Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Coronapocalypse, Part 4.


I TRIED to get this post done yesterday, but tropical storm Isaias didn't feel like cooperating.

So here we go....

Trying to discern corona during allergy season.

June 28, 2020

I got a bit wheezy last night. 
Naturally, that put me on edge. 
I woke up today okay though. 
It was just the shitty air quality. 
Ozone & pollen. 
Lovely Maine summers. 
Still shitty today too. 
Feels like breathing through humidified chicken soup.

Eyeing August...

July 2, 2020

I'm torn. 
I've got shows I'm looking forward to in August, BUT that's also when the economy finishes collapsing, and the cannibalism sets in (according to experts).

Bigger dive than the Great Depression.
But hey! Lower Decks tomorrow!


July 7, 2017

I don't know what was in the air or water today, but a whole swarm of flat-top to shaved head, little 5ft 5 guys with cargo shorts, a Jersey Shore shoulders back strut, and an "I dare you to hit me!", look on their faces were out and about. 
I fantasized stomping on them, and them making a "woop, woop, woop!", noise like when you squash Goombas in Super Mario Brothers. 
I didn't do it though. 
Even though the world would have probably been a better place in the long run, there are usually financial and legal repercussions for such things.

And the update...

July 7, 2020

What are male Karens? 
Cuz that's what these guys were.

Negative thought of the day 1.

July 7, 2010

Negative thought of the day-
The planet's finished, your grandchildren have no future.
Have a nice day. 🙂

And the update...

July 7, 2020


Negative thought of the day 2.

July 10, 2010

Negative thoughts of the day.
Yes, that mole is cancer.
Yes, that cough is mesothemiola.
Yes, Apophis is coming.

And the update...

July 10, 2020

And your loss of taste is corona.

Corona nightmare.

July 8, 2020

Finally had my first corona related nightmare. 
I was trapped at a birthday party of strangers, and no one had masks, and I didn't have mine, and everyone acted like everything was normal, and I was having to avoid everyone. 
It was like dodging zombies, you'd avoid one motherfucker, and another one would be right behind you breathing down your neck. 
Finally, I gave up, and and could just feel the death happening inside me. 
It was a relief to wake up.

MAGA zombies.

July 10, 2014

I'm atheist, because there's no proof of religion's claims. 
I'm anti-religion, because I have a moral compass. 
How can you be against scams, and not go after the phony timeshare scam of Heaven? 
How can you be against cult brainwashing, and not be against the fear mongering that Hell represents?  
How can you be against child abuse, and not be against the Roman Catholic Church? 
How can you be against the abuse of women, and look the other way on large swaths of middle eastern Muslims? 
What are you on this Earth for, if you pretend to be a good person, but give religious wickedness a pass? 
It's the elephant in the fucking room. 
How do you do it? 
How do you live? 
Me, I can't stand it. 
I can't let it go. 
I take heat, I burn bridges, but I can't let it alone, or I'll go crazy.

And the update...

July 10, 2018

Most people are piggy squealing little cowards that go with the flow of society no matter how horrible and hypocritical it is. 
MAGA-zombies rationalizing the child concentration camps was the last straw for me.

Cops probably killed me.

July 17, 2015

I'd just like it down in writing somewhere that I'll never, ever, ever, EVER kill myself, so if I turn up dead, the cops killed me, and don't buy their bullshit.

And the update...

July 17, 2020

This probably needs a booster shot.

Anakin and van-fascists.

July 20, 2020

One of the gripes about the Star Wars prequels is that Anakin's turn to the dark side seemed too fast. 
Well, the Clone Wars only lasted three years, and we've had three years of Trump. 
How many neighbors and family members do you have cheering on the fascist van kidnappings? 
It ain't zero, is it? 
There you go, George Lucas is a genius after all.

Soft boomers whining about millenials.

July 25, 2020

Millennials are willing to put their bodies at risk at demonstrations, and all the Karens and Kevins too soft and fragile to put on a mask, or too lazy to fill out an online census form that a 4th grader could do in 20 minutes, are majority boomer.  
I don't ever wanna hear a boomer whine about millennials for my remaining 40 years on this planet. 
You fucking blew it. 
Shut the fuck up. 
Matter of fact, I think I have legal permission to slap you hard enough to make a whip crack noise next time I hear it.

Portland & Putin.

July 29, 2020

Say, did you notice how fast the story of Putin paying Afghans to kill American soldiers fell into the amnesia hole once troops started marching into Portland? 
We need to learn to multi-task, folks.

It's done!!!
I can get back to my other projects again!!!

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