Sunday, April 18, 2021

Liars and cowards, Part 10.

Yet another one I haven't unloaded since last summer.

The difference between opinion and ideology.

Aug 3, 2020

"We should spend X amount of money to build a park for kids", is political.

"Gay people don't deserve to exist", is not, and you can go fuck yourself.

Therefore, labeling the "gay people DO deserve to exist", person as "a liberal kook", makes you a pile of shit.

Got nothing to do with party affiliation, you're just garbage.

Bigots LIKE their bigoted God.

August 6, 2015

I'm getting so fucking sick of these "it's my religious conviction", assholes. 
As if that buck-passing fools anyone "oh, it's not me who's the bigot, it's God, I can't help it". 
If you really didn't approve of your bigoted God, you'd stop believing in him, and at the very least, convert to a non-bigoted religion. 
That's not forbidden, people convert all the time. 
And for simple little dipshit mundane reasons, like marriage, and kids, and green cards. 
The cosmos didn't crack in half. 
Nope, if you're hanging on to a bigoted religion, you LIKE it. 
You like your bigoted religion, because you're a fucking bigot. 
I'm getting tired of seeing the media play this pathetic kid-gloves game with these assholes.
"Ohhh, we have to be respectful...". 
No you don't. 
Not to bigots. 
Fuck 'em. 
And I'm tired of the victimhood sniveling of these bigoted fuckfaces where they don't want to be called bigots. 
Then what the fuck are you? 
If treating people as second class isn't bigotry, nothing is. 
Words mean things, we're going with bigot. 
Your God apparently can't transmute "bigotry", into chocolate ice cream.  
Another zero on his fucking scoreboard.

And the update...

August 6, 2016

Yep. I'm starting to see cracks form, and PC people waking up to this shit.

And the second update...

August 6, 2018

Give 'em an inch, they take a mile. 
Now they claim to be victims if they can't keep gays from buying life saving medicine, or adopting.

Fake it until you make it.

August 7, 2016

Another dumb saying that's become popular lately. 
"Fake it until you make it". 
One of those ones where the logic eats itself. 
If "fake it until you make it", works, and everyone's doing it on a mass scale, then everything is fake, and saying you're faking it doesn't mean anything. 
Everything is as fake-real as it can get with the humans we have on offer, and all you've really got is a cute hipster way of saying "believe in yourself".

And Alexandra's comment...

"...and everyone's doing it on a mass scale..."
But they aren't. 
The advice is intended for people who have competence, but lack confidence, who suffer from impostor syndrome. 

Good point.

Kicking conservative philosophy in the dick some more.

August 9, 2015

I could never be a conservative, because I don't hate the poor, women, and minorities. 
Now, maybe I could be persuaded to hate them, but they don't have good arguments for why I should, because they won't even admit their positions, even though their actions indicate they do in fact hate the poor, women, and minorities. 
One wonders how they ever make converts.

And the update...

August 9, 2018

They see freedom as a pie, that if anyone ever gets more, they get less. 
If you tell them it isn't a fucking pie, and there's enough for everyone, they act like you're crazy.

And Sharon's comment...

Even if they get more when others get more, they don’t care. 
That other person deserves nothing and even if they get less when others get nothing, they’d rather make sure the other has nothing, even if it means they will have less. 
Case in point - universal healthcare.

And the second update...

August 9, 2019

(Re: "One wonders how they ever make converts")

Dog whistles, past-me, dog whistles.

Racists are boring.

August 9, 2013

Of all the things people call racism, everyone forgets to add BORING. 
Even if you pretend all the assertions of racism were TRUE, that all the ethnic stereotypes were an activity, blaming your lot in life on others is STILL fucking childish, cowardly, lazy, and pathetic. 
Even if we lived in a reality where racial stereotypes were real..SO WHAT? 
Move along. 
Get living, stop the whining. 
Holy SHIT are these people boring. 
What a moronic fucking WASTE it is.

And the update...

August 9, 2018

And now they're screaming their boring shit with a bullhorn. 
Louder and scarier doesn't un-boring it. 
Their world is so bland, and bleak, and empty. 
Even for them up on their golden perch.

And the second update...

August 9, 2019

The same kind of boring mind that can enjoy golf.

God and natural disasters.

August 10, 2014

How can these knuckleheads that blame natural disasters and plagues on "teh gayz", really be sure that God isn't more pissed off at Catholics buggering boys, or Muslims destroying Buddhist artifacts? 
Maybe he just really, really, finds "The 700 Club", to be tacky and awful. 
Shouldn't they be 100% sure about this? 
It seems quite important.

Time to spank fascists.

August 10, 2020

If the internet and Facebook were around in WWII, the pro-Hitler German people wouldn't sound like cartoon villains, they'd sound like your shitty, whiny, entitled, spiteful, grievance-ridden, relatives and high school friends. 
Tucker Carlson has gone full mask-off racist, but before he was mask-off, and you called him racist, you just know he'd get all sniffy, and offended, and full of fake-outrage. 
Your "let's sabotage Biden", friends are Trojan Horse Conservatives, and your MAGA friends are mask-on racist. 
Call them out for what they are, and stop falling for their butt-hurt. 
Stop thinking these selfish compassion-less fuckers need compassion. 
It's the game they play. 
It's the game they've payed since WWII. 
They probably played it during the Civil War. 
Don't let them turn your guilt into a weapon. 
They didn't earn it. 
They blew it. 
They fucking blew it. 
The time for "time out", is over, they need to be spanked now.

The compassion-less will always try to turn your own heart against you.
We see it with the TERF shit against trans teens.

On tattletales.

August 11, 2013

You know what's one of the stupidest lessons parents try to drill into kids? 
"Nobody likes a tattletale". 
Mob informants. 
Private detectives. 
The CIA. 
Gossip columnists. 
People fucking LOVE tattletales. 
They make movies about them for fuck's sake. 
And squealers! 
People love squealers. 
They've got the reeeaally juicy dirt. 
I bet every mom whom ever uttered "nobody likes a tattletale", turned right around, and read a fucking tabloid, or tell-all celebrity biography. 
Now, if "tattletale", meant petty shit like "Joey won't stop poking me!", yeah, fine. 
But if Joey broke the urn with granny's fucking ashes, fuck Joey. 
I've gotten "no one likes a tattletale", for big shit like that. 
How about child molestation? 
I bet you some kid got diddled by Uncle Chester, and held it in, because "no one likes a tattletale". 
No, this is stupid playground shit, and it's obsolete for the new millennium where the whole-planet is a fucking camera anyway. 
And don't even get me started on Wikileaks.

And the update...

August 11, 2017

Hmm, someone named "Rune", apparently had a bug up his ass about this post, had a long argument with me, then un-friended me, and deleted his posts, so it looks like I'm talking to a hallucination. 
Anyway, as usual, I stand by this rant.

And the addendum...

Y'know where this "tattle-tale", shit really comes from? 
Shitty guilty people that hate and fear squealing. 
They're afraid "mommy, Joey ate his booger!", will evolve into "officer, mommy sells her oxys to the neighbors for pot money!".

And the second update...

August 11, 2020

Snitching isn't just right sometimes, it's fucking necessary.  
What would 2020 be without documenting Nazi cops, and naming and shaming Karens? 
Basically it would be shit creek without a paddle.

And the capital raiders!!!

Right-wing buzzword decoder.

August 12, 2017

Looks like I need to put up my decoder chart again. 
"White nationalist" = Nazi. 
"Alt Right" = Nazi. 
"Far Right Extremist" = Nazi. 
"White Evangelical" = Nazi. 
Pretty much anything with "white", "nationalism", "pride", and it's not to do with LGBT, "family", but they don't care about ripping apart the families of brown people, "concerned", and they want to stamp out fun, "patriots", and they hate democracy "freedom", but they want to squash yours, it all equals Nazi. 
Call out every instance of the press using these cutesy chickenshit buzzwords

Fighting racists makes them more racist!

August 15, 2017

So the latest line of bullshit is "the anti-white hatred of the left is a recruitment tool for the alt-right". 
Go fuck yourselves. 
If someone wrongly calls you a child molester, you'll start diddling kids? 
If someone wrongly calls you gay slurs, you'll start furiously and angrily sucking cocks? 
Then how does it work for racism? 
No one makes you a Nazi against your will. 
And there's no "I'll show you!", factor to going Nazi. 
All you'll "show me", is that you're a piece of shit. 
What mewling cowardly bullshit. 
Anyone who spouts this crap is instantly dead to me. 

And the update...

August 15, 2019

Not only was this argument steaming bullshit, there were guilty liberals who fell for it. 
"Oh, gee whiz! Calling 'em out just makes them more Nazi! How can we fight back now? I'm askeered!". 
Fuck the Nazis, fuck the cowards who eat their own instead of standing up to the Nazis.

David Duke and Trump.

August 23, 2017

America's favorite drug, even ahead of booze, and weed, and opiates, is amnesia pills. 
Am I the only fucking one who remembers that David Duke ran for president in 88 during Bush/Dukakis? 
And that to do so, he disavowed his past as a KKK member? 
Funny how he's right back at it again with the KKK stuff. 
It's almost as if racists lie about what they are when it's advantageous. 
Remember this when you're arguing with your conservative friends and family who need Trump to heil Hitler live on the national news before they'll believe what a bigot he is.

And the update...

August 23, 2019

Funny you mention it, past-me, the guy who worked on the campaign to beat David Duke has a Twitter feed advising Democrats on how to beat Trump now.

And, there were plenty of rebel flags at the capital riot, and as far as I'm concerned, those are proto-swastikas.
MAGA CHUDs knew damned well what he was, and loved him for it.
They just wouldn't own it at thanksgivings.

Conservatism has no intellectuals.

August 23, 2017

Hayek, Friedman, Rand, crayon eating imbeciles. 
That's all they've got? 
Can I stop pretending conservatism is in any sense an intellectual movement now, or is there something I missed?

And Alexandra's comment...

Maybe I've gone over completely to conspiracy thinking, but I'm starting to believe that there is no "intellectual movement," just a scheme to rig the system so that the wealthiest people can do whatever the hell they please.

The handling of the pandemic during Trump removes all doubt.

The religion pill.

August 24, 2016

There must have been a time before the ancient tribes of humanity thought up the afterlife, when people knew that dead is dead. 
And they must have coped with it, because we're alive today. 
Our ancestors didn't mass suicide over death being oblivion. 
Yet, I still get it from some people that if you rip away that belief from people, it's like depriving them of oxygen. 
Well, shit, how did we breathe as babies before we had the language ability to be taught this horseshit? 
No one can give me apologia for this shit that isn't raw emotion based. 
They just expect you to feel what they feel, and fall silent. 
Well, I don't feel it. 
I'm sorry, I never swallowed the pill. 
And I wouldn't mind that you swallow the pill so much, except that your dealer also rapes and beheads people.

Let's flush the turd.

August 24, 2014

Can people stop fucking saying "the system is flawed"? 
Flaws are for precious jewels, and the system most certainly isn't that. 
It's more analogous to a steaming turd with teensy diamonds mashed into it, and whenever someone suggests digging the diamonds out, and washing the shit off, and disposing of the turd, some knucklehead in the room says "we NEED that turd!".
And when you ask why, you just get a dumb look, and a shrug.

And the update...

August 24, 2020

How about now, folks? 
Have you caught up yet? 
Can we flush the turd? 
Can we? 
I'd like to have lunch without tasting the stink for a change. 
That'd be nice.

Well, there's open talk of packing the courts, and abolishing the electoral college, and universal basic income, so....hey, better off than 7 years ago when everyone had their ears plugged.
Statehood for the territories to de-racism the Senate would go a long way too.


August 28, 2014

Here's another idiot behavior from the meat puppets that's boring me. 
Look, stupid, you're not going to fuck ANYONE on TV, so judging people on TV on their fuckability is pathetic to start with. 
Secondly, unless someone's got eyeballs dangling out on their stems, and green shit spraying out of a pulsating thing on their head, and turds slithering down their're a fucking pussy if you can't bear to look at them. 
If your standard of absolute revulsion is mild homeliness, you are a fucking pussy. 
Your macho card is burnt. 
End of. 

I pounded that post out while a certain someone was ragging on Carla Hall from "The Chew" in the next room.
Don't be an idiot with a writer around.
Doesn't go well for ya.

Anti-vaxxers need to suffer.

August 31, 2016

Just a reminder to everyone. 
I hate anti-vaxxers. 
HATE them. 
HAAAATE them. 
Like,...not passively...I want to HURT them. 
Like, BAD. 
Like, they beg for the sweet release of death bad. 
So...if you have anti-vax friends that pop up, and I see can ask me to be silent, but you can't ask me to be nice. 
Best I can do.

And the update...

August 31, 2020

My stance on anti-vax don't look so batshit now, does it?

The only silver lining is covid took out some of them too.
And covid death is miserable.

Ancient astronaut theorists part 2.

September 12, 2014

Bad enough these ancient astronaut shows exist, bad enough they poison otherwise healthy brains with their bullshit, but the part that really gets to me, is how the announcer says "ancient astronaut theorists", with importance, as if that were a real fucking job, or some kind of title given by a degree granting institution. 
Here, I'll become an ancient astronaut theorist. 
See that funny looking rock? 
Aliens left it. 
Crack it open, and I bet inside is a fuckin' raygun. 
In fact, that's ALL that could be there! 
There, that's my ancient astronaut theory, and now I'm an ancient astronaut theorist. 
Now, with the power invested in myself, I hereby make all of you within range of this post ancient astronaut theorists, and give you the power to do the same. 
Let's all devalue the fuck out of this bullshit title.

Healthcare as a right.

September 13, 2018

Way I look at it, if your body crumbles apart, all your rights are meaningless. 
So, if health isn't a human right, who owns all your other rights? 
Your ghost? 
They're human rights, not ghost rights. 
Your mind gets to be free, but your body can just go and rot if you're not rich? 
That makes no sense. 
The whole thing breaks down. 
Yet the best argument conservatives have against health being a human right, is stating the case in a  sneering tone of voice, or in a scare tone of voice. 
That's on the level of your school bully saying back what you said in a prissy lisp. 
It's the argument of no argument at all. 
Yet I only ever see Bernie Sanders have the balls to come out and say health (and thus medical care) should be a human right. 
The right-wing has no counter-argument to this at all. 
Why are we scared to push?

And the update...

September 13, 2019

Multiple Dem candidates are finally growing a spine on this. 
Took long enough.

Rape apologists.

September 21, 2018

Y'know what you never see? 
A rape accuser called a "lying gold digging bitch out for attention", and then after the rapist is proven guilty, tear soaked sobbing begging apologies. 
The assholes either double down, or tiptoe away, and do it all over again next time. 
Why, it's almost as if these people hate women. 
But that can't be, because they swear up and down that they don't.


September 21, 2016

I've been through a lot of doomsday predictions. 
Fear of the mushroom cloud in the 80's, fear of "the next shoe to drop", after 9/11, the latest virus du jour every fucking year, and this is what I've concluded. 
Fuck fear. 
Fear evolved to warn us of danger, so that we can escape it. 
But the modern world has made all these looming dooms that if they turn out to be real, you can't do jack shit about. 
Therefore, it's an obsolete and useless survival drive. 
Therefore, it's to be ignored. 
If someone walks into the restaurant you're at wielding a machete, fucking run. 
That's something you CAN do. 
But I'm fucking done with the doomsday shit. 
If it's coming, just let it wash over me. 
Being paranoid and afraid doesn't help you. 
Not one fucking bit. 
That's why I don't get these conspiracy assholes that stress all day. 
They're struggling to protect a miserable life that's not worth living. 
I'd rather die than be a fucking tinfoil wearer. 
I'd rather die than be these fucking prepper assholes too. 
I've seen "The Walking Dead", you can have the post-apocalypse. 
Doesn't look fun. 
And all this Trump fear is a diluted strain of it. 
That's wearing on my last nerve too. 
We can do our best to dodge it, but if it comes, I'm not gonna cry under my fucking bed. 
Stop being ridiculous, folks, is what I'm getting at, I guess.

And the update...

September 21, 2020

You can update this to any crisis. 
We'll pull through, or we won't. 
Begging the universe never got me anything.

Fascists live in perpetual fear.

September 26, 2020

Y'know what I find interesting? 
When Hitler had absolute iron-fisted control over Germany....he still lied. 
If there was any time to open up, and admit "yeah, we're slaughtering all the Jews, what are you gonna do about it?", it was then. 
What was he scared of? 
Even when fascists have unlimited power, they're still terrified. 
They never stop being scared. 
I say that's something we should totally use.

Sad that I have to explain this...

September 26, 2020

Quick tip for rookies. 
Critical race theorist = anti-racist. 
Race realist  = totally fucking racist. 
Don't ever mix these up. 
*"The more you know", logo whizzes by*

It's even easier than that.
Trump hated it, so they were/are automatically the good guys.

80's comedians and homophobia.

October 5, 2015

(Responding to a Cracked thing on Eddie Murphy's past homophobia)

It was the 80's. 
AIDS phobia magnified homophobia. 
And Reagan was president, and he didn't help. 
"Faggot", was another word for "asshole". 
It was casual normality. 
Gallagher's stuff is laced with homophobia when you look back at it. 
A lot of comedians. 
I think the only ones that spring to mind that 100% rose above it were George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, Robin Williams, and Billy Crystal. 
Everyone else had some form of "yikes, leave my ass alone!", or mincing stereotype impression type of material. 
Oh, shit, that's right, there goes Robin Williams.

Eddy Murphy outgrew that shit.
Dave Chappelle refuses.
Big difference.

Classical liberal

October 26, 2017

I might have mentioned it before, but I'm getting sick of the new code-word "classical liberal". 
It lets regressives act like they're progressive. 
No, fuckface, you're a retro-grade piece of shit who wants to play-pretend the role of sage intellectual. 
The Republicans and Democrats swapped platforms in the 60's. 
The Dixie-crats all became Republicans. 
It was trying to suck Dixie-crat dick for votes down in Texas that got Kennedy fucking shot.
Fuck these people. 
Now they want to rewrite history "oh, we're the REAL liberals, these other liberals are the FAKE liberals". 
No, muthafucka, if you're not progressive, get the fuck out. 
Get under your elephant tent with your elephant brethren, and be proud of it, you fucking lying cowards. 
Bad enough when there's solid battle lines, but this treacherous Terminator infiltration shit drives me batty. 
Sad thing is, this works on dumb people that don't read. 
And they are legion.

And the update...

October 6, 2018

Now that the Nazis have their dream Supreme Court, they just up and threw the Halloween masks away into a big bonfire.

Even the language is dumb.
"Classic SNL" is still SNL.
"Classic Star Trek" is still Star Trek.
"Classical liberal" you would think would still be liberal.
But it ain't.
It's openly braggingly right-wing.
And it was back in the day when it was "classical".
It's retro-history.
These fuckers were never liberal.

The sellout brigade.

October 10, 2020

I've always wondered. 
Well, not always, but for a good while. 
Say the fascists take over, and they kill everyone they want to kill, and they make the horrible joyless ugly world they want to make, they keep the tokens around? 
Do they keep Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Milo Yiannopoulos, Jesse Lee Peterson, and Blaire White alive as exotic pets, or do they just kill them too? 
It kinda matters, cuz these people are on the bad-guy team because they think they're going to be pets. 
It's what makes the grift worth it.

And Ashley's reply...

Oh, they kill them too. 
Because fascists always need someone to blame, and someone to kill. 
As soon as they run out of the current scapegoats, they turn to new ones.

And Christina's reply...

Well, to get an answer, look at the way the Wordforge CHUDs held me up as a "good one" and ran to my defense after Liet made that shitty comment about Oreos versus the way they act towards me now once I stopped falling for the okey-doke. 
Volpone actually WROTE TO ME when I was in boot camp, and he was cheering on Ramen when he posted that disgusting lynching photo.
Ya damn skippy that the tokens would be thrown under the bus in such a scenario. 
Milo Y went broke after his book deal fell through and he blew all his money on hookers and blow and you don't see his rich Republican friends bailing him out. 🤷🏾‍♀️

And Sara's reply...

I point once again to the boat parade. 
The ones in the safe boats cheered as their comrades sank. 
They never need a reason to devour the weak.

Sorry, Repugs, you're evil.

November 7, 2017

Pro-Trump pro-Brexit conservatives; does it ever at all strike you that your elaborate philosophies, and just sitting in a room going "MUUAAHHAAA!!! EVIL!! EVIL!! EEEEVIIIILL!!!", have exactly the same results in every single tiny detail? 
Ever notice that? 
If not, how come? 
And if so, why keep up the academic posturing? 
You know you're not fooling us, right?

And the update...

November 7, 2018

Oh, they've dropped the mask, they're proud monsters now. 
They don't even bother to hide it.

Oh, and now that the capital raid failed, and Trump is gone, they're bawling about being cancelled, and landing on fainting couches.
Poor little snookums-es.

Cock envy.

November 11, 2020

So, one of my podcast hosts looked at the leaked Hunter Biden pics, and apparently, he's got a huge pecker.
Assuming he inherited that from Joe, and assuming Stormy is right about Trump's pathetic mushroom, this whole meltdown thing could be over cock envy, which would be in keeping with Trump's whole sad existence.

Note: the "meltdown" at the time was Trump fighting the election.
We hadn't even GOTTEN to the capital raid yet!

MAGA lingo.

November 14, 2016

Saw a quote from some out-and-out white nationalist wingnut jackoff to the effect that young white men that harass minorities in Trump's name are "uncucked". 
Good, kill those words by smearing shit all over them. 
Make "beta", and "cuck", the new "nigger lover", so everyone can take them as compliments, and laugh.

And the update...

November 14, 2020

Yeah, all lingo that came from the MAGA crowd including "MAGA", is pretty well shit-smeared.

Everyone still wearing the red hat after Biden was sworn in are almost universally looked at as jokes now.
Took long enough.

The joyously evil.

November 22, 2017

What would you do, if suddenly, someone you respected came up to you, and said "it's okay to pick on faggots again!! The president says so!", and they grin at you like they expect you to be happy at this news? 
Me, I wouldn't respect that person anymore. 
How about same scenario, but trans people? 
How about same scenario, but black people (but of course, they drop the n-bomb)? 
How about they say pedophilia is okay, and not just the president says its okay, but the Bible says so?  
None of these are tricky for me. 
I hope they aren't tricky for you. 
BUT apparently, for millions of Americans it is. 
It's REALLY tricky. 
It gets stuck right in their gears like a mooshed peanut butter sandwich. 
And for still others, well, they'd be goddamned overjoyed, like the news delivering person in the first scenario. 
They're afraid to say so super-openly, but you can tell they're chomping at the bit for it to be okay. 
I honestly don't know who creeps me out more. 
The happy, or the confused. 
Those confused assholes, they're really goddamned troubling.

And the update...

November 22, 2020

It comes down to, these people feel powerless, and they've been made powerless by the Republican assholes they keep fucking voting for, and they never fucking figure it out. 
So they take it out on people they can bully, and the Repugs are more than happy to give them hero-villain narratives to justify it. 
Trump was just gasoline on the campfire that's been flickering since Reagan. 
Their release of evil seems righteous in that delusion bubble. 
The solution is beating not just the fascists, but the moderates. 
The left has to deliver some goddamned results so the rednecks can see we're the side that actually makes people's lives better.

Well, covid relief bill, infrastructure plan, we're on our way.


December 3, 2016

Went to the drug store for batteries, and The Enquirer and The Globe had hate/fear/conspiracy mongering pro-Trump anti-Hillary shit on their front pages. 
Did Rupert Murdoch buy up our tabloids, and I missed the memo? 
Tabloids were always toilet paper, but at least they were toilet paper about celebrity fucking, UFOs, and herbal cancer cures. 
Can I just cryo hibernate my way through the rest of this decade?

No, Enquirer was always a right-wing rag.
Even their name says "just asking questions".
They were totally in the tank for Reagan.
I was just too young for it to register.
Polishing the president's helmet just seemed normal and patriotic.
I didn't have the historical perspective yet to go "we JUST had fucking Watergate!! How do these dumb assholes forget so fast?!?!?!".

Rush Limbaugh again.

December 9, 2009

Random you suppose if you went back in time, and tracked down Rush Limbaugh as a child, and showed him a downloaded clip of himself as he is right now on some digital doodad, that he'd be like "oh wow, I'm so COOL! I can't wait to be that!". Y'know? Do you think he was always a child version of what he is, or he was a regular kid, and somewhere, the dream died?

And Max's comment...

I think he was a regular dude once. 
He even went on the dole as younger man and times were tougher for him. 
What he discovered though was that there is a market for know-nothing blowhards. 
He just found his niche.

Fascism's final card.

January 4, 2021

Heads up, your awful Trumper relatives are gonna play the "fascism is only fascism if it succeeds utterly" card. 
I mean, they won't say it literally, they'll try to dress it up fancy, but dumb people aren't good at fancy. 
Good news, is it's their last card. 
Bad news, given that it's their last card, they're gonna hang onto it to their fucking death beds.

Don't tread on me.

January 6, 2021

Fuck, I hate that "don't tread on me" flag. 
Everyone who waves it is almost always a fucking cowardly liar. 
Even worse is the blue one with the red Trump name on it. 
As if Trump is a tough guy represented by a biting snake. 
The snake aught to be being squished with an orange juicer into a funnel dripping snake oil into a bottle with Trump's face. 
There's your fucking Trump flag.

Stages of conservative confession.

February 4, 2021

The stages of conservative confession...

"It's fake news!".

"Okay, it's really happening, but you're being a snowflake about it".

"Okay, it's happening, and it's evil, but your side did it too".

"Okay, it happened, and it was evil, but your side did ALL of it, and framed our side".

"Okay, it happened, and it was evil, it was all our fault, but let's put it all behind us, and have a group hug. Huh? Huh? Group hug? Come on!".

"Um......*runs away*".

*Gets dragged out of kitchen window by FBI red faced and screaming like a girl*

(In orange jumpsuit) "I've re-devoted my life to the Risen Lord Jesus 👼".

Pundits and bug-fuck-nuttery.

February 6, 2018

I've been puzzling over why so many conservative pundits are so bug-fuck nuts. 
I've narrowed down to that it's their job to defend the indefensible, that being that the richest country in the world has poor people because of a greedy minority. 
But the part I'm not sure of, is...does defending the indefensible DRIVE them bug-fuck nuts, OR, is it that the people who can pile bullshit the highest to defend the indefensible are bug-fuck nuts to start with, so the overlords seek out the wackaloons for the job?

And the update....

February 6, 2018

A small pinch-full are nuts. 
The rest just don't give a shit about absolutely anything up to and including the planet burning down, and will tell any lie necessary to be able to stuff the next fistful of caviar into their selfish guts, or the next line of coke up their nose, or the next prostitute in their bed. 
Dershowitz in the impeachment trial made that clear.

Oh, Rudy Giuliani and Marjorie Taylor Greene are fucking nuts.
With Rudy, it's probably dementia.

Deal with The Devil.

April 18, 2021

I think the deal with The Devil society made with psychopaths is simply this. "Yeah, they're horrible people...BUT THEY MAKE SO MUCH MONEY!!!! We NEED them!!! If we just placate them, and keep them in line...". That second part proved fucking impossible. Deals with The Devil don't work. Read the classics. Hell, read a fucking comic book. Hopefully Trump is the hangover the moderate left needed to realize this shit.

We knew about Trump.

February 15, 2021

I'm calling absolute bullshit on the "there was no way to know in 2016" line.

We fucking knew.

There was the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape.

There was his assholism at the debates.

There were his stated positions at the debates.

There was the "I'll pay your legal bills" violence at his rallies.

Hillary warned us about what he'd do to the supreme court, and women's rights, and as corny-ass as "Trumped up trickle down" was, she was fucking right.

Oh, and "basket of deplorables" was fucking right too.
All the fucking butt-hurt in the right over that, and then they turned right around, and were fucking deplorable.
Shit on the capital walls deplorable.

We had the record of how he treated his ex-wives.

There was the Central Park Five shit.

There were movies and documentaries on his buddy Roy Cohn.

On, and on, and on....

If you didn't know, you were under a rock.
Wordforgers aren't under a rock.
We talked about this shit.
Oldfella* fucking knew.
He didn't fucking care.
It was revenge for Obama.
Obama broke Republicans brains, and they had to lash out.
It's as raw and animal as that.
There was no deep philosophical soul searching, or Machiavellian calculating.
"Own the libs!! Own the libs!! We'll show you!! We'll show you!".

And we knew THAT in 2016 too!
Don't act now like you fucking didn't.
Don't you fucking dare.

*A trash Trumper WF poster.

The bigot side.

February 20, 2021

History shows that the regressive bigot side is destined to lose. 
Why can't they just go quietly? 
What victory is there in kicking and screaming and dragging things out? 
When it finally ends anyway, are they gonna look at all the people they hurt for no reason, pat each other on the backs, and go "hey man, good job"? 
Do they expect us to make a statue of that moment? 
What's the thinking process?

Transphobia again.

March 15, 2021

I just don't get transphobia. 
I mean as an actual fear. 
Are they scared they're going to hit on a passing transwoman? 
Are they scared they're gonna hit on a non-passing transwoman? 
I mean....that has to be part of it, they were putting it in shitty movies as a punchline right up to "Dude, Where's My Car?". 
Is it a "I just don't wanna even look at them" thing? 
Goddamn the fucking entitlement that reveals. 
There's a LOT of shit I don't wanna fucking look at that I have to. 
Crucifix necklaces. 
MAGA hats. 
Biker regalia. 
Truck nuts. 
Arby's existing. 
The fuckers buying Axe body spray when I have to go buy my stick deodorant. 
I cringe my way through my day, and I survive. 
Why can't these fragile fucks? 

And Ray's comment...

They're afraid that openly accepting transwomen is the first step to embracing their deeply repressed homosexual urges. 
That's why you never see the same hysteria over transmen.

And that's those!
Next, and last, is pet stories!


B. D. said...

Derek Chauvin got convicted and Ted Nugent (didn't you used to like him?) got COVID.

I guess those are positive developments eh?

"Stranger Things" season 2 was only a marginal improvement over the first one...pathetic with the "Aliens" ripping off halfway through.

Diacanu said...

Mike Lindell-
Did I mention he made an anti-abortion horror movie?
They made fun of it on "God Awful Movies".
One of the hosts said he wanted to box Mike Lindell after seeing it.

Qanon hypocrisy-
Every town has a Catholic church.
They wanna bust in on some pedophiles, it's right there.
Just saying.

Tech bubble-
I didn't get to enjoy the schadenfreude for more than 5 seconds before it took the rest of the economy over the cliff.
Same as the Gamestop shit.
Well, there you go, that's how you can explain it to the kiddies.
It's the Gamestop prequel!

Bernie Madoff-
I said on Facebook "I wish it had been a shanking".

Yeah, I voted Warren in the 2020 primary even though I knew we were probably getting Joe.
I had to try.
BUT, again, he's been a surprise policy wise.

The infuriating thing about Hillary isn't her, it's that so many lefties hated her, and all the bad shit about her was lies from Republicans.
It baffles me that liberals believed Republican shit.
I Google rabbit-holed all the bad stories about her, and it always dead-ended at right-wing blogs.

Bill Maher-
I used to waver back and forth on Bill Maher too, but him sucking up to Jordan Peterson was the last straw for me.
Plus, I think he's gotten on the "it's cancel culture!!" bandwagon.

Never thought it would happen!

I used to think he was kinda funny, even though I hated his politics.
But, after the "kill Hillary!" shit, and being a Trump suckup, and a covid denier, it stopped being cute.
Yeah, fuck that guy.
I don't want him dead though.
He can probably afford the antibody transfusion treatment Trump got.

Stranger Things-
Yeah, but they're pretty unabashed about their movie referencing.
Season 3 is "The Thing".

Diacanu said...

2020's "The Craft: Legacy" is cringe.

2019's "Burn" is excellent. The kind of weird indie movie they used to make in the 90's.
About a guy who robs a gas station convenience store, but one of the girls behind the counter turns out to be psycho.

B. D. said...

Mike Lindell - I'd rather read Steven Seagal's novel than Lindell's abortion movie.
NOTE: When I said Kevin Sorbo was the dumbest of the conservative celebrity crowd I had forgotten Seagal, who sucks Putin's dick now in addition to being probably a total perv and jerk.
Seriously, if I found a copy of this thing I'd HAVE to read it.

I sometimes wonder how I would explain tech stuff from 15-20 years ago to young people who have whatever they have now...the original Napster probably looks to them now like the computers in "WarGames" looked to me when I was a kid.
I remember my only song that I offered up on Napster was that ping-pong track that's like 20 seconds long at the beginning of that Flower Kings album *Legion* had both of us listen to. AND PEOPLE TRIED TO DOWNLOAD IT FROM ME!

Nugent - I confess to a couple of laughs at his Conan O'Brien appearances. Also I found out he played a thug once on "Miami Vice"--JUST LIKE FRANK ZAPPA. His political opposite!!
As for his music, I thought he was intentionally silly and didn't take himself at all seriously so I almost respected him for that, but "Stranglehold" is one of the most boring ubiquitous classic rock songs and I'm sick of it. In fact his psychedelic-era work with the Amboy Dukes may be more interesting, partially because he didn't know it was about drug abuse!

Diacanu said...

*Finally clicks open the link about thta book*

HAHAHAHAAA!! Holy shit!!

The "God Awful Movies" guys sometime do God Awful Books, and they should totally do this one.

BUT....if they wait long enough, it might get made into a movie.

Diacanu said...

Oh, here's the podcasts links for the God Awful Movies episodes making fun of "Unplanned" Lindell's anti-abortion movie, and "Absolute Proof" and "Absolute Interference" a duology that boil down to "Dems stole the election!! With help from China!!!!" followed by "he's gonna be president in August when all the proof comes out!! You'll see!!".


Absolute Proof

Absolute Interference

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