Thursday, July 29, 2021

Birthday loot 2021.

Birthday's tomorrow, so let's get this done.

Watchmen (2019)

Well, who knew Damon Lindleoff would be the guy to sequel-ize Watchmen, and equal Alan Moore?
Some would argue this show surpasses the original.
Some would, I'm not sure.
I'm still percolating on it.
It is a fucking masterful piece of art though.
It's chock full of killing racists, so that alone makes me a fucking happy camper.
If January 6th has you full of rage against worthless redneck pieces of shit, this show will will make you grin like a fucking pumpkin.
Go, Sister Night, go!!! Yeah!!! Fuck yeah!!!
This continues off of the book ending, not the movie ending. 
BUT they show the book ending in flashback, so you could watch the movie and go into this, and not be too confused.
They get you up to speed. 
And I love that the credits say "based on Watchmen, co-created by Dave Gibbons".
Moore's not there, cuz he's a crybaby.
Yes, DC fucked you, Alan, but you signed a bad contract because you didn't have a lawyer, and you were always on coke.
You fucked yourself, buddy.
You burnt through your sympathy supply on this, fella.
Good on Gibbons and Lindleoff.
And yay for us fans.
Course, I'm with everyone else, this not getting season 2 is a fucking cultural crime.
But, even without season 2, it has a nice question mark ending like the original Watchmen, so it works.
Now I want an animated movie of "Doomsday Clock".
Hmm, y'know, original Watchmen had a question mark ending of whether or not the nuke war happened, and you could see those as the dimensional divergence of the two choices.
Watchmen series, no nuke, "Doomsday Clock", nuke.

Harley Quinn, season 1-2 (2019-2020)

Better than Birds Of Prey/Harley Quinn sweatlessly.
This is tied with "Doom Patrol" for my favorite DC show period.
Well, set in the DC hero universe, Watchmen, Preacher, and The Boys are their own things.
You know what I mean.
The most pure joy the Batman-verse has brought me in a long fucking time. 
Yeah, I think the last time Batman-verse made me smile this much was Lego Batman.
Think it might even be my favorite adult animated comedy...ever.
Better than the 90's MTV shows, better than Adult Swim, better than Fox.
Yeah, I said it.

There's an arc in the Swamp Thing books where Swamp Thing turns Gotham into a jungle, and Batman has to try to stop him.
I always wanted them to adapt that into a movie.
Live-action, animated, doesn't matter.
There's an arc in this show where there's so much mayhem in Gotham, and Poison Ivy does so much plant stuff...I don't need that Swamp Thing arc anymore.
Harley's version was better.

Lastly, if Margot Robbie wants to do that Harley & Ivy movie, and wants it to be any good, she should just throw Clayface, Dr. Psycho, King Shark, and Kite-Man into the mix and be done with it.

Discovery season 3 (2021)

Original review here.

Now my re-review after the binge.

-Not as action packed as season 2.
-Slow and talky. Mostly.
-Where there was action, it was cool.
-Tilly's promotion was forced and weird. But Stamets even says so.
-Osyraa was probably the best villain they've had so far in nuTrek.
-The gender pronouns scene for Adira took no time. Anyone who cries about it is a wimp.
-The continuity porn was great.
-The Section 31 pilot stuff was a mixed bag, in that it was good stuff, but it slowed down the arc for the rest of the season.
-Love the 32nd century tech.
-I now have a new quote to run into the ground when people start whining about Burnham.
"Your approval means everything to me.😠 ". -Michael Burnham.
-Not enough Adira and Grey, but there was too much other stuff to service.
-Season 4 should give me more of the stuff I wanted for this season.
-The pluses and minuses balance out for me, and I'd rank the seasons 2, 3, 1.

Star Trek: Mere Anarchy (2007)

I guiltily had to finish off collecting the rest of Margaret's books.
*Sigh* I'm such a fuck-up.
This one is connected short stories about Kirk's crew re-visiting this one planet throughout the era of the original show, and the original movies.
Margaret does the last one set after Kirk (seemingly) dies at the beginning of "Generations".
Haven't read it yet, but I'm gonna do a bigass review of all of her stuff.
Stay tuned for that.

Star Trek: Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows (2009)

A collection of short stories set in the mirror universe.
Margaret does one of them.
She sent just her story to me for free once, but I lost the file due to clumsy stupidity I don't even wanna get into.
I have fairly good memory of reading it, but it's fuzzy around the edges, and I could use a booster shot.
So, now I have the whole book.

Ain't Exactly Clear (2016)

Margaret gets parody revenge on the Wordforge trolls, and there's a spy story wrapped around it.
Can't wait to read this one.
I got started on it, but I got distracted by the birthday disks.

Ailuranth (2019)

About a girl in an alternate steampunk/cyberpunk world who discovers she's a were-kitty, so British intelligence decides to use her in cat mode to spy.
Gotta say, it's her weirdest premise, and she's had some doozies.

Star Trek: A Time To Sow (2004)

Dayton Ward said he snuck a "Strangers From The Sky" reference into this one, so it's Margaret adjacent.
Thought I'd check it out.

Previously with birthday loot-

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