Friday, November 19, 2021

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

At long last!!

After being cock-blocked by plague for a year and a half!!!!

-Non-spoiler review.

I loved the ever-loving shit out of it.

Y'know, I finally admit it, I can't arrange them on a list, so I'll tier rank them.
Tier 1, GB1 and this one.
Tier 2, GB2, and ATC.

McKenna Grace owns the Hell out of this movie.

Logan Kim is great too.
He's the new Ray.

The ending might make you choke up.

I think this one will unify the whole fandom.
Don't foresee a lot of haters for this one.

See it in a theater if you can, and/or dare to risk it.

Stay for the mid and after-credits!!!!

My theater wasn't very full, and everyone was at least 12 feet away from me, so pretty sure I won't get 'rona.

There were insects in the projection booth I could see onscreen.
Slightly annoying.

-Spoiler review. (you were warned!)

We get callbacks to almost every little detail of Part Slimer!
Yep, we get Muncher instead of Slimer.

Everyone still alive from the main cast of GB1 comes back.
(Minus Moranis)

Egon is all over this movie as a dedication to Harold Ramis.
And since it's spoilers, yes, we get ghost-Egon, and the the CG artists did a damned good job.

Winston gets his grand reward as a character.

The ending and after credits leave the door open for another sequel.
Like, it could satisfyingly end now, but the tease is there.

The villain is Gozer again, and yes, we get her in sexy woman form again.
But the statue in the trailer and on the poster kind of spoils that.
Her scenes are all excellent.

We don't get special pop-songs in the soundtrack like 1, 2, and ATC, only score. :(
EXCEPT! McKenna Grace sings a special end-credits song.

The score is great though, heavily referencing the GB1 score, but building off it.

Future franchise thoughts- (still spoiler-y)

We get a timeline of how and why the Ghostbusters broke up, and Ghostbusting lasted until the 00's, so the IDW comics could totally fit in the gap, and still be canon!
Thus, ATC could still be canon via the comics crossovers!
IDW fans, your faith is rewarded, you haven't been rebooted away like Star Wars Legends fans.

So! If IDW knew this, that could be why their line has been frozen the past year and a half, they need everyone to see Afterlife before they can fill the continuity gap, otherwise it spoils the movie.

Aaaand, that's everything I could think of!!

See it in a theater if you can.
Me, I can't wait for Blu-Ray and streaming/cable so everyone can see it.
Wish I could marathon all 4 films right now!!


B. D. said...

Good lord

Diacanu said...

Was this to do with the latest inbred-wingnuts-let-their-shitty-kid-have-access-to-the-family-guns fracas?

Yeah, I've found that too depressing to keep up on the fine details.
I get the gist though.
We've got too many people in this country who think God smells like lit gunpowder.

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