Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Ghostbusters Afterlife TRAILER 2!! (Spoilers!)

Jesus, the last one was way back in December of 2019.
To say this flick is late is an understatement. 

Now, let's analyze this one by answering questions/observations I had in the last trailer analysis.

Here's Busters 1 & 2....
...and here's 3 & 4.

And 2 & 4 are Trevor and Phoebe Spengler.

And 1 and 3 are Lucky and Podcast.

But will Gozer come back?
It's a good bet.
But, will he/she/it manifest as Stay Puft again?

Man, I honestly hope not.
I hope they do something new based on the fears of the kids.

I hope this image is really all we see of Stay Puft.
That's enough if a nostalgia dive.
We got Stay Puft in the cartoons, the video game, the comics, and as a balloon in ATC.
We've done Stay Puft.
Time to move on.

Hahah!! Nope!

So, he's (the blue trailer ghost) an inanimate matter muncher instead of a food muncher like Slimer was.
He's like Pac-Man, he can eat anything.
Will this creature get a name?
I'm betting on it.

The toys reveled his name is Muncher.

Is Ghostbusters 2 canon anymore in this universe?

Ray answers the phone at Ray's Occult Books, first introduced in GB2.
(Time index 2:19)

Who's Callie's mom? Janine?

Yes, Callie's mom, Phoebe & Trevor's grandma, is Janine.
(Time index 0:38)
Janine and Egon finally got together.
And given that Ghostbusters 2 did indeed happen, then they were indeed on-and-off for awhile until they finally hooked up and (it seems) married.

...how WILL the classic-Busters (plus Janine and Dana) integrate into this thing?

Do they all come to the town to help out in the third act?
Do we just get little moments of them in their new lives, and they see the kids fighting Gozer on TV?
I'm betting on some mixture.

Some mixture.
The 3 guys do show up fully decked out in jumpsuits and packs.
Grandma Janine is there to hand off the farm house.
Dana? We'll just have to see.
Maybe she's Mrs. Venkman.

Now, for other stuff unique to this trailer.

-Art Deco statue of Gozer.
(Time index 1:40)

-Zombie miner who looks an awful lot like zombie cabbie.
(Time index 1:54)

-Motorized drone trap.
(Time index 2:05)

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