Friday, April 23, 2021

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier review.

I caught it on the day of the season finale this time!

-Infinity Saga.

Non-spoiler review-

I dug it.
It's a 6 hour Captain America 3.5.

Same compliments to rich character development I gave Wandavision.
Same observations on corona delaying it from 2020.

Hard comparing it to Wandavision.
Whichever one you like better, you gotta agree, both of them would have slaughtered the competition at the theaters for 2020. 
It wasn't even gonna be close!

Spoiler review-

-Baron Zemo gets his mask!
-Baron Zemo has dance moves, and Turkish delight!
-Julia Louis Dreyfuss is going to be evil Nick Fury across movies and shows, and she was supposed to premiere in Black Widow.
-Sharon Carter heel-turn!
-All this sets the stage for Captain America 4!!

This summer for Marvel: Black Widow, and Loki!
Coming up very next in the next month or so: the season review for Clarice!
Stay tuned!!


B. D. said...

Looks like this is getting a fourth try, then:

I know that the Zac Efron Ted Bundy movie, and the Netflix Ted Bundy series, were both pretty well received (the old 2002 movie directed by the "Freeway" director should've been good but wasn't), but I didn't really get much of anything out of "My Friend Dahmer" and that old Jeremy Renner movie wasn't all that hot either.

Diacanu said...

Re: Dahmer movies.
Yeah, I can't remember if I was dippy about "My Friend Dahmer" at the time I watched it.
I think I said it was worth checking out to see if you'd like it.
I thought it was the best Dahmer movie by comparison, cuz the z-budget one, and the Renner ones weren't so hot.

Speaking of fourth tries, there's going to be the 4th incarnation of Fantasy Island with a female Mr. Roarke.

Christ, they just had the Blumhouse movie version last fucking year!

B. D. said...

"My Friend Dahmer" didn't have anything stupid or embarrassing in it, but it also didn't have anything exceptionally interesting. It's just this kid dragging around his boring 1970s Midwestern high school experience doing nothing and being nobody and oh yeah he's going to start killing people sooner or later.
The kid playing Dahmer probably gave a very good performance, but in the service of a movie that didn't have anything in it I really felt like watching twice.

Don't watch the 2002 Ted Bundy movie, it's just bad.
And REALLY don't watch the 1971 "The Zodiac Killer" movie which must have been made for $5, in 1971 dollars.

Yeah, and Saved By The Bell is back too, but I guess it's some sort of ironic take (they wouldn't want it to be an abomination like "Fuller House" and do it straight, I guess--not that I'd watch "Fuller House" at gunpoint)...I'd forgotten that there was a 90s Fantasy Island, didn't it star Malcolm McDowell? Yeah, that probably killed it right there!

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