Friday, January 8, 2021

Star Trek: Discovery, season 3 review!

Final episode dropped yesterday, so here we go...

The buildup to get here-

Non-spoiler review-

I dunno, it's another season people where whiny about; even people who liked the previous seasons.
*Shrug* I thought it was great.
It didn't have the cosmic conclusion that season 2 did, but it was definitely better than season 1, and I'm a defender of season 1.
OTOH, I gobbled up every scrap of continuity porn and fan-service like candy, and for me, that added points to the scoreboard.
I can't decide right now where to rank it, really.
Equal or better than 2...I dunno.
I do know I'm excited for season 4.

Spoiler review-
(Bail out now if you don't wanna know!)

From here...

Well, the trailer for season 3 spoils it, so I'll just come out and say it, they timewarp Discovery 900+ years in the future.

So, starting season 3, Discovery ain't a prequel anymore.
But, no matter, the prequel torch is passed to Pike anyway.

-So, yep, they go to the future (the 32nd century to be exact) and they're still in the future for season 4.

-Reference to TNG era Spock! So Ethan Peck becomes Leonard Nimoy who meets Zach Quinto.
DIS is canonized. I mean, it's always been canon enough, but hardcore canon-heads need that direct link, and I need it in order to shut them the fuck up.

-The USS Voyager-J!

- The USS Nog!

-Adira and Grey are great! ....kinda sucks that Grey is a ghost, but it looks like they're gonna find a way to re-body him next season. Hey, if they can resurrect Culber...

-Guardian Of Forever!! 

-Transporter badges!! About goddamned time, they had a portable transporter in "ST:Nemesis", every badge should have been a transporter from then on.

-Vulcan and Romulus re-unified!

-Reference to ST:Picard!

-Reference to the JJ-verse!

-Reference to the Temporal Cold War from ST:Enterprise!

-Captain Burnham!!! 
Another "about fucking time".
Suck it, CHUDs.

So, yeah, we leave off with Burnham captain of the Discovery, the crew with their new 32nd century uniforms, the Discovery upgraded to the Discovery-A, and flying off to spread dilithium to the fragmented bits of the Federation, and to help pull the Fed back together, Saru back on his home planet, and Stamets and Culber working on how to re-materialize Grey, and treating Adira like their adopted child.

Oh, and the Guardian Of Forever episode leaves it open for the Section 31 show led by Michelle Yeoh, but I've heard nothing about further development on that, so I dunno if that's even gonna happen.
We'll just have to see....

And, that completes "the 23 weeks of Trek".
Lower Decks being the first 10.

ST:Picard season 2 starts shooting in February.
Dunno when Discovery season 4 starts, but I know they've written it.

Hopefully, we'll get Picard in the summer or the fall.
Discovery 4 will probably drop in the winter again.
Lower Decks...I'm betting we get that in the summer.

Stay tuned...


B. D. said...

Oh my God, Sorbo is a RETARD.

I mean, I don't normally post this sort of shit, but GOOD LORD how stupid is that man?!?

Diacanu said...

Ohhhh, he's mind-bendingly stupid.

You wouldn't even have to ask how stupid he is if you followed "God Awful Movies", and heard them describe how bad his gross evil Christian movies are.

Him drinking the Qanon Kool-Aid is about on course for him.

There's a meme going around of him cheering Y'all-qaeda on, and then turning right around, and blaming it on Antifa.

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