And the other backlog post for today...
Shrug this!
April 13, 2019
I think it's long past time for the tech industry to pull a reverse "Atlas Shrugged", on science deniers. Shut them out of Twitter and Facebook, lock up their Google and Yahoo mail, deny their gas cards, shut off their electrical meters, block their debit cards at the grocery stores.
Cripple 'em.
Evil people have boring desires.
May 8, 2017
A thing I notice about all the evil going on in the world, is it's for money, and you look at the shit the criminals buy with their money,'s all so boring and predictable.
What unimaginative fucks these people are.
They're plenty imaginative in their crimes, but then when it comes to the "rolling in the loot and booty", phase of the plan....boredom.
Big houses, yachts, food gluttony, sex with brain damaged retards sealed up in plastic bodies.
Just gawdy, tacky, ugly, gluttonous crap.
I can go down to the grocery store right now, fill a cart with bakery goods, and give myself diabetes. It's not an accomplishment.
I can drive out to Nevada, and buy some hoo-ers.
And the cheap is as good as the rich.
The food all turns to shit, and the cheap pussy makes you cum as hard as the expensive pussy.
I just don't get it.
All that effort and hurting people for shit that's artificially marked up to impress other criminals. Maybe I just don't have the right brain wiring for capitalism.
Many people have called it my "lack of ambition".
I'll have PLENTY of ambition if you present me with something interesting to chase after.
The world just keeps using crappy bait.
The mentality of conspicuous consumption eludes me.
It's an alien fucking planet.
And the update...
May 8, 2019
Capitalism is for predators and dupes.
Neither one of those types has an imagination.
If you're neither of those, you're not gonna enjoy the ride.
Bigotry, and the rich.
May 21, 2017
I never bought into bigotry and xenophobia, because I never fell for the trick of being told to hate other poor people.
That never clicked for me.
Even when I was so young I had a single syllable vocabulary, it was just so glaringly obvious to me that the rich were where all the trouble was coming from.
I reasoned even then "if the rich are good, then why don't they just give everyone money, and make poor go away?".
If a child could figure it out, why can't adults?
I'm used to America swallowing this shit, but it's quite depressing to see the UK fall for it.
A little bit of fear, and their intellect blew away like sand in a wind tunnel.
It almost makes me lose hope sometimes.
But then I look at history, and the greedy are vain and stupid, and don't learn, and all fail the same exact way.
This is what they are.
June 9, 2019
You know how you should know once and for all there's nothing to conservatism?
There's no one stepping up in the face of Trumpism going "no, here's the GOOD version of conservatism!".
Not a goddamned one.
Oh, some are a little less homophobic, or class-ist, or racist, or a little less zealous in their anti-abortion fever, or less gun-nutty, but you can't have their shit with NONE of it.
And you definitely can't have their shit without the greed.
And you definitely can't have their shit without thinking it right and proper that the rich devour anything they can get their mitts on.
You're never gonna hear that voice, cuz it ain't out there.
They're not even smart enough to lie.
This is it.
This is what they are.
They always denied it, but there was never proof.
They kept acting like it was just seconds away, but it never showed up.
Stop waiting for it.
It ain't there.
Your "good conservative friend", will sit right there, and let Roe v Wade burn down.
Just like they sat right there for Citizen's United.
Just like they sat right there for Iraq.
Just like they sat right there for the airline unions getting smashed by Reagan.
Just like they sat right there for every step along the way of our public schools getting gutted.
You don't have "a good conservative friend".
You don't.
Sorry to break it to you.
I feel for ya, I've been there.
Well, at least we've got The Lincoln Project.
Better late than never.
I mean, they're anti-Trump, but don't give them money.
Not if you want to sleep peacefully.
We did homework on this, people!
June 23, 2016
You know, I'm baffled that my atheist friends are baffled by Brexit and Trump.
All the damned books we've read about evolution, and the brain, and how humans are glitch prone meat robots, it explains every scrap of this shit.
Did you take amnesia pills?
Conservatism, the philosophy of despair.
June 24, 2019
Jesus Fuckballs, the level of cynical despair it must fucking take to be a fucking Republican.
You pretty much have to believe that there's absolutely no hope for the human species at all, so that you can believe that none of the harm you do to the world matters, just so long as you get yours.
I mean, I'm not so sure I have hope for the survival of humanity, and I can't even get to their level of selfishness and evil.
It's looking more and more like global warming (I refuse to say "climate change", the right-wing made it up) is going to get us, and we're fucked.
All of us.
And there's a non-zero chance Trump could get a nuke lobbed at us.
And even knowing those unpleasant little nuggets, I can't and won't turn to the dark side.
Fuck, I can't even turn into a proper capitalist.
The thought of starting my own business makes me want to puke.
Even knowing it could save my ass.
Nope, can't.
I just keep seeing becoming Trump as a possibility, or Alex Jones, and I run shrieking in horror.
Rich corpse, poor corpse.
July 5, 2017
When you have a poor person on the coroner's slab, and they're cut all up, you know what you find? Blood, meat, a stomach full of puke, and intestines full of shit.
You know what you find when you cut up a rich person?
Same thing.
Same exact thing.
A glowing energy ball doesn't levitate out, and the coroner doesn't go "ohhhh, there it is!! There's what made you special!!".
Hierarchical societies, particularly unjust ones, hinge on that glow-ball being there, and yet no one's found it.
You'd think that would bother people.
It doesn't seem to.
Dirty cops get let off for murdering 12 year old boys, and rapists get let off because they could swim well.
The judges in these cases seem to do so on the assumption that these cops and swimmers are the precious jewels of society, and that they themselves are precious jewels of society.
But when they're all put on the slab, blood, puke, shit.
That should bother people more than it does.
And the update..
July 5, 2020
I think people are finally getting bothered enough.
Pride monsters.
July 22, 2014
I'm a hard guy to be friends with for most people.
What that majority refuses to understand, is I'm devoted to logic, reason, and consistency, above everything, and to the fucking DEATH.
To the fucking DEATH.
You can tie me to a chair and start ripping parts off, and I won't swear allegiance to bullshit to save my own life.
I won't do it to save YOUR life.
And I'm not blindly loyal, if a friend is being illogical, I'll smack them around as hard as if they were Deepak Chopra.
When it happens, they just can't believe it.
They just can't fucking believe it.
They see it as either personal betrayal, or that I should have mindlessly stayed on Team Democrat, or Team Whatever.
Now, you fine folks on my feed haven't had to run afoul of this side of me, because you're a smart bunch.
But, its raised a lot of hell in other quarters, and in earlier eras of my life.
Thought I'd clarify this.
I thought my actions over the years would have made this clear, but I guess it needs saying.
And the update...
July 22, 2017
Well, past me, I just gotta say, pick your battles.
Some people are driven by vanity, they're beyond the reach of reason, and you have to treat them like you would a pet.
And that's if you even keep 'em around.
Sometimes they trick you.
Sometimes they look like "oh, they're smart, they're ticking along at my level, they'll get it!".
Nope, then you find out, it's vanity to the death for them like it's logic to the death for you.
They're like Spider-Man villains that way.
A little bit of butt-hurt to the pride, they'll hunt you like a dog in a fox hunt.
You see that pride pop out, cut your losses.
Fuck 'em.
Nip that shit in the bud.
Life's too short.
Fucking Americans are ENCOURAGED to be pride monsters.
It's like the national personality.
Well, I hate it then.
Fuck America.
Bunch of plague spreading simpletons.
July 23 2014
The names in my spam basket are so fucking fake.
I keep expecting Arweega P. McBinklefinky any day now.
Collider Dead.
July 23, 2018
Phew, damn, that hurt.
First episode of Collider Heroes since Jon Schnepp died.
When Amy Dallen comes on, it'll toss your heart into an egg beater.
Tissues time.
And the update...
July 23, 2020
And now there's no Collider Heroes.
Marc Fernandez poofed all the shows away like Thanos.
Sorry, John Schnepp!
You wanted to leave a legacy?
Not on Youtube, you don't!
And, that's those done for today!
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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