Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Prepping for the 55th anniversary of Trek (Part 2).

Looking back on all the decade and half-decade anniversaries....

-5th anniversary, 1971. When the 5th season would have ended. 
"Spock Must Die!" the first original TOS novel had been released. 
TAS was 2 years away.
-10th anniversary, 1976. TAS had come out, TMP was 3 years away.
For books "Spock, Messiah!".
-15th anniversary, 1981. TMP had come out, TWOK was 1 year away.
For books "The Entropy Effect".
-20th anniversary, 1986. TWOK, TSF, and TVH had come out, TNG was 1 year away.
For books "Enterprise: The First Adventure" and the re-issue of "The Star Trek Compendium".
-25th anniversary, 1991. TUC, and TNG's "Unification".
For books "ST:TNG Technical Manual". For games "Star trek: 25th Anniversary" PC-CD-ROM game.
-30th anniversary, 1996. FC, DS9's "Trial And Tribbleations" and VOY's "Flashback". 
-35th anniversary, 2001. VOY ended, ENT started.
For books "The Eugenics Wars".
-40th anniversary, 2006. Nothing for video content. ST09 was 3 years away.
For books, "Mere Anarchy" to which Margaret contributed a story. 
(Shit, I need to buy that).
-45th anniversary, 2011. ST09 had come out, STID was 2 years away.
Books...were a mess.
-50th anniversary, 2016. STB. DISCO was 1 year away.
For books, Legacy trilogy.
-55th anniversary 2021. This will be the biggest since 1996 I think. We've got WAY more content than we even did then, and that was considered the golden age.

25th and 30th were the only times they really pulled it all together for really good celebrations.
Let's see what they do this year.

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