Addendum to (seventh) Star Wars day.
I started observing Star Wars day on 2012, and I didn't even know it was a thing until Hyla told me about it.
I traced it back to see how many I missed, and apparently, it became a thing in 2008.
So, I went back to see what I was doing instead in those 4 lost years.
I'm erased from internet existence.
I can't find anything.
I didn't start this blog until late June, so I missed it here.
I was taking a vacation from my usual boards so there's no record of me there.
I didn't start Facebook 'til winter.
So, all my internet activity was on Richard Dawkins, and the secret refugees board for Jason-Worlders.
And the latter has been wiped from existence, and the former rebooted their forums, and wiped all my shit from existence there.
There's nothing.
It's like I don't exist for that span.
But, I know I did, cuz here I am.
Closest I can find, is some build up to the first Iron Man movie in late 2007, and some Dark Knight stuff after May. Nothing hits the bullseye.
So...I was just getting in flame wars with Christians, and cracking jokes for my friends.
If someone mentioned Star Wars day, it flew over my head.
Head was still wrapped up in religion crap.
The Shmegalamonga coat of arms.
Which I re-reviewed here.
So, plus those lost years, next year is actually the 12th.
Gotta remember that.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
1998 lives forever!!!!
Oh wait, I've probably already dredged these up. If I forget the URLs googling "Vermouthious" always brings 'em back.
Oh goodie, Oliver North is head of the NRA now! That's almost as funny as Giuliani shilling for Trump.
I wonder if this will cause kids to look up North and realize what he did.
He's perfect for the job. The NRA was helping Donnie and his sons get a back-channel to Russia for their money funneling.
Treasonous arms dealers hiring another threasonous arms dealer is just right.
The silver lining to all this shit, is the big fat lie of it all being exposed.
All my life growing up, if you questioned anything about this shitty country, you got beat over the head with "if you don't like it, go to Russia!".
And it always came from some fucking flag waving Republican moron.
Now the Republicans are spreading their ass-cheeks for Russia.
So much for all that 80's Bald Eagle fellating.
And no one was more red, white, & blue than the fucking NRA, and they're part of the treason.
It's so freeing not to have to hear that phony bullshit patriotism anymore.
It was all hot air and nothing.
I mean, scientifically, yes, we'll have to hear it, because Republican voters are morons, and they'll still open their fat mouths, but we won't have to countenance it anymore.
It won't work anymore.
There won't be that little pause of "gee...maybe they're right".
Or "gee, I feel kinda guilty".
Nope, that shit ain't gonna work anymore.
It has no power.
They've burnt their argument to the ground.
That part of it is freeing, and healing, and beautiful.
Good fucking riddance to that toxic fucking waste on my soul.
Good. Fucking. Riddance.
I think they've just substituted "China" for "Russia" these days.
The NRA is still trying to sell people AR-15s for the same paranoid narrative they've probably already shucked for decades now: "THE NIGGERS and SPICS are rising up to get you!" Now it's "inner city people" instead of the slurs but be honest we know who they really mean.
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