took a toll on her.
They've got the best personalities of the all the reactors.
I've tried a lot.
Tell It Animated.
They take a franchise with a million sequels, and condense it down by animating how the protagonist evolved/morphed over time.
Like Freddy, or Jason, or Chucky, or Batman.
Their Godzilla one is invaluable.
No sane human can chew through all those sequels and reboots without damage, so they did it for you in under 8 minutes.
The Cine-Files.
A lot like The Projection Booth, but with John Rocha from Collider (one of the 4 on there I can still stand).
In-depth on one movie for 2 to 3 hours.
Audio podcasts.
Stuff that had to go.....
Yes Have Some.
They got to be a drag.
They got bored with talking Ghostbusters, which is what I signed on for, so they started talking about other movies I either don't care about, or slamming on movies I like.
The final straw though, was they turned on "Ghostbusters: Answer The Call", and started trashing it, which I could grit my teeth and tolerate, but then they took it up the next notch, and threw Paul Feig under the bus, and started trashing him.
Muthafuckas, sucking up to Paul Feig, and going to the GB:ATC premiere is why your podcast fucking EXISTS!!!
Even still, I still tried to hang on, cuz I liked that main couple who are supposed to be the stars, especially the wife, but their third-wheel friend dominated more and more, and he's a whiny bitch that doesn't like anything, but they seem to think he's funny, so they let him steamroll the show.
Nah, it got old.
Enough of that.
Maybe I'll come back around if they have good stuff to say about GB2020, and are fun and chirpy like they used to be.
For now? Pass.
Dumb People Town.
Got it cuz the guys from "The Dollup", plugged it.
A hit-or-miss ramble fest.
The misses outweighed the hits for me.
I checked out.
Angry Black Rant.
A friend of mine told me he was part of the pervert pile, but I tore apart the whole internet, and waited for something to be said on the other atheist podcasts, and couldn't find any proof backing it.
But, he did less and less episodes anyway due to sickness, and like Dumb People Town, when he did it was a ramble fest, so I bailed.
He's way better as a guest, but the atheist shows stopped having him as a guest, so maybe there's something to the allegations.
I dunno.
Stuff that stuck around...
The Projection Booth.
Still the best and most thorough movie podcast you can find.
Faculty Of Horror.
I wish they came out more often, but they seem to only do one monthly if that.
I love them even more now that I've snapped out of my anti-SJW phase, and it turned out virtually everything the SJWs were saying was right, and there was a big rape conspiracy, and we ended up with a sex-offender president.
So, their analysis of films and culture turns out to be pretty goddamned spot-on.
The Ghostbusters Interdimensional Crossrip.
The original and best Ghostbusters podcast.
You wouldn't think there'd be anything to talk about, but even when there's a dry spell between movies, there's still merchandise, and comic books, and something going on with one of the cast members, or a new book like "Ghostbuster's Daughter", will come out, so...there's always something in the Ghostbusers world for them to shoot the shit about.
And they're good at it.
The Dollup.
If school taught the real history of this country, you'd never want to salute the flag ever again, and if you did, you'd puke.
Listening to enough Dollup shows, this country has just been an endless parade of con-artists, swindlers, pseudo-science quacks, cult leaders, bigots, despots, aspiring despots, and outright murderers elevated to heroes by dumb sheep.
Once in a great while, they tell a good-guy story.
We don't have many of those, though.
Cognitive Dissonance.
Tied with "Scathing Atheist", for best atheist podcast, IMHO.
Puzzle In A Thunderstorm.
Scathing Atheist/
God Awful Movies/
The Skepticrat/
Citation Needed.
Probably the best batch of shows I listen to, period.
If I had to for some reason, I could pretty easily lawnmower everything down to just cog-dis, and these, and I'd survive just fine.
Hell, I could live off just their backlog.
What's been added....
The How-To Heretic.
They guested on "Scathing Atheist", and "God Awful Movies", and I liked them there, and they're just as good on their own show.
They're ex-Mormons turned atheist, and they do a deep dive on the crazy scumbags who founded all the religions, the psychology of religious indoctrination, and resources to extricate yourself from it, and how to build a life once you're out.
Plus they goof on crazy religious shit happening in the news like "Scathing Atheist", and "Cognitive Dissonance", but it's not their main feature.
Thank God I'm Atheist.
One of the guys from "How-To Heretic", and another guy, and this one is all news headline stuff, but filtered specifically through their ex-Mormon pro-LGBT prism.
Factually! With Adam Conover.
The host of "Adam Ruins Everything", but he gets to take a deeper dive on a topic with a guest expert, and he gets to swear, and un-filter his opinions.
The Three Questions With Andy Richter.
Yep, THAT Andy Richter.
The co-host of Conan O'Brien.
Like the Adam Connover one, he gets to cuss, and be more candid, but where Adam Connover is about science, history, and politics, Andy talks with fellow comedians and comedy writers, and just shoots the shit.
The structure is guided by the three questions conceit.
The questions being "Where do you come from? Where are you going? What have you learned?".
And, that's all that up to date.
We'll see what stays and goes next year.
As stated, I already see some cuts I could make.
And who knows what new shows will crop up?
New posters for The Assessment, Opus
10 hours ago
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