The Krazyfool Show 2
Krazyfool 2020
Goodbye, hello, goodbye, Krazyfool.
Harry Hembock at 99 years old finally died.
Harry's junk was auctioned off.
The grandson of Phineas P. Phallow, AKA Krazyfool, snagged Harry's teleport.
After repeatedly pawing over Harry's terribly written notes, and going over every circuit with an electrical tester, Phineas III finally sorted out the workings of the teleport, and go it running.
A week later, he got its time-travel capability to boot up.
Phineas III from 2079 materialied 10 years in the past, and gave himself in the past the remote to the working version of the teleport, and downloaded the knowledge of how to run it into his brain with a neural tag from the compartment in the remote.
Phineas III from 2069 teleported off, and Phineas III from 2079 vanished.
Phineas III materialized next to his grandfather, Phineas P. Phallow I.
He downloaded how to work the remote into his brain, and his grandfather took off, immediately endowed with the idea of what to do next.
Phineas I materialized next to his past self just after the recording of the infamous historical episode of "The Krazyfool Show".
He downloaded the knowledge of the teleport into his past self.
Krazyfool took the remote, and beamed his future self back to 2020.
Then, he beamed himself onto the set of his show a day into the future.
Then, he beamed yesterday's audience back into the bleachers.
Then, the camera men, control room workers, sketch performers, etc, etc.
Then, he erased their memories of yesterday.
He had it all over to do.
"Let's do a show, folks!", he shouted, while clapping and rubbing his hands.
And so it began.
(A sperm enters an egg, cells divide.
Time lapse of a fetus developing.
Cut to Krazyfool fully grown, clothing and all curled up in a fetal position in a set
made to look all fleshy.)
(A little person dressed up as a Cupid is lowered down next to Krazyfool on a rope.
The LP/alien has the added feature of fake looking wire antennae with green glitter covered alien heads at the ends sticking out of a headband on his head. This is a blatant reversal of the alien from last episode)
Cupid- Time for the show Krazy! Waaake uuup Kraaazy. Waaaake up!
Krazyfool- *Opens eyes* Yaaawwn! Um num num. Not today Cupid, there's only heartbreak and disappointment out there.
Cupid- Tough shit you weird faced bastid!
*Pulls an arrow out of his quiver, and shoots Harry's umbilical chord, Harry drops like a sack of sand*
(Krazyfool is set against bluescreen footage of an endoscopic gynecological probe.
It makes it look like Krazyfool is falling through the vaginal tract like sliding down a chute.)
Krazyfool- WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Cupid- Whheeeeee?
(Opening credits animation with clips of various past episodes.)
Announcer- It's the hallelujah, holy shit, biff bam boom, anything goes KRAAAAAZYFOOOOL SHOOOOOWW!!!!
With tonight's special guests, Harry Hembock!! Steve Torrent!! Jake Prong!! Lenny Sours!! Keith Sprunk!! and Celine the android maid!!
With the Krazyfool orchestra and the usual cavalcade of characters!!!
(Cut to the talkshow stage.)
(The song "Talk To You Later", by The Tubes plays in the background.
When the song gets to the part with the synthesizer solo, Krazyfool emerges on stage from a chute that ends with a giant Krazyfool head with dry ice smoke coming from the mouth. An effect of a synthesizer deepened voice going "MUUAAHAHAAA!! MUUAAHAHA!!", is dubbed over for the duration of Krazyfool's exit from the giant mouth.)
Announcer- Now here's your host FUUUCKINGGG KRAAAAAZYFOOOOLLL!!!!!!!!!
(Instead of a canned applause track, sounds of grunting and splashing diarrhea is played.
Krazyfool seems oblivious to this, and jogs up to his mark with a sarcastic deliberate stupid grin on his face.)
Krazyfool- Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you today.
Well, let's cut through the bullshit and get to the monologue shall we?
Have you heard bout this new pill Oxycontin??? Is this kooky or what?? Who are the ad wizards who came up with this one?? Am I right folks??
(Cut to the studio audience, which consists of a 10 year old boy with a propeller beanie, the dwarf from the opening with his wig/antennae now off, an 80 year old man in a fishing cap, a 50 year old woman in a fairy costume, and up in the back row, a couple in their mid 20's. Last episode, they were fucking. This time, they seem to be having a tiff, and aren't even speaking to each other.
The other audience members seem genuinely disapointed that there's no fucking.)
Krazyfool- Well, that's depressing. You've spoiled it for all of us.
Back to the goddamn thankless monologue you awful selfish people you.
So, have you heard the latest in science?
There's a disease spread by cows that turns your brain into swiss cheese, and you become a flesh eating ghoul!
Just in time for the Bush presidency!!
An apocalypse the military industrial complex can't cash in on for once!
Speaking of Bush, let's talk to Hanging Chad!
(Cut to the rubber Baby JC puppet hanging from a noose)
Hanging Chad- (Badly dubbed pre-recorded voice of an angry New Yorker as the puppet mouth barely keeps sync) JEEEEZUS!!!! JEEEEEZUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
Krazyfool- Hey, howabout this whole Elian Gonzalez thing?
I remember when I was a kid, any time you bitched about...well...ANYTHING, some mush-mouthed mongoloid would tell you "why don't you go to Russia?".
This kid must have REALLY complained, we're shipping him off to Cuba, which isn't Russia, but only in the sense that Diet coke isn't regular Coke.
But, y'know, there's Coke in there.
*Joke bombs*
Okay, time for banter with the sidekick "sigh, this always death".
(Krazyfool presses a button on his desk.
With a really bad camera edit, in which everything jumps, Pheemp appears in the sidekick/guest chair.)
Krazyfool- So, how's things going with you??
Pheemp- Okay.
Krazyfool- How far along are you in "IT", now??
Pheemp- I'm half way through, it's getting really good.
Krazyfool- Child orgy. There's a child orgy.
Pheemp- Thanks a lot!
Krazyfool- Fuck you. You haven't talked to your sister in 7 years. You're a piece of shit, and I hate you. You're garbage. Absolute human garbage. I hope you get AIDS from a botched prostate exam given out of the back of a lunch wagon.
Pheemp- Fair enough. *Shoots self under the chin with revolver pulled out of nowhere*
(Canned audio of audience going "awwwww")
Krazyfool- *Pushes the desk button again*
(With an even worse bad editing effect, dead-Pheemp becomes a mylar cell with his picture glued on held over the camera lens. The cameraman removes it.)
Pheemp at home- *Lays on the floor, face smeared with cocaine, needle hanging out of his arm*
Pheemp's wife- *Walks out the door with a suitcase in one hand, a cage with a chinchilla in the other. She gets into a station wagon driven by her mother, and they take off. Forever.*
Lunch wagon delivery man- *Knocks on door* time for your prostate exam!
(Cut back to Krazyfool)
Krazyfool- Oh yeah, I forgot to mention tonight's guests are Harry Hembock, Steve Torrent, Jake Prong, Lenny Sours, Keith Sprunk, and Celine the android maid.
Here's a commercial.
(Cut to pre-filmed commercial starring Krazyfool)
(Krazyfool is standing in a labcoat holding a big blue box with the word "POBB", emblazoned on it in big yellow letters.)
Krazyfool- *Points to the box* (with a really weird growly/caveman grunty voice) AAAAAHHH.
*Lets tongue dangle out stupidly*
(Wubboe/Pobb, the gargoyle thing from "Torrent Too", bursts out of the box, scattering blue powder everywhere)
Wuboe/Pobb- Sonovabitch, it's hot in there!!!
Krazyfool- *Points to the box again* AAAAAHHH.
*Lets tongue dangle out stupidly again*
Wuboe/Pobb- *Flails his arms* Fuck this commercial, and everyone in it!!!!
(Cut back to show.)
Krazyfool- There, they won't ask me to do THAT again!
Cupid- That's what you said last time.
Krazyfool- Shut up!!!
(Krazyfool pulls out the teleport remote)
Krazyfool- Okay, let's get us some guests, what say?
(Harry Hembock materializes in the guest seat closest to the desk)
Krazyfool- Straight from "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry- Um...*looks around*
Krazyfool- It's a talk show, catch up to the rest of us. Criminy, you time travel as part of your job fer chrissakes.
Harry- Fine, I'll roll with it. What do you want to know?
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry- Um, I've just beaten Deathgrasp and the Scourge, I've got all my powers back, I've got my wife back, and....I'd have to say, my confidence is back. Things are going really good for me these days, Krazy.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- Apart from some of the weirder mysteries of the universe, I guess I'd have to say, believe in yourself.
Even if everyone else gives up on you.
Never give up.
Sounds like basic stuff, but getting to the place where you can truly feel it, I think that's the goal of life.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Harry- Don't live to impress others. You can't please everyone. Please yourself. The rest will come.
Krazyfool- Wise words from a surprising source!
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams him right back*
Straight from "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock: Dark Designs", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry- Aw, come on, not this again!!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry- Um, well, I've just beaten Abmuloc and his army of the undead, I've got a fancy techno suit to replace my powers, I've got my wife back again, and....I'd have to say, my confidence is back. Things are going really good for me these days, Krazy.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- Capitalism isn't always horrible.
But most times, it is.
Take a stab at your version of the American dream.
Cuz sadly, and gloomily, what else is there?
And the universe is a grapefruit.
But that's a whole other subject it would take six shows to explain.
Just trust me on that last one.
Krazyfool- Okay then! Anything else?
Harry- Anyone who thinks a border wall is a good idea is probably a Nazi babykiller.
(The 80 year old man in the fishing cap in the audience gets up and leaves)
Harry- *Flips the bird at him until he's gone*
Krazyfool- Well, thanks, we just lost a sixth of our audience!
Harry- Don't worry, things always seem to balance out for me.
(A girl in her 20's with purple hair and a pink fuzzy vagina hat takes the old man's seat)
Harry- See? There you go!
Krazyfool- Don't get smug!
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams in Steve Torrent*
Straight from "Torrent Of Obscenity", it's Steve Torrent!!
Steve- Um...
Krazyfool *Presses some buttons on the teleport remote, a compartment opens, and a silver sticker the size of a thumbprint shoots out, and sticks to Steve's head. The sticker lights up blue, and modem sounds play. On the remote screen, the interviews with Harry play at superspeed*
Steve- Ah, I see! *The sticker beams away*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Steve- Watching TV. Jacking off. Drinkin'.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Steve- The drinkin' and wankin'!!??
Krazyfool- Your whole life up to this point.
Steve- Hmm...power corrupts, and we create our enemies.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Steve- As an individual, put your best foot forward, and in a team, put your best guy forward. Ego can fuck either of those up. So can doubt.
Krazyfool- Well said!
*Beams Steve away*
*Beams in Jake, Lenny, Steve, and Celine*
Straight from "Torrent 1.5", it's Jake Prong, Lenny Sours, Steve Torrent, and Celine!!
(Krazyfool zaps Jake, Lenny, and Celine with the sticker trick so he doesn't have to go through with the introductions again)
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Celine- Whom are you asking?
Krazyfool- Any of you. We'll start with you though.
Celine- *Eyes dart back and forth. Hardrive clatters* I'd have to say on the set of a talk show.
Steve- At the start of a great adventure!
Jake- I'm just in it for the killing. Y'know, let me go into a long rant about what a great killer I am...
Krazyfool- I can tell you're a tedious asshole, get out.
*Beams Jake away*
Lenny- *Shits himself, and grins like an idiot*
(The Smell hits Krazyfool. He beams Lenny, his stain, and his scent molecules all away)
Krazyfool- Not only is he gone, he can never come back here.
I just put a lock on his genetic pattern.
So, you two, what would you say you've learned from it all?
Steve- Um...friendship?
Celine- Yes, let's go with that.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Celine- Selfishness and ignorance literally kill. *Eyes Steve*
Steve- *Flies over his head* Yeah!
Celine- And, the best movies this year are Memento, Cast Away, and American Psycho.
Krazyfool- That was random.
Celine- Yes, it was. Did you find it to be believable?
Krazyfool- In what way?
Celine- As human behavior.
Krazyfool- Y'know, everyone I know is fucking nuts. As a robot making mistakes, you'll never be as weird as biological humans. Don't worry.
Celine- I literally will not.
Krazyfool- Fair enough!
*Beams Steve and Celine away*
*Beams in Steve, Keith, and Celine*
Straight from "Torrent Too", it's Steve Torrent, Keith Sprunk, and Celine!!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Celine- Whom are you asking?
Krazyfool- *Sighs* We'll start with you again.
Celine- I'd have to say on the set of a talk show.
Krazyfool- *Grumbles* Before that.
Celine- Being shunted as a stream of quantum particles through hyperspace.
Krazyfool- *Eyerolls* Before that.
Celine- In a state of sexual foreplay with Keith.
Keith- *Blushes, sputters*
Krazyfool- Oh, shit, I'm sorry! I'll get you back to that!
*Pulls out the teleport remote*
(The Volcano Guru materializes)
Volcano Guru- No, wait, there's something I have to do first!
(Volcano Guru phases his left hand into a wormhole like reality is made of water. Somehow, we the audience see his hand pop out wherever Jake Prong is, and grab his head. He freezes in time, and a blue energy drains out)
(Volcano Guru touches Keith's head with his right hand, and drains the blue energy he drained out of Jake into Keith)
Volcano Guru- There. You have the powers now. Jake failed my tests. And he's a stupid fucking bigot. You're my rightful apprentice, and heir, Keith.
Both of you, really.
You're the next generation.
Celine- Yes, let's go with that.
Volcano Guru- Now, go ahead, and go back to fucking!
*Teleports them away with his magic*
Krazyfool- Well, I guess I'll ask you. Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Volcano Guru- In the upper memory block of the outer reaches of the tenth triangle.
Krazyfool- I don't understand what that means.
Volano Guru- No, you don't.
Steve- Does anyone want to ask me any questions?
Krazyfool- *Considers for a fraction of a second with a grimace* No, not really.
*Beams Steve away*
Volcano Guru- I'd just like to say, sometimes we're being tested, and we don't know it!
Krazyfool- True enough!
Volcano Guru- Well...I guess I'd better go. You have a crapload more guests to cram in.
Krazyfool- Um, nope, I just plowed through all the ones in the opening intro.
Volcano Guru- Nope, there's more. *Touches Krazy's head, and his finger lights up blue for a second*
Krazyfool- Oh, crap, you're right!
(Volcano Guru de-materializes)
Krazyfool- Fair enough!
*Beams in...Krazyfool!!*
Straight from "The Krazyfool Show", it's Krazyfool!!
Krazyfool Show 1 Krazyfool- Um...*gets zapped with the sticker trick* Ah, I see!
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
KFS1KF- Don't you know?
Krazyfool- Indulge me.
KFS1KF- Um, just trucking along to the next episode. Which I guess is this one!
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
KFS1KF- *Considers for a long time*
Believe in yourself.
When people love you, believe them.
Krazyfool- Wow...was not expecting that!
KFS1KF- I know! The presence of my future self is making me up my game!
Krazyfool- Anything else?
KFS1KF- Revel in this time. It'll never come again.
Krazyfool- I'll do my best!
KFS1KF- Can I ask one thing?
Krazyfool- Sure...
(Cut to KFS1KF materializing at Pheemp's house an hour before we saw him laying on the floor)
Pheemp- *Picking up fistfuls of cocaine from a pile on a desk where where his computer used to be before he sold it for coke. He mashes the fistfuls into his face, and snorts whatever randomly goes into his nose holes*
KFS1KF- *Pulls out a bat from nowhere, and smashes Pheemp across the face, causing him to splay out on the floor exactly where we caught up to him in the last skit*
And stay down, you trash-bag full of excrement!
*Beams away*
Pheemp- *Sees a dirty needle laying on the floor next to him, jabs it into his arm were we saw it in the last skit*
*Hallucinates himself onto the show being roasted until he shoots himself*
*Snaps back to this reality*
*His wife walks out again*
*The lunch wagon delivery man shows up again*
Krazyfool- No, it's still not enough.
*Presses some buttons on the remote*
(Pheemp's whole house is surrounded by teleport energy, and it shrinks to the size of a printer cartridge, beams away, and beams to a sewage treatment lagoon with a faint *splish* sound)
Krazyfool- Ahhh, there, that's more like it!
*Beams in Timmy Anderson*
Straight from "A Blue State Christmas", it's Timmy Anderson!!
Timmy Anderson- *Gets zapped up to speed with the sticker trick*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Timmy Anderson- *Sobs*
Krazyfool- Augh, no, we're not doing this shit. This ain't Barbara Walters!
*Beams Timmy away, and beams in his future self as Atlasman*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Atlasman- First, let me explain the true meaning of money...
Krazyfool- NOPE!
*Beams away Atlasman, and beams in his double-future self*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Incel-Man- First, let me explain about bitches who fuck the Chads...
Krazyfool- Thank! You!
*Beams Incel-Man way, and replaces him with his triple-future self*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Rich-Eater- *Lighting a Molotov cocktail* About to bring it all down.
Krazyfool- Proceed!
*Beams him away*
Finally, someone sensible in that clusterfuck of personalities.
*Beams in Richard Bozo*
Straight from "The Fall Of The House Of Bozo", it's Richard Bozo!!
Richard Bozo- *Sobs*
Krazyfool- Oh, come the fuck on! Really!?
*Beams Richard away, and beams in his future self as Dr. Spray*
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Dr. Spray- Um, pretty well off! I've got my own business, I'm a superhero loaded up with tech, got a new girlfriend, couldn't be better! What's not to be happy about?
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Dr. Spray- Confidence and self-loathing are both self-fullfilling.
Having taken a ride on both of those rollercoasters, yeah, been there, got the t-shirt.
Krazyfool- Lotta wise affirmations from our superheroes today! Anything else?
Dr. Spray- Hate is a poison. No matter who it's directed at.
Krazyfool-....*Flies over his head at first*
Dr. Spray- *Glares*
Krazyfool- *Catches on* Oh...all right. Fine!
(Pheemp's house beams back with no sewage on it. Pheemp is back in his living room leading his dumb boring little life with no cocaine, and his wife is back. Neither remember anything)
Krazyfool- There, happy?
Dr. Spray- *Nods*
Krazyfool- I ain't. *Makes a sulk face*
*Beams Dr. Spray away*
*Beams in Melvin Spauvac*
Straight from "Melvin Spauvac's Impressive Amateur Homemade Submersable", it's Melvin Spauvac!!
Melvin Spauvac- (From now on, just assume they all get the sticker-trick)
Hello! *Waves geekily*
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Melvin Spauvac- *Shrugs* fairly average. Still plugging away at my little hobby.
Krazyfool- Which is?
Melvin Spauvac- Amateur homemade submersables.
Krazyfool- Which, little submarines? Diving bells?
Melvin Spauvac- In a manner of speaking.
Krazyfool- Well, how are yours different?
Melvin Spauvac- They submerge into solid matter. Which I make non-solid, so...still sort of underwater. In a manner of speaking.
Krazyfool- Well, that sounds interesting. Tell me about making solid matter non-solid.
Melvin Spauvac- It's very technical. Your audience would be bored.
Krazyfool- You're boring my ass now by having to pull this shit out of you with these tedious questions!
Melvin Spauvac- Well, that's rude, I don't think I like your tone.
Krazyfool- Fuck sakes! *Beams Melvin away*
Wuboe/Pobb- (Now sitting in the bleachers next to the torn up box of Pobb)
Y'know, it's true, great discoverers are often not apprecitated in their time.
Krazyfool- Too true...too true...
Wuboe/Pobb- I mean, Spauvac drive goes on to become the engine of every spaceship in my time. You pretty much waved away the next Tesla.
Krazyfool- *Beams Wuboe/Pobb away*
*Beams in Heck Backlash*
Straight from "Heck Backlash: Garbage Man (In Space!!)", it's Heck Backlash!!
Heck Backlash-
*Sputters and flickers, and materializes as a skinny white man with winged hat hair*
*Sputters and flickers, and materializes as a portly Chinese man with straight hair with bangs*
*Splits into both*
Krazyfool- Um.....well...let's go with this, I guess...
Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Heck Backlash- (Both, in unison)
Trucking along at the same old job, I guess.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Heck Backlash- (The white one)
Both sides are the same, and everything goes in cycles.
Heck Backlash- (The Chinese one)
No, that's total bullshit.
It's safe to say lazy shit like that from a place of privelege.
On side can be flat out wrong, and cycles can be broken.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Heck Backlash- (Both, in unison)
Don't nose around in the garbage if you can't deal with what you find!
Krazyfool- Good enough!
*Beams the Hecks away*
*Beams in Spruce*
Straight from "Harry Hembock And The Zone Dweebies", it's Spruce!!
Spruce- Why not Harry?
Krazyfool- We've done him twice!
Time to change it up!
Besides, he's an asshole in that story.
Spruce- That he is.
Krazyfool- Speaking of...*beams a mystery woman in*
Straight from "Harry Hembock And The Zone Dweebies", it's the sex worker that Spruce treated like crap!!
Celia- I'm Celia. That shitty story didn't see fit to give me a name.
*Walks over to Spruce, rips off his mask, and slaps him*
Spruce- *Sobs like the Cowardly Lion*
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Spruce- *Sobs*
Celia- Weak men fear female power.
Krazyfool- Indeed!
*Beams them both away*
*Beams in Jade-Shade and Chokecherry*
Straight from "Quantum Dissolve", it's Jade-Shade and Chokecherry!!
Chokecherry- Ah, boy, more time travel....
Jade-Shade- Holy shit! Time travel?!?
Chokecherry- Oh, right, you haven't been yet...
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Jade-Shade- Victorious!
Chokecherry- Building a brighter future.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Jade-Shade- Be stubborn about accomplishing goals. Eat the rich. Never give up.
Chokecherry- All of that, plus, weak men fear female power.
Krazyfool- I seem to have heard that one somewhere...
Jade-Shade- Believe in yourself even when everyone else gives up on you.
Krazyfool- And that...
Anything else?
Chokecherry- Nope, we're good.
Krazyfool- Okey-dokey!
*Beams them away*
*Beams in Harry Hembock*
Straight from "Goodbye, Harry Hembock", it's Harry Hembock!!
Harry Hembock- You're still doing all these?
Krazyfool- I've got this fucking far, may as well finish it!
Anycrap, where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Harry Hembock- Ironically, retired from time travel.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Harry- The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
But that doesn't mean to abandon good intentions.
*Cough* conservatives *cough*
*Cough* Trumpers *cough*
Krazyfool- What was that last one?
Harry- Oh, you'll find out. Unfortunately.
Krazyfool- That sounds ominous.
*Beams Harry away*
*Beams in Chokecherry*
Straight from "Hello, Chokecherry", it's Chokecherry!!
Chokecherry- *Sigh* I know what's coming. Come on...say it..
Krazyfool- Where would you say you're at in this point in your life?
Chokecherry- Um...secret Queen/Goddess of the Harryverse.
Yeah, that's not a brag, I'm as stunned as you.
Krazyfool- What would you say you've learned from it all?
Chokecherry- That I'm the secret Queen/Goddess of the Harryverse.
Yeah. That.
Krazyfool- Anything else?
Chokecherry- Nope. After all the teenage mysogyny in this goofy dopey series, my story is the right one to go out on.
I'm good.
Krazyfool- Agreed.
*Beams her out*
*Beams in 2020 Krazyfool*
And finally, straight from "Goodbye, hello, goodbye, Krazyfool", it's Krazyfool!!
Retired, and wistfully nostalgic for these days.
Revel in these times.
When people love you, believe them.
Krazyfool- What?
2020KF- The questions.
I saved you the trouble of asking them.
Krazyfool- Ah, thanks.
2020KF- Don't mention it.
Say, you know, you haven't done a music number yet.
Last time, you did that David Bowie thing.
Krazyfool- Nobody liked that.
2020KF- Who cares? Haven't you heard all the "beleive in yourself even when no one else does", shit all episode?
Go for it!
Krazyfool- Y'know? You're right!
(Both Krazyfools do a lip sync slow-mo interpretive dance set to Radiohead's "climbing up the walls". Weird colored swirly patterns project on the walls, then faces stretching behind sheets of latex, so it looks like they're coming out of the walls, then when the song builds to its crescendo, strobe lights cut in, and scary faces flicker in between frames in-camera)
Krazyfool- Well, it's been fun, but time to wrap this thing up.
*Beams away everyone but himself and his future self*
*Beams the tape of this very show out of the control room into his hand, hands it to himself*
2020KF- *Takes it* Thanks.
*Erases his past self's memory, and everyone he interacted with in this episode*
*Beams back to 2020*
Krazyfool converted the tape to a file, and put it on a flash drive.
He uploaded a copy to Youtube.
Harry Hembock finally got around to seeing it.
Harry Hembock at 99 years old finally died.
...and then transcended into the Volcano Guru.
The 2000's
Volcano Guru did all his Volcano Guru shit.
Keith and Celine Sprunk took over for Harry, filling his old superhero role.
The fucking END!
New posters for The Assessment, Opus
9 hours ago
Retro linked this to a couple posts that needed it.
Harry anniversary
JS anniversary
Geez, did something happen between you and Pheemp in real life or something?!?
I always wondered what that "POBB" thing was.
Holy crapanoli, "Memento," "American Psycho," and KID A are 20 years old!!!!
"Climbing Up The Walls," I wish I'd had a camera phone back when I first got to K-State because I used to listen to that song while lurking around this rotten parking garage thing that used to be under the practice stadium...but they remodelled it into a student center and it's gone now. That song is awesome though!
Season 5 of "Game Of Thrones" is kind of a slog.
Pheemp- Yup, it did.
When I got to the part in the first KFS where he's supposed to be the show sidekick, I knew I had to have him in there, because there's no dancing around him, but I couldn't let him be a positive character, so I decided to just go ahead and give him the finger.
I've given him the finger before, he's the person I mentioned in this post..
He's either lurking in silence no matter what I post, and nothing is going to coax him out, or he stopped reading this blog, and doesn't give a shit.
Either way, I'll say what I fucking want.
Plus, showing the contrast in our relationship in 20 years aids in the showing passage of time in the story.
Why pretend it's the good old days?
Shit has happened.
It's the point of an anniversary.
Looking back at it all.
Pobb- He's an obscure character deleted from the Harry books I tossed into "Torrent Too", and the box of Pobb was a one off one panel cartoon I did that I thought summed up all commercials that I threw into KFS1.
I figured, why not combine them?
I based his physical form on the little gargoyle in "Symphony Of The Night", that goes "Diieee!! Diiiee!!".
Best sidekick ever.
Movies/Kid A- Yep, I wanted to be period accurate.
Doing this one got my gears turning, and I'm considering doing sequels/prequels in other time periods.
I mean, KF has a time machine now...
Thrones- 6 gets better, 7 is the best, 8 is a coin flip whether you'll like it.
I did, many didn't.
I liked it for the same reason I like The Last Jedi, and the fans seem to hate it for the same reasons.
Which is weird, because Thrones isn't Star Wars, it a series all about flipping expectations.
Probably why Benioff & Weiss bailed out of their Star Wars, who'd want to put up with two shitty fandoms in a row?
I used the sword familiar as the sidekick in SOTN. Probably made the damn game too easy...wait, no, the Crissaegrim REALLY made it too easy...
Probably will be a lot of 20th anniversary retrospectives for "Kid A" this year....that I won't bother to read, because they won't say much new. 1990 wasn't a particularly great year for rock albums either, so I don't know what'll get a 30th anniversary retrospective.
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