Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It's what you DON'T do! (Revisited)

So, decades later, I finally fucking figured out what "it's what you DON'T do" meant.
At least I'm pretty damned sure.
Like, 95% sure.

Okay, first, here's the basic story re-pasted.

So, I'm at fucking Toys R Us, the second dose of it, with the fuckin' assholes that busted out my window.

And...I can't even remember what the fuck was going on specifically that led up to this, people were just giving me fucking 'tude, and it was chapping my ass, I came right out and said to one of the dudes "what the fuck is everyone's problem? What the fuck did I do to get shit from people? I'm nice to people, I do my fucking job, what the fuck?", and the guy pauses in thought, like a dramatic beat in a movie, and says "it's what you DON'T do".

And then from the Toys R Us story...

.....the second dose of Toys R Us was not the utopia the first stint was.
Quite the opposite.
This time around, it was a different batch of guys.
Assholes all.
Surly gun-nut sociopaths with extreme personality deficits.
I kept to myself.
No chumming around that time.
One of 'em, I'll never know who, smashed out the back window of my car on the last day.
Eh, it was a shitbox car, and it only cost me 100 bucks to fix.

I was actually pretty damned close when I said in the comments...

Although, now that I stand back from it, he may have been saying it in sympathy, and mutual dislike of the redneck boobs...

Hm, wouldn't that be something?

That's exactly what it was.

See, I was naïve, I didn't understand that right-wing whack-jobs that are obsessed with guns are typically also racist fascist shitheads.
I didn't understand dog-whistles*, I'd never even heard the term, I didn't understand covert racism, I thought you had to be dropping n-bombs and wearing a pointy hat, and I definitely didn't understand that these paranoid nutbars see you as the enemy if you so much as refrain from their fucking evil.
No, you can't even be fucking neutral.
It's like Nazi Germany, or the antebellum south.
They'd lock you up in Germany for not reporting Jews in your neighbor's attic even if you didn't fucking know.
In the south, they'd lock you up for not helping catch a runaway slave.
You were punished for not joining in on the evil.
And these fuckers are still like that.
I couldn't see what these fuckers were, so I didn't participate in their evil reindeer games, and for that, I had to be punished.

That's what "it's what you DON'T do" meant.
But I damned near had to be a fucking mind-reader to decode that shit.

Or, maybe I should have paid harder attention to what these fuckers were.
The clues were probably there even if no one taught me dog-whistle-ese*.
But, my introverted instinct was to keep my head down and keep to myself.

And that's why I had to pay 100 bucks for new glass in my car.
Because Nazis.
Fat Nazis.
Fat chinless Nazis.
Fat chinless Nazis who smelled of cheese.

Oh, and the dude that said "it's what you DON'T do" worshipped Dilbert, and look at Scott Adams now.
He could see THOSE fascists for what they were, but not Scott Adams?
He wasn't a master vibe reader either!!!

Now I don't feel so bad.
That stint at Toys R Us was a big bucket of failure for everyone involved.
My only consolation is that particular Toys R Us ceased to exist.
So Toys R Us failed too.
They deserve to be erased for hiring not one, not two, but an 80% crew of fucking Nazis.
No, that's no accident, that meant there was at least one Nazi in management.
I have a fairly good idea who too.
Good riddance to that toilet.
I piss on their grave.

*See my dog whistle series so this shit doesn't happen to you.


B. D. said...

Did you like the "John Wick" movies? I'm going to watch the second and third ones just be sure but the first one was like a Michael Mann movie with four times the body count and one fourth the art. Nothing interesting or surprising in that movie at all (no, not the silly plot conceit that he kills 70 people just because Theon Greyjoy whacked his dog.)

I watched "Deadwood" all the way too, including the 2019 movie. I don't know if you have any interest in watching that show or not. It's decent, but I don't know if people trying to watch it know what they're getting into: it's very deliberately 95 percent dialogue and 5 percent action/"plot". That's probably why it was cancelled after 36 episodes.

Finishing "Better Call Saul" season 5, I think the fourth and fifth seasons are a step up from the first 3. The Mike/Gus/cartel espionage stuff is still fanservice (hi, Hank and Gomie!) but they've gotten a bit better at that too.

I watched four Wyatt Earp/O. K. Corral movies too, but I have no idea if you'd want to hear me blab about those. The John Ford film is the best and the Kevin Costner film is the worst. "Tombstone" is flashy Hollywood action trash but at least it's not boring like the Costner flick.

Diacanu said...

"Did you like the "John Wick" movies?"

They were all right.
They adrenaline pumped me when I first saw them, but they haven't stayed with me, and I've had no desire to see them again, much less collect them.

"I watched "Deadwood" all the way too, including the 2019 movie. I don't know if you have any interest in watching that show or not".

Not huge on westerns, and my ex-friends who turned into MAGA-monsters were the only ones who recommended it to me.
Your tepid review seals it closed.

"Finishing "Better Call Saul" season 5"

I tried to get into it, but I kept lagging behind, and I finally just gave up.
It's taking all I've got these days just to keep up on Marvel/DC/Trek.
And write.
Got my own universe I'm making.

"I watched four Wyatt Earp/O. K. Corral movies too, but I have no idea if you'd want to hear me blab about those".

Blab about the good one. 😉
Yeah, the MAGA-monsters love Tombstone, so that sounds about right.

B. D. said...

I wonder if I would like the JW movies if I were still really young. I can't remember the last time I easily loved any action movie.

I'm surprised to hear that MAGA people would even like "Deadwood"...in the third season, the guy who played "Major Dad" shows up as the biggest villain on the show, George Hearst, a total capitalist pig who was in real life the father of William Randolph Hearst, who....well you know. It wasn't an explicitly leftist show but I have no idea what in it would really appeal to the right. In many ways it's *not* a Western, either.

The "Good one" is "My Darling Clementine," 1946. Henry Fonda plays Earp, the ultimate "print the legend" character--it really matters who plays the guy about as much as who plays Batman.

Diacanu said...

Re: Having to be young to like action.
Yeah, straight action is pretty dumb.
Doesn't give me any nourishment.
That's why I need to cut it with sci-fi so there are some stakes.
I mean, Resident Evil isn't high cinema, but at least it equates corporations with fascism like you're supposed to.
And they climb to ultimate power off the back of a pandemic, so that's timely.

MAGA people like Trek even though it's a socialist utopia.
They like that Starfleet is a military, and they shoot things sometimes.
Go figure.
Conservative have to go through a lot of cognitive dissonance to enjoy popular culture.
But they manage it.
You can still see weird little patterns in what they do and don't like though.

Re: "Darling Clementine".
I'll keep an eye out for it on TCM.

Diacanu said...

Sequels to this post.


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