'Nother backlog to unload.
Here we go...
The fake-macho of the right.
July 1, 2017
"Brexit Chief Hamstrung by May's Tough Stance, Ex-Aide Tells BBC".
Could the media PLEASE stop playing into the right-wing's vain self narrative as butch and rugged? Politicians are doughy, pale, pudgy, jowly, soft creatures.
Very few could take a properly thrown punch by an athlete, less could chop wood, and none could bench press 300.
When they're being intransigent and petulant, call it that.
It's not a "tough stance", or "playing hardball".
They're being little brats.
When the left wing is stubborn, they're called obstructionist.
I can see the right-wing press doing it, but I see left-wingers swallow this shit on a reflex level.
"Oh, these people are into war and guns, they don't fuck around!! Oh no!!".
Fuck them, and the horses they rode in on.
And lefties, knock it the fuck off.
Strap on some balls and stop taking this shit.
And the update..
The American press is finally treating the Trump clown car as what they are, but they could still stand to roll up their sleeves, and stop tippy-toe-ing.
The Brit press is still treating their righties like John Wayne characters though.
Stop feeding the myth, people.
They're three year olds.
"Our betters".
July 2, 2014
I'm physically exhausted with rich assholes crying and crying about taxes.
If these pricks really believed their delusional bullshit that they were these Ayn Randian Übermenschen that were anointed by evolution/destiny/providence/God to rule over us peons, then, wouldn't it follow, that even if the state sucked out every last dime out of their vaults, their fucking glorious magnificence would just earn it all back all over again?
They don't believe it, do they?
Course not.
They know they're no different than the clock-punchers they spit on.
They know it's all ill-gotten-gains.
Burglars guard their shit the most fiercely.
And the truly funny part, is your average Rush-listening American has been brainwashed to believe these people are "our betters".
"Religious freedom".
July 2, 2014
Here's yet another phrase I'm getting burnt out on.
"Religious freedom".
Everyone's got all the religious freedom they'll ever need.
You can wear all the mystical symbols, and wacky hats you want, you can pray to any inter-dimensional bogey your heart desires, and you can even build a special building for your fellow fan-club members to hang out in, and not pay taxes.
Seems like a pretty square deal to me.
But, some people apparently want more.
And it always seems to step on other people's toes.
And when you point this out, the attitude is basically "fuck 'em".
Well, that's not freedom, that's being a cock/cunt.
Last time I checked, anyway.
I dunno, maybe words aren't supposed to mean anything in the 21st century.
I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy before my time.
And the update..
July 2, 2018.
Religious freedom keeps you from being fed to the lions, and keeps the other sects from burning your house down.
And vice versa.
End of.
Religious freedom 2.
July 7, 2015
I wonder how many of these sobbing blubbering "respect my religious beliefs", assholes would gleefully sneak some bacon into a Muslim's dinner.
You can bet your ass it ain't zero.
Bernie-bros and Pence.
July 14, 2016
Trump's VP is Mike Pence, an anti-LGBT bigot who believes in conversion therapy.
If you're a Bernie-or-buster who's voting Trump, you were never a progressive, and I don't know why you were ever in that movement to start with.
Fuck, but people perplex me.
The NRA are fucking traitors.
(Sequel to "The NRA are fucking ghouls")
July 17, 2018
One bright side to this cascading nightmare we're all in...the permanent shit smear recent revelations put across the fucking NRA.
I never again for the rest of my fucking life have to suffer some moron saying they represent "real patriotic America", without being able to laugh in their stupid fucking mouth-breathing face.
That vile organization wrapped itself in the flag, and eagle feathers, and Jesus for waaaaayyy too fucking long.
Having that be all over is like being rescued from a desert island by a Tardis.
Say, what are gun rights like in Russia?
Non-existent you say?
Wow, that's weird.
It's like greedy oligarchs don't believe in anything, and have no fucks to give.
Who could have forecast that?
Except every lefty ever.
And the update...
July 17, 2019
And now they're bleeding membership and dough.
Die, you monsters.
Be dead already.
Hooray, Gunforge!
(Gunforge being the gun-nut members of Wordforge)
July 18, 2020
(Re: the fascist stormtroopers in Portland Oregon)
(Context, these members ran and hid when this story broke)
Zombie, oldfella, Paladin, and Forbin must be gearing up to use their 2nd amendment superpowers to save us all.
I feel so safe, and cozy, knowing WF's valiant heroes will always save us.
Hooray, gunforge, hooray!
Liberal prudes. (Hi, Paula Kirby!)
July 23, 2014
I've never understood why you can have all the pornography and gore you want in a novel, but once you import it to a VISUAL medium, it suddenly becomes objectionable.
The only argument that holds water is a small child can just look at a picture, but they can't read. Yeah, okay, but if the idea of your precious darlings finding your porn freaks you out, maybe you oughtn't have any in your house?
Why do the rest of us have to suffer the prudes?
I don't know what's worse, the prudes, or the hypocrites who flog their dongs/flick their beans to the good bits in "Lady Chatterly's Lover", and "Moll Flanders", and think they're classier for it.
And the update...
July 23, 2019
Because people are scared of their own dorks and hoo-hoos because of a religious upbringing.
Even the ones that abandon religion still have those fangs of fear and guilt stuck in their necks.
Even though the fangs are broken off, they still pump, like a broken off bee sting.
And, that's those.
Next up, greedy swine, and that'll be all for today.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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