Friday, January 15, 2021

Ghostbusters, Trump, and MAGA-ism- Updated.

So, about two years ago, I did "Why Answer The Call is a worthy sequel to Ghostbusters 2".

Well, recent events make it more valid than ever.

So, short version of that post, the pink slime in GB2, and Rowan, are different facets of the same thing.
The creeping fascism in America, and the mind-poison that comes with it.

And nothing represents that better right now than Donald fucking Trump.

Rowan didn't just predict MAGA voters, and Red Pill Incels, once he grows to giant form, HE IS fucking Trump.

Smashing up buildings like Godzilla.
Like Trump sending his Qanon goons to smash up the capital.

Trumpism/MAGA-ism is an existential physical threat to democracy and civilized society, and GB:ATC predicted that shit.

As I said back then...

I think ATC will be more prophetic and dead-on the further out we get.

Fuck yes, it is!

Let's go through the post...

...and this is what pissed off anti-feminist fedora wearing basement dwellers to no end, and made blood shoot out of their ears and eye sockets, he's (Rowan) an anti-feminist fedora wearing basement dweller. Minus the fedora. But we just know he has one tucked away somewhere.

Anti-feminist fedora wearing basement dwellers found this to be an unfair insulting stereotype.
Fuck them.
Fuck them with a red rubber dick.
Without lube.

They either went to the Y'all-quaeda raid, or cheered it on from Youtube, and Twitter, and Parler.
Although, the FBI is taking them serious finally (after 4 years of this shit) and are hunting them like dogs.
Couldn't happen to nicer fucking people.
Good on 'em.
Good riddance.

Back to the post...

This movie predicted the fucking little demons that would crawl out of the sewer once Trump got elected.
I don't think it meant to, but it did.

Rowan is the pink slime from GB2 with a face.

Yep, and the foul little zombies didn't stop at crawling from the sewer, they crawled up the capital steps, and literally wiped poo on the walls.

I smile every time the female Ghostbusters literally shoot him in the dick.

Let's hope the Senate convicts, so Trump can never run again, and makes the rest of this come true.

His loss to Biden (and him helping to lose the Georgia runoff that lost the Repugs the Senate) was the shot in the dick, him losing the ability to run again, and the collapse of his disgusting empire, and the death spasms of the MAGA cult will be Rowan falling into the dimensional pit, and the reverse polarity ley-lines sucking up all the littler ghosts.

If all that happens, I'll do a triumphant part three of this!

And he was even beaten by women!

Stacey Abrams helped flip Georgia, and helped flip the Senate in Georgia.
And Kamala Harris is gonna be the tie-breaker vote in the Senate.
And Nanci Pelosi brought the impeachment papers to The House.

You're female-Ghostbusted, you walking orange nutsack!

More from the post..

He (Dan Aykroyd) always strived to keep the GB films a-political.

But OUTSIDE the films, he's pretty candid politically.

During the press tour for ATC, he came right out, and said that ATC haters were future Trump voters, and among their number were old fat KKK members.
He does not mince words.
Not anymore.

Yep, and that's exactly who raided the capital.
Another name for it I've seen (that I adore!!) is "the beer-belly putsch".

'89, he had to be a little sneakier though.
So, you have to decode it a little.

'89 we were coming to the end of the Reagan years.
And his "it's morning in America", and "the shining city on the hill", shit hadn't exactly happened.
Not for the lower middle working class.
Not for anyone I knew or grew up with.
Yuppies however, had a big old coke orgy.
They always do when the Republicans roll into town.

And New York was still a corrupted polluted nightmare Hell city where you were really likely to be murdered and/or raped.
Since then, to the shocked and awed disbelief of many, New York has been cleaned up, and become managable!
People WANT to go there now!
SANE people, not just hipster assholes who romanticize misery, and want to write a novel about the seedy underbelly of life while they take lots of heroin.

Hey, maybe the Ghostbusters fixed it!! :-D

Anyway, yeah, America had Reagan hangover.
And who else was the poster boy for Reaganism, but Donald fucking Trump?

Yep, and since then, I've discovered (well, re-discovered) that both Reagan and Trump were/are rapists.
Can't pied-piper misogynists without being ones yourselves.

And who was sneering at ATC before anyone else on Twitter?
You fucking guessed it.

Everyone forgets that for some reason.
If you hated ATC, but also hate Trump, you've gotta look in the mirror now.
If Trump agrees with you that the sky is blue, you have to feel dirty, but jumping on the hate bandwagon of this flick with the fucker?
Knowing what he is now?
Yeah, go ahead and feel dirty.
Feel it good and deep.

The biggest hint in the actual film we get is Aykroyd as Ray calling those bratty kids at the birthday party "ungrateful little yuppie larvae".
Well, what else did those yuppie larvae grow up into but the beasts that besiege us now?
Whether it's the fuckers from "The Wolf Of Wall Street", or Trump's goon squad, or a bottomless blackhole of social media trolls who claim to be Libertarian, but pull the lever for the Elephant every fucking time.

Again, the capital raid.
Few if any were poor.
These were upper-middle-class fuckers who could afford expensive campers, and first-class plane tickets.
The Duck Dynasty types.

Now, I can just hear the crocodile tear laced cries of making the films a partisan axe grinding thing.

Well, sorry, evil in the world is wearing an elephant skin right now, and you have to be blind, deluded, or lying not to admit it.

There IS no fucking denying it anymore.
I mean, yes, they're trying like a motherfucker to scapegoat Antifa, and play "whatabout?" with the BLM protests last summer, but everyone who isn't brain damaged sees these fascist fucks for what they are.
Genie's out of the bottle.
Naked emperor has been identified as naked.

Food for thought.
Mull it over.

Who needs to mull anymore?
Raise your hand, so I can shoot a rubber band into your eye.

So, yeah, ATC called it, and I called that.


B. D. said...

Huh, look who died:

Sadly, I have seen a few of the Andy Sidaris films. They were terrible!!!

Diacanu said...

Says here she's alive.

I had to check, cuz her death was faked last year too.

B. D. said...

Oh. Well I remembered you saying she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

On another note I rewatched "The Professional" and it tells such a barebones fantasy of a story that I think its the perv crowd thats chiefly responsible for its high reputation. Also Gary Oldman really embarrasses himself in it.

B. D. said...

Also, if you have 54 minutes to blow, here's a podcast detailing the pathetic likely identity of "Q". The part about passwords is hilarious.

B. D. said...

I wonder if everyone's going to feel really sorry for Dustin Diamond now that he's dead. Watch in the next couple weeks or so to see if the world changes its tune about him.

Diacanu said...

Shit two weeks I'm late?
Sorry about that.
I was....going through something.
I'm okay now.


Re: The Professional.
Yeah, dunno if you heard, but there's a deleted scene from the script where Leon totally fucks Matilda.
They didn't film it, no way in Hell Natalie's mom was gonna let that happen.
Luc Besson based Matilda on his girlfriend who he started fucking when she was 14.
Pedo laws are more lax in France, I guess.

Re: Q.
I heard he's the founder of 8chan/8kun who's also a pig farmer.
I dunno what the podcast says.
I'm cutting down on my podcast diet to try to write a book.
I figure I have enough failed attempts now to make a Frankenstein of the good parts.

Re: Dustin Diamond.
There's still a teensy tiny part of me that pities the guy.
It's like...a grain of glitter sized though.
He could have turned it around, but he insisted on being a shit.
I guess he's out of his misery as well as ours.

B. D. said...

"The Professional" - Reading through the external reviews on IMDb and coming across that story over and over and over and over again got pretty old!!
More countries around the world have 16 as the age of consent than don't, IIRC.

Q - The podcast claims it's likely Ron and Jim Watkins, a father and son duo who the 8chan founder guy trusted...It's full of really pathetic details about the inability to

Dustin Diamond - It's a case of a bad life ending don't know whether to feel bad or not. He was pretty hated by a lot of people before the cancer was announced (mercifully, his SBTB castmastes have tried to be nice about the whole thing in spite of his stupid claims about drama on the show), assault charges, porn tapes, writing a book that was probably full of crap....I sort of have to say though that I did see his George Carlin derived stand up routine when he came to Kansas once and it honestly wasn't half bad! I'm just making note of this because I want to see if people who hated him change their tune or not, and what that means.

I also watched "Battlefield Earth," Just a really lame Star Wars/Planet Of The Apes knockoff with Travolta hamming it up really badly....shot like a dull episode of "Xena" or something like that with a retarded director's attempts at aping Terry Gilliam's camera angles in it. Bad stuff, but a few minutes of Travolta's acting is all anyone actually needs to see from's not worth watching even ironically otherwise.

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