Friday, July 10, 2020

The movie summer that would have been. (Part 4)

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2020)

Previously with this movie...

Delayed by the plague!

I probably would have loved the shit out of it, and seen it three times like "Answer The Call".

I probably would have had a spoiler section to dissect how well my theories (here and here) measured up.

Would I have liked it better than ATC?

Would I have thrown ATC overboard in favor of it?
No, that's never gonna happen.
I love that cast too much.
Especially Kate McKinnon.

Probably would have praise for the new cast in order of goodness.
McKenna Grace has to pretty much carry the movie, so I hope she brings the goods.
I'm betting she will.

Probably would have gushed over the new gadgets and ghosts in order of goodness.

And, this would have been the end of my movie summer.
This is what my whole fucking year was building up to.

That's all wiped out.

Well...I notice, without movies to distract me, I'm getting more writing done.
Maybe this is a good thing in disguise.

Anyway, that's the end of this morbid series.

Oh, and today is also the 12th anniversary of HH:DD.

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