Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I'm back, baby!!!

*Long exhale of relief*

My theaters are back!

Cinemagic got bought by Apple Cinemas.

I'm gonna get to see Ghostbusters: Afterlife!!!

That's the only one I cared about.
That's the only one I wanted to see early cuz Ghostbusters are once in a blue moon.

I'll let Marvel fall by the wayside.
Well...okay, "Spider-Man: No Way Home" is special, I have to see that.
And "Multiverse Of Madness" depending what universes they bring in.
And when they finally bring X-Men in.

Well, you know what I'm saying.

At least I can even SEE the ones I want again!
*Happy sigh*


B. D. said...

"Dune" is okay. Further thoughts:

Diacanu said...

Yeah, it only gets half-way through the book.
If they're gonna get through all the original books, then that's 12 movies they might milk this for.

Although, I've heard Villeneuve only wants to do the first 3.

Yikes, I'm exactly a month late.
Sorry about that.
Got caught up in a series binge.
It's Scottish Game Of Thrones with no dragons, time travel, and way more rape.

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