Sunday, September 26, 2021

Happy 20th anniversary, Star Trek: Enterprise.

And what a crazy 20 years those have been!

5th series overall, and last series of the old era before the new streaming/buffet era.

It was me looking for news on the show when it was being formed that led me to TrekBBS, which led to Wordforge, which led to Dawkins, which led to Facbook and this very blog. 
So all of my friends since 2000 know me thanks to Enterprise. 
It's why I'm still obsessed with the birth of each new Trek show. 
You never know where it'll lead.



Diacanu said...

Star Trek day 2021 Enterprise panel.

B. D. said...

"Gary Francis Poste" might be the Zodiac Killer, more on this later as it develops. Robert Graysmith has yet to comment

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