And part two of today's two-parter...
(Part 1)
Religious con-artists.
July 10, 2017
I've always scratched my head over the mentality religious people have of "better you be some religion I disagree with than *gasp* ATHEIST! ".
The only way I've gotten the logic to add up, is if you look at it through the eyes of a con artist.
You've got marks who haven't been conned yet, and you've got marks that are being conned by someone else, but the ones who can't be conned, they're dangerous.
They'll fuck everything up.
They'll blab the whole thing, and wreck the whole game.
So, even though someone is being handled by some other con-man, at least they're con-able, and therefore, safe.
So that's why they like the victims of other cons, even though they don't get to con them.
And it's why they've taught their marks to see it the same way.
So they can be extra eyes, and ears, and pairs of hands.
Burning bridges.
July 11, 2013
You know, I'm not without self-awareness.
I do reflect on the things I say and do.
A lot, actually.
It's just my pissed off side wins the inner debate.
He's smarter.
Here's one instance.
I often ask myself if I burn too many bridges.
Now, let's say I someday write a book that makes it to the big publishers.
Stop laughing.
Let's just say, okay?
Now, I've virulently slammed Entertainment Weekly on my blog.
But, they're an ass you have to kiss in the business.
Would that be a strike against me?
Could very well be.
But here's the thing, I can in every detail imagine the alternate timeline where I bite my tongue, and be a good little boy, and play the game...and then I don't get to tell the truth ever.
I stop being me.
I'd have to be a relentless phony.
My...for lack of a better word...soul dies.
Fuck that.
People who think the things I do, and hold it in because they're scared are fucking bootlicking cowards.
To a man, to a woman.
Gutless, spineless, soulless.
I'll pay the price to not be a bootlicking coward.
It's worth it to me.
So, fuck Entertainment Weekly, they're a rag.
They have a privileged perch, that's it.
They get access to everything, and they scoop everyone.
Journalism wise, they're Highlights for kids.
And fuck BloodyDisgusting.
Their reviewers are wussies, and wussies ought not be allowed to review horror.
Fuck 'em.
They want a sorry out of me, earn it by not sucking.
Will I regret this post someday?
Even if they tie me to a chair and blowtorch my flesh off.
Matter of fact, that kind of situation would prove me right, wouldn't it?
And the update...
July 11, 2017
This is a world that let Trump be president.
This is a world that didn't stop Purdue from causing an opioid epidemic.
Fuck just about everybody.
Burn bridges?
Fuck it, burn cities.
No one has anything to say to me on either side of the aisle about playing the game, and being a good little boy
I said it best in "dodging covid bullets".
Stick to your guns, and wait them out.
Wait the phonies, try-hards, and sellouts out.
Their little world will collapse, and you'll be right.
It must really suck to sell out, have the world collapse, and have to lie to defend it so your disgusting evil life doesn't feel wasted.
Boo-hoo for them.
America is an abusive relationship.
July 12, 2017
Y'know, I look back on it, and being an American has been like being in a toxic abusive marriage. "Oh, you're in this relationship? Then you're Christian, and capitalist, because we say so. It's as intrinsic as your skin, hair, and eye color. Don't think about it....or WE'LL PUUUUNIIISH YOOOUU!!!!!".
And if you do question those things "Oh? You Don't like putting up with our shit? See how you like being alone then. Yeah that's right, no one else will ever love you. No one. No one wants you. It's us, or nothing. IT'S US, OR FUCKING NOTHING!!! YOU INGRATE!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!?!?!".
Then an hour later, America takes you out for ice cream, shows you a blockbuster movie, and you forget for awhile.
Until next time.
Ancient Astronaut theorists.
July 12, 2013
"Could (such and such bullshit) from (such and such myth) be ALIENS?? Ancient Astronaut Theorists say YES!".
If they say "yes", they're not theorizing anymore, they're asserting.
There, I just debunked their fake job with one fucking word.
That was easy.
Now, snacktime.
The self-destructiveness of smug.
July 17, 2016
You know what's the most self-destructive phrase in the English language?
" you didn't know that!".
Yeah, well I know it now, fuckface.
A good 45% of my knowledge base comes from pricks trying to one-up me.
Keep giving me power.
It's delicious.
Life must be fun for stupid bigots.
July 17, 2015
The world must be such an easier funner place to navigate if you're a dumbass bigot.
I mean, sometimes I get the blues over the hum-drum-ness of my life, and yearn for adventure, and there's no adventure to be had, all the wars are corrupted by corporate interest, we created all our villains, all the daredevil mountain climbing and ballooning shit is being done by bored billionaires, the oceans are being mapped by James Cameron, there's just nothing left.
Unless evil aliens invade soon or something.
BUUUT, if you're a bigot, everyone who simply doesn't look like you is a monster from a video game, and you just get to go to town.
Especially if you can convince someone to give you a police or soldier uniform.
That seems to be the best way to get maximum enjoyment out of this sick country is be trailer park stupid, and bigoted as fuck.
Me and my too many braincells.
What was I thinking?
And the update.
July 17, 2018
And the world got even more fun for the meatheads the last couple years.
Something I didn't consider.
When the world goes enough to shit because of stupid racist meatheads, we get to join the resistance, and fight Nazis.
Thanks for making life like Star Wars, CHUDs!
Racist knucklehead.
July 18, 2014
Someone I know has been spouting racist bullshit, and it's really making me sick.
The stupidity of it.
Nevermind that genetics debunks all of racism's assertions, nevermind the existence of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Barak Obama, nevermind simple fucking math and logic, that black people that fulfill a racist stereotype are a minority within a minority within a minority, whereas moron dipshit WHITE people are LEGION.
MILLIONS of THOSE ignorant muthafuckas.
Nope, fuck evidence, and reason, and logic "I just believe it".
Fuck, I hate that.
Belief with no backing.
Just "I believe it because I believe it".
Well, I'll just make this person a villain in my book.
Everyone's getting theirs.
It's my big book of vengeance.
I gotta get back to it.
Well, I'm late by 6 years, but I finally had them get theirs in a story.
Nazis and kooks.
July 21, 2020
(Responding to an article about Twitter banning QAnon)
The "liberal media", were absolute shit at exposing Reagan and Bush Senior for what they were, or debunking the Satanic Panic as it happened, or a shitload of other things, but they were good gatekeepers against fucking Nazis and tinfoil kooks.
You can't give fascism or anti-reality any quarter.
It's not "tolerance", or "diversity", to let them sabotage society
Racist celebs, and people who can't seem to quit the n-word.
July 24, 2015
So, Hulk Hogan is fired for saying racist slurs, and now he's apologizing.
Lotta that lately.
Dumb rednecks having to apologize for being themselves.
You know how you'll never have to apologize for racist slurs?
It's really easy.
Don't be a racist.
Outside of being a racist, there's no proper context for throwing the N-bomb around.
I mean using it sincerely, not singing a rap song, or imitating Dave Chappelle.
I go years at a time not using it.
Sometimes decades.
How long has Chappelle been off?
Ten years?
There you go.
If you have the internal struggle of "boy I wish I could call that guy N-bomb, but I'll get in trouble", you're a racist.
Stop it.
It's really easy.
Just remind yourself "these beliefs aren't true, and only stupid people believe them", and poof.
Cold turkey.
If you need a racism patch, or racism gum, maybe you just need to be put to sleep.
Treacherous dolts.
July 25, 2014
1. One doesn't have to be an Einstein to be ahead of the average dolt.
2. Being smart doesn't put me on the hook to be a genius.
3. If I WERE a genius, it wouldn't put me on the hook to be omni-competent in everything, and able to know everything that's happening behind my back.
YET! Whenever some douchebag ever got the drop on me via treachery, many was the time I'd hear "haha!! You're not as smart as you think you are!".
No, dipshit, I'm exactly as smart as I think I am, which is as smart as I am.
No more, no less.
How the hell is my not being treachery resistant validation of you being an asshole?
All of which loops back to #1.
2016 third party voters are spoiled trash.
July 25, 2016
Have you noticed that the "a pox on both houses", crowd that come right out and say the country deserves Trump as punishment for nominating Hillary are pretty much all fucking white and well off?
It's really easy to cheer on the hurricane when you've got a storm cellar.
I'd be a lot more impressed if they were willing to strap themselves to a phone pole for the duration.
Don't wait for it.
They ain't got it in 'em.
Real edgy rebellion left their pasty carcasses decades ago.
If it was ever there.
Stein voters.
July 26, 2016
I'm just bowled over by how staggeringly stupid millennial liberals are.
"Ohhhh, I don't like Hillary because of my MORALS, and my FEEEEELINGS!".
FUCK your feelings!!!
FUCK 'em!!!
The Supreme Court, goddammit!!!!
I don't care if you think sentient flesh-eating turds come out of Hillary's mouth, ears, and eye sockets!!!
Hillary won't turn the Supreme Court into a Bible-Taliban fucking shit-show nightmare!!!
Yeah, you're real fucking moral when a female friend of yours has to pound out her daddy's rape-baby while a cop watches.
I'm in the fucking Twilight Zone.
Holy shit.
And the addendum...
Oh, I'm sorry, that language was angry and trollish.
Wouldn't want to offend the delicate sensibilities of the little safe-spacers.
Getting a crypto-Nazi elected is serious upright morally clean business.
And another addendum...
I just learned that you can say the DNC are a pack of murderers that would kill Bernie, without evidence, and without social consequence, but if you call the person that says it "retard", you're a disgusting evil nasty troll.
These are those "social skills", I missed out on not being extroverted, and hanging out with idiots.
I have so much to learn and aspire to.
And the update...
July 26, 2017
Yep, this too.
Ginsberg has a ticking clock over her head.
Enjoy those liberties you used to have, kiddies.
Keep telling yourself how MORAL you were when you voted Stein, or stayed home.
And another update...
July 26, 2018
Redemption isn't going to come for these little idiots.
Unless we get up to full Third Reich, and they take up arms in the resistance.
And another update...
July 26, 2019
*Sigh* yep, and all that happened.
How you FEELING, Stein voters, and Bernie bros?
Feeling good about yourselves still?
Wonder how clean they feel watching housewives get their eyeballs shot out with rubber bullets.
I wonder if they kiss themselves in the mirror.
Safe bet the number that do isn't zero.
If it's one, it's too many.
And there's no way it's one.
Violating nature.
July 17, 2015
For the quadzillionth time.
Nature isn't just grass, trees, and puppies.
It's everything.
The whole universe, and even the multiverse if there is one.
Anything that turns out to exist is natural.
So, when you tell me that something "violates nature", you're telling me you're a pathetic simpleton that doesn't know how fucking reality works.
People like that need to be sent to a home to be cared for by nurses, not voted for.
And the addendum...
Also, if someone can "violate nature's God", guess what?
They're God.
Way to hand your adversaries ultimate power in the universe, dumbasses.
We'll be fiiiine!
July 27, 2016
Okay, I don't want to argue with the person that said this, because they're pathological, and lost up their own ass, but they said "if Trump is elected, we'll be okay for 4 years".
Yeah, that's not a thing.
There's never been an inconsequential demagogue president.
That's not how any part of that equation works.
We're still feeling the effects that Richard Nixon had on health care.
We're still feeling the effects Reagan had on unions, airlines, and the treatment of the mentally ill.
We're going to feel the effects Bush's negligence had on Louisiana for the next 30-40 years, and the middle east will feel his effects for the next 75-100 years.
Presidents aren't a "no big whoop", kind of thing.
And the update...
July 27, 2020
I'm sure the "we", in "we'll", meant white people who shut up, and eat their TV dinners like good boys and girls.
"Batman The Cult", for no reason (honest!)
July 27, 2020
I always liked the way "Batman: The Cult", ended.
Spoilers, if you haven't read it.
This dude called Deacon Blackfire shows up, and brainwashes all the homeless people in Gotham into a cult army, and they take over.
It looks very much like "Dark Knight Rises", when they do.
I always thought DKR stole heavily from "The Cult".
Anyhoo, how Batman beats Blackfire is great.
He knows he can't just beat him up and take him in, cuz the cult-army will rip him to pieces.
So, he beats the shit out of Blackfire in such a way that he won't pass out, or knock out, but just keeps inflicting painful punishment until he can't take it anymore, and goes "please...kill me, Batman, finish it..kill me".
Then the mob tears Blackfire apart, because they can't stand for their leader to be weak.
And that breaks the Thulsa Doom spell.
Batman just walks away, and lets him be shredded.
I'll leave it to your imagination who in the real world I might be applying this fantasy to.
Fascists have to lie.
July 28, 2018
Ever notice how the far-right has to lie and cheat to get their agenda through, and they can't admit what their agenda is until they've gotten it?
Doesn't that just tell you everything?
I've always wondered, if they really believe in "fuck the poor", and "fuck democracy", and "Devil take the hindmost", why not just say it?
Why not shout it from the rooftops?
Cuz there are sick fuckers that would agree, and gleefully vote for candidates like that.
Even if it sealed their own doom.
We've got people that stupid.
Lots of them.
What it tells me, is regardless of what the actual numbers are THEY, the libertarian swine, think there aren't enough.
That they have to dupe the centrists into going along to get the numbers.
Hell, they might even think NO ONE wants the world they want to inflict on us.
In a strange sort of way, that gives me hope.
And, that bucket's empty!
Tomorrow, another bucket!
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
That Entertainment Weekly comment has got to be showing its age. Surely THEIR power has dwindled since 2013!
Yeah, the EW stuff is cringe, I just like the updates I added onto it.
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