Friday, December 30, 2022

Star Trek: Prodigy, season 1, part 2.

Hey, only a day late this time!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Post-Christmas loot review 2022.

All right so...

We left off last time at...

Sunday, December 25, 2022

My Christmas Loot: Part 11, Endless Loot!

So, the usual Amazon hi-jinks, so I have to cut it in half between what came, and what'll come in the next couple weeks...

On the twelfth day of Christmas.

12 drummers drumming!

...that's how that song ends? 
No Playstation 5? 
No pass to the Bunny Ranch?

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Big 2022 year end movie recap.


I caught the 'rona which kept me locked up, so I missed Black Panther 2 (and "Black Adam" doesn't look like it's worth a theater trip), and I didn't get out much period. What ones I did get to see really counted though.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Big buncha Sandman!

Wow, the snowball's really rolling down the hill now!


So, I said last time...

So, next up, "Death".
Then, I'll have all my absolute favorites, then it'll be filling in holes.
Probably "Overture" and "Preludes & Nocturnes" after that.
Then "The Wake".

Well, I was correct minus one of those...

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Happy 1st anniversary, Ghostbusters: Afterlife!

Also building up to today.....

So, I guess I'll add my new thoughts.
I've seen it a bazillion times on Starz now.
Sometimes I'm bored with it, sometimes I love it all over again.
Depends on my mood that day.
Hell, I can watch it twice the same day, and get different moods from it.

Spoilers ahead-

A few things make me cringe no matter what.
Like, virgin-shaming Trever, why did that have to be in there?
He's a kid, who's he supposed to be fucking? Y'know? Eeew. Jesus.
Can we please bury this weird shit next to "Hocus Pocus" and "Monster Squad" and be done with it? 
Yeesh, America.

And Gary and Callie remembering their possession fucking, and acting like it was them.
Um, identity problem there. Even if they had the memories, it wasn't their will.
Technically, sex under possession is rape of both participants.
This is the stuff you run into making a nostalgia sequel to an adult comedy as a family comedy.
Oh, America, you so crazy.

And....there's still no adequate logical character consistent explanation for why Egon was absent from Callie's life, and yet, why he had a bazillion photos of her whole life, and who was sending him the pics. I mean, obviously it was Callie's mom, but if he was in regular communication with Callie's mom, why didn't he just visit?

Or why Ray didn't believe Egon about Gozer. Ray believes everything.

Maybe the prequel comic will explain.
It shouldn't have to though.
These loose ends should be tied up in the flick.
It doesn't ruin the movie for me, I just imagine Basil Exposition from "Austin Powers" telling me not to think about it too hard.
And yet....they dangle these clues that force you to think about it...
Dammit, movie...

So, yeah it's not a perfect masterpiece, that would be the first one, but I still like it better than 2, and "Answer The Call".
I hope they hit it out of the park better with the sequel.

Anyway, that's year 1. We'll see if part 2 is out by year 2.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Well, we dodged doomsday.

Dems took the Senate, and if Repubs get the house, it'll be a slim majority.
And all of Trump's picks got kicked in the groin.
And all the anti-abortion measures got smashed, and the pro-abortion measures won.

So, the good guys finally got off their asses, and saved the country in our darkest hour.
The ending of "The Rise Of Skywalker" actually happened.
Holy shit.

And the one big Repub winner, Desantis, won by gerrymandering, and Trump hates him, and he's willing to burn the Elephant party to the ground to fight him.

And Garland has finally re-attached his balls, and is going to indict Orange Mussolini.

I'm mad at the allegedly liberal media.
CNN is dead to me.
CNN were the biggest doomsayers.
They were like "Red wave!!! Red wave!! Abandon all hope!! It's gonna be like the wind from a nuke that shatters your house into splinters!! There's nothing you can do to brace yourseeeeeeelf!! This is the end!! This is the eeeeend!!!! Here it cooooomes!!! Heeere iiiitt coooommess!!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!"

MSNBC had those doom-and-gloomers too, but they had optimists too.

And Biden was an optimist.
Cheers to Biden!

So, yeah.
The fight against evil never ends, but they took a big fat L this week.
Next up, let's get Trump in a cell already.
Let's get that to happen.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

More Sandman!

All right!! Finally!!!


Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022!

Last year's theme was accidentally fascism.
Rising fascism is going to be a concern for a long goddamned time thanks to Trump.
Can't have every year be fash-aween though.
And, I already did corona-ween. theme, except for this year's horror news.
Which is what last year tried to be.

All the horror stuff from this year...

-Hellraiser remake with novel-accurate Pinhead dropped on Netflix.
-Season 2 of Chucky is out.
-Evil Dead Rise is bumped out to fucking 2023.
-No word on the Toxie remake.
-"Halloween Ends" dropped, and I couldn't have cared less.
-"The Walking Dead" is finally ending, and frankly, I'm glad to see the back of it.
-Although, TWD is spawning a jillion spinoffs. But I'm not gonna watch any of them.
"Fear TWD" killed my favorite hero, and favorite villain, and I only liked season 5-6, so...kiss my ass, "Fear".
-"Interview With The Vampire" has started, and it's...interesting. "Interview" is my least favorite of the (original three) books. They're doing their best with it, but things should really pick up when they get to "The Vampire Lestat" and "Queen Of The Damned".
-"Nope" dropped, haven't seen it. People are arguing about it.

And finally, song time!

-In Dreams (for Sandman).
-Carnage Rules (for Venom).
-Theme to "Witch's Night Out" (Cuz I just feel like it)

And, as always...

Merry Deathmas!
And a happy new candy! :-D

Friday, October 28, 2022

I've had the 'rona!

Started showing teensy symptoms the 15th (day of the She-Hulk and Werewolf reviews), got worse the very next day, and tested positive.
Day after that, maximum fever, puked, but things slooowwly got better from then on.
The barf was the absolute peak. Got better from that instant on.
Lotta fatigue and napping.
Lotta ibuprofen, and nasty-ass Vicks throat spray.

Felt better today, and tested negative.
Tomorrow will be exactly 2 weeks since showing first symptoms.

Having fucked up smell and taste was the worst part.
Glad it wasn't permanent.

So, there, I've had it, and the vaccine shielded me from being a corpse.
Except for the smell thing, it was just a cold-y flu-y kinda thing.

Wouldn't do it again if I could help it.

Star Trek: Lower Decks, season 3 review.

One day late, which actually isn't too bad for me!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Three quick things....

1. I'm not gonna review "Star Wars: Andor" cuz I'm not gonna finish it, cuz I don't like it.
I mean, it's beautifully filmed, acted, special effect-ed, it doesn't fail on any of those fronts.....but it's just a fucking downer.
I watch Star Wars for fun escape, not to be reminded of the looming doom on CNN every fucking day.
12 episodes of this shit? And it hasn't sunk its hooks in by 7?
Nope, I'm out.

2. During my read-a-thon, I back-logged a ton of media news shit. I went over that back-log, and asked myself "do I really care about this? Does this impending movie/show really make my life cooler?".
99% of that list was a fat "no". This was all that was left..... 
Lady Gaga is Harley Quinn. 
You've probably heard about that. You didn't need my blog for that. Movie doesn't come out until 2024. We've got awhile. 

3. Only other media news was various release dates, but covid resurgence is making studios play musical chairs with that shit all over again, so why bother anymore?

So, yeah, that's it.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

And on this day...

...three years ago, this crap happened, which I updated/fixed here.
And, my antidote to that at the time was reviewing a couple Ghostbusters biographies.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

On this day...

...three years ago, I posted "on worth" which is prescient as fuck about the fashies trying to take the right to vote away from as many people as possible.
So, I'm bumping that.

And since that's a little heavy, to lighten the mood, from the same day, here's this little standup comedy routine I did on Transformers.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

"Werewolf By Night" Review.

This'll be a quickie....

"She-Hulk" review!

At. Fucking. LAST!! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

RIP Angela Lansbury

(Sent back in time from my future-self in 2023, cuz I was still processing Margaret grief (re-activated by Nichelle Nichols passing) to do it at the time)

Must admit, I never got into "Murder, She Wrote".
My grandmother loved the shit out of it.
What I remember her best from were "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" and "The Last Unicorn".
People who only associate her as a G-rated good-guy really need to check her out in the latter.
Course, I'll take any opportunity to plug "Last Unicorn".

Margaret wrote her biography, so as with the Nichelle Nichols one, I'll paste her story about that here...

Let me ‘splain something upfront. I never met Ms. Lansbury. (Well, technically, several decades after the fact I stood behind her on line in the supermarket, but let’s not complicate things.) What the editor at St. Martin’s Press wanted was what’s known as an “unofficial” biography or, sometimes less flatteringly, a “paste-up” bio.

In short, the writer-contractor wrote entirely based on extant materials – newspaper clippings in those days, TV interviews done by others, if possible, any books already written by or about the subject – putting them all together in a kind of patchwork quilt/jigsaw puzzle/collage of a life story.

These days, it could be done in a couple of weeks by combing the Internet. In 1986, it was a matter of schlepping. Much schlepping. Three months’ worth of schlepping on a six-month deadline.

Why did I do it? I was not Ms. Lansbury’s Biggest Fan. Yes, I’d watched *Murder, She Wrote*. Yes, I was impressed with her work and knew something of her background on Broadway – *Mame*, *Sweeney Todd*, ad infinitum. But the reasons I agreed had nothing to do with adulation.

First, when I’d quit the Day Job, I’d miscalculated just how long it took the Star Trek parent company to cough up the royalties, so it looked as if I’d be short of income for anywhere from six months to a year.

Second, the editor who wanted the unofficial bio of Ms. Lansbury said he was also interested in looking at any fiction manuscript I might be working on. Given the mishegoss with with New American Library (which had finally dumped *Heroic Measures*), I needed a new home for my mainstream efforts.

Third, my agent also represented a journalist who worked for the *New York Post* and who had recently done a similar bio on Meryl Streep. She could get me an in at the *Post* archives – an invaluable resource in the pre-Google days.

I’d earn a little cash, could schlep around to libraries and archives in between the three-days-a-week temp job I’d picked up once I realized that, while *Dwellers in the Crucible* might have made the NYTimes best seller list for two weeks in the summer, I wasn’t going to see any royalties until the following year and, quite frankly, gain entrée to places (such as the Lincoln Center photo archive) that I’d never been before.

So, yes.

And, since I said everything I wanted to up top, I guess that's that.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Star Trek NYCC news drops.

-Ronny Cox is back as Jellico on Prodigy.

No poster drops.
But, I won't be greedy.

Last year, the news didn't hit today, but this this time, it synced right up!

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Disney/Fox Part 19: The big one!!!

Well, the biggest one since "No Way Home".
This is a bit late, but here we go.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Sandman, season 1 (2022)

Book review here.
Purchasing volume 6 in hard copy here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Post book-a-thon loot quickie.

Okay, as I said here in my Sandman review..

Favorite arcs?
"A Game Of You" and "Fables & Reflections".

So, the physical copy collecting begins with...

Monday, September 12, 2022

After-Margaret book-a-thon (Part 2)!!


From here.

Next one of these, the Sandman comics.
Stay tuned!

So, a month later, after bingeing "Black Sails" and reading these like a slowpoke, here we finally go!

Friday, August 26, 2022

Post-birthday loot 2022.

Got these yesterday!
Let's just jump right in!

Monday, August 22, 2022

What I read this year.

Formerly Youtube/Podcasts.
Old entries for that...

I slaughtered all the podcasts and shows last year with the reason that...

All these shows were a time sink I needed to spend on my reading and writing.
Especially writing.

Well, I did that this year, so...

Next, the Sandman comics, and then I'm gonna hurl myself into my own book.
Says the me of 2022.
We'll see where we are when we come back here next year.
Stay tuned!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, season 1 review!

Finally wrapped up that bigass book-a-thon, so now I'm catching up on everything.

This was the furthest back I was late.
This started dropping first, then overlapped with Stranger Things, then Obi-Wan dropped at exactly the same time, and then Ms. Marvel started dropping during the whole Stranger/Obi bottleneck that was already going on.

And I was reading my books.
So, I stood back from it all, and said "there's just no fucking way" and let the bottleneck train wreck happen, and be cleared away, and then I caught up.

So!! Here we go!!

Stranger Things, season 4 review.

Finally wrapped up that bigass book-a-thon, so now I'm catching up on everything.
Like I said in the "Ms. Marvel" review, I'm late on everything, and this is how late.

I actually saw these as they came out with everybody else, but real life stuff, and the book-a-thon made it so I couldn't even squeeze in the review.
It was literally, sleep, eat, poop, read, sleep, eat, poop, read.
With chores and some shows tossed in to break up the tedium.
No blog time left.
So, here it finally is!

"Ms. Marvel" review.

Finally wrapped up that bigass book-a-thon, so now I'm catching up on everything.
I'm really late on....everything.

Friday, August 19, 2022

After-Margaret book-a-thon!!

From here...

I'm going to not just review this, but everything from prior Christmas/birthday hauls that have accumulated the past 5 years.
I realized once I got done with Margaret's stuff*, I should probably clear away that pile too.
(*parts 12, 2.5, 3)

...and from here..

Yeah, I desperately needed this (Princess Bride) upgraded to Blu-ray.
Especially after just reading "As You Wish".
That's part of a big book-a-thon review post I have coming up.
Stay tuned for that.

So, here it is!!
We're finally here!!

In terms of brain growth, this journey has been like the sequel to "The Summer Of Dune".
Really got a lot out of this!

Sunday, July 31, 2022

RIP Nichelle Nichols.

Ah, shit.
Well, knew this was coming, she's been in rough health for awhile now.

Still, heavy heart on this one. 😥

Jack (Donner), Margaret, and now Nichelle, the triad of celebrities I Kevin Bacon to is all gone.

Well, if Margaret had lived, she'd tell her stories.
BUT! I've got 'em.
From her Facebook journal...

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Birthday loot 2022 update.

Last time, I said...

Also, ordered a 2 pack of "Tron" and "Tron Legacy" but that hasn't arrived yet.

Stay tuned!

Boom, it dropped in the mailbox the very next day!

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Bullmoose/Birthday haul.

Hybrid of 2 hauls, cuz I dragged my feet, but...dragging my feet actually worked out, cuz now these get lumped together in a helpful way!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Happy 6th anniversary, Ghostbusters: Answer The Call!


What's happened since last year...

Unless Jason Reitman announces that "Afterlife 2: Firehouse" is a "Multiverse Of Madness" style crossover, this little alterni-verse cul-de-sac seems pretty much done.
We got the movie, two comic crossovers, and two straight comic sequels.
That's it.

Hmm, y'know, I think if Afterlife had come out first (cuz we know now it was in development), and then ATC, and the Channing Tatum one, and the animated one all came out, but Sony openly MARKETED them as Elseworlds, like "Joker" and "The Batman" I think fans would have been okay.
It was keeping Afterlife top secret, and acting like ATC was the only iteration of Ghostbusters we were getting that made fans heads explode.
Or Hell, release ATC first, but just cop to that Afterlife was also coming.
Either way.
Some entertainment media pundits say is was our fault for fighting the CHUDs.
No, CHUDs suck, we weren't wrong, you don't roll over to bullies, it's that once fans got seduced into CHUD movements, it was already too late (for the film).
Sony needed to prevent the CHUDs.
Being so secret about Afterlife was their mistake.
Transparent and better marketing was the fix.
We can see that now in hindsight.
Can the damage be reversed?

Well, maybe the ATC crew can come back in "Firehouse" as the opposites of the cameo characters in ATC.
Kristen can be the cabbie.
Melissa can be the skeptic.
Leslie can be the hearse driver.
Kate can be the physicist (you can even give her a throw away line about parallel dimensions!).
Chris can be the hotel receptionist.

Plus there's the animated movie and series you could drop them into too.
Plenty of chances for comebacks.

A comeback re-habilitated Andrew Garfield's Spidey.
People are lapping up the Obi-Wan show, and it's a sequel to the dreaded prequels.
I think the same can happen for ATC.
We just need the girls back in something neutral and fun.

Speaking of, I guess I can give cast/director updates.

-Leslie Jones is still hosting "Supermarket Sweep" and was in "Coming To America 2".
-Melissa McCarthy is Fake-Hela in "Love And Thunder" and is gonna be Ursula in "The Little Mermaid" live-action remake.
-Kristen Wiig's latest couple movies were WW84, and "Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar". 
Plus she was in "Bless The Harts".
-Kate McKinnon just left SNL. Now she's Carole Baskin in "Joe vs Carole"
-Paul Feig is doing "A Simple Favor 2".
-Chris Hemsworth is Thor, I think he's gonna be all right.

So, pretty good!
Everyone's holding up.
GB:ATC didn't "destroy" anyone.

Well, that's it!
See you next time!

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Thor: Love And Thunder (2022)

And, here we go!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Happy 10th Anniversary, The Amazing Spider-Man!

Tanker-truck of hindsight, this one is as, if not more, pivotal than Raimi-Spidey.
Yes, I'm going to explain. Buckle up.


From the first link....

Mike Stoklasa from Red Letter Media summed it up thusly.
"It fell flat on its fucking face!".

Fuck Mike Stoklasa, fuck Red Letter Media, and fuck anyone connected to them.
They got on that whole anti-SJW hate train; Rich is an Armored Skeptic fanboy, and armored Skeptic ripped his mask off as a white supremacist; fuck all racist/sexist CHUDs.
That anti-feminist stealth-Trumper bullshit ruined practically everything I used to like online from the 2010's. Fuck you sneaky swastika kissing phony fucks.

I said it best in the second link...

I didn't get the boiling hate Red Letter Media dished out on it. 
I mean, yeah, Sony are cynical assholes, but you can't take that out on the art. 

Yeah, it had a lot to live up to with Raimi-Spidey, but it's fine.
It's a Spidey cartoon turned to flesh.
Raimi sprinkled his weirdo signature style sauce on it, where Webb played it pretty faithful and straight.
Nothing wrong with that at all.
I was just bitter when I thought it had robbed me of an Avengers crossover, but we got all that, and more.
It all worked out fine.

If anything, having Andrew and his villains in "No Way Home" made it so much better.
Hell, without Webb-verse to pad out the villain count, "No Way home" might not have even been a thing.
The stars aligned just right, and Sony's blunder became our boon.
Couldn't have happened better if they'd actually planned it that way.

I'd argue Webb-verse flat out saved Spider-Man.
We probably don't get Holland-Spidey in MCU without Amazing 2 crashing.
And Amazing 2 wasn't even bad, it just went up against fucking "Guardians", "Winter Soldier", and "Future Past" for fuck sakes.
Stacked fucking year.
I mean, the Sony hacks/leaks put it over the top, but they were secretly putting out MCU-crossover feelers before that.

Yeah, there it is, you have Webb and Garfield to thank for "No Way Home".
Think about that next time you want to get snotty about any goddamned movie.
In 10 years, you'll be eating crow.
With chopsticks, and without napkins.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Fourteen years of Shmegalamonga!!!

Had a little bit more peace this year than last.
Cool colors were the way to go with the logo.
For water. Tears, happy and sad. Ocean and ice in "The Others Trilogy".

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

A day late, but here we go...

Bullmoose booster shot.

Got these Monday the 13th, got in the way, so here we go....

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The (tenth) YEAR Of Hembock!

Since last time...

-Krazyfool Show turned 22 (unobserved).
-Krazyfool's Den Of Delusion turned 23 (unobserved).

Damn, I almost forgot this day!
Almost thought this was happening tomorrow somehow.

As mentioned last year, my friend Margaret passed.
I spent all year reading her books, and finally did a review of them all.
(Parts 2, 2.5, and 3)

I'll always have that she got to see me put these out there.
She didn't get to see me do paid publishing, but, time was just against us.

"Ain't Exactly Clear" and "Ailuranth" are self-publish jobbies, so we were in the same boat.
I treasure AEC.
Always will.

Time and reading helped the healing, and I'm back up to 100%.
It hurts that I don't get to have new memories with her, but I get to hold on to the ones I have.
And, again, there's the books.

Still working on the new book.

I'm in better spirits than last year.
I pretty much would have to be.
I'm better just by virtue of "there's nowhere to go but up".

So, yeah, weird mixed bag of feelings looking back on this decade.
I'm philosophical about it.
It's not a party, but it's not a total bummer either.
Just...weird and reflective.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Happy 33rd anniversary, Ghostbusters 2!!

And the 13th for GBTVG.

So, "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" finally dropped, directed by "Brownstone Boy" from GB2.
See all that stuff in the 38th GB anniversary.

Unless "Afterlife 2: Firehouse" is a Vigo sequel, not much movement on GB2's continuity.
Other than Jason directing.
And maybe more scenes of Ray's Occult Books.

As far as video games, there's an "Afterlife" based skin pack for GBTVG that makes the Busters older, and the Ecto beat up.

And, there's "Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed" that's set after "Afterlife".

So...all for now.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Okay, let's unpack yesterday's stuff.

Yesterday was the 38th Ghostbusters anniversary, and we got some news drops.

Jason Reitman waited until 8:00 PM Pacific Time, which is 11:00 PM over here, and they take their sweet time flapping their gums for that shit, so go ahead and round it upward to midnight.

So, there was no way in Hell I was gonna get to talk about it yesterday.

Kee-rist, Jason likes dropping shit at midnight.
He did the same when Afterlife was announced.

Here's the goods!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Happy 38th anniversary, Ghostbusters!!

Previous years-

What's happened since last year....

Ghostbusters Afterlife!!




Other stuff.

From announcement to release, Afterlife took up 2019, 2020, and 2021.
Jesus H. Christ.
Never mind the 37 years since the first one and 32 since the second.
"Ghostbusters, we make you wait for sequels".
Boy, do you ever!
Well, that was the big thing I was waiting for for the last 3 years.

There's supposed to be big announcements today.
I'll add them as an update, and retro link it below...

Friday, May 20, 2022

Biography updates.

Haven't updated my biography section in ages.
About 5 years exactly.

I thought I'd have to throw a million links in there, but my blog anniversary posts and birthday posts boil everything down pretty well.

Then, I thought I had to throw 5 years worth of those in there, but my past-self had the foresight to moosh the links down on the last two birthdays/anniversaries, so it amounted to four measly links.

Thank you, past-me, you're a genius!


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Reading list update.

Added my reviews of Margaret's books (part 1, part 2) to the reading list.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Media tidbits #10.

Part 9.

Yeah, I know, that was quick.

-Ghostbusters: Afterlife arrives on Starz today!

The 4 (main) X-Men timelines.


I nailed the viewing order the first time, but now I feel the need to keep track of the timelines in the wake of "Multiverse Of Madness".

Oh, right, spoilers for "Multiverse of Madness".
And "Days Of Future Past" and "Logan" come to think of it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Aftermath of Multiverse Of Madness.

Disney/Fox Part 11.8: The road ahead part 5. 

Warning, heavy Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness spoilers ahead.

Prelude to post-MCU Spidey (part 2)

Warning, heavy Spider-Man: No Way Home and Morbius spoilers ahead.

Media tidbits #9

Fell behind on all of this during my Margaret book-a-thons.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Happy 20th Anniversary, Star Wars: Attack Of The Clones!!

Yep, the second new Star Wars movie since "Return Of The Jedi" and "The Phantom Menace".

Now we get Star Wars content forever.
Like Trek.
The movie franchise is....kind of on hold.
It's mostly shows now.
Like Trek!

It'll be interesting to see how "The Rise Of Skywalker", goes down with "the fandom", and how all 9 saga movies are digested by generation Z when they all turn 40.

Well TROS didn't go down well.
Just like TLJ, people loved it at first, then turned on it like baby chicks thrown to alligators.
Then "the fanbase" have turned on all the sequels, and have rewritten history to say they always hated all three.
Hence why Lucasfilm is scared to do a movie now.
Patty Jenkins would rather do Wonder Woman 3 than Rogue Squadron.
We'll see if that movie ever even happens.
If not, I'll just ret-con the Clone Wars movie as the third of the "Solo" & "Rogue One" trilogy.

So!! Let's instead go back to the halcyon days of prequel hatred!!

My original review of AOTC is in "I Love Star Wars".

And my re-appraisal is in "I don't h8 The Prequels anymore (Part 1)".

And, I guess this post will count as Part 3.
TPM anniversary being part 2.

Interestingly, the next big Star Wars thing everyone's creaming with anticipation for, is the Obi-Wan Kenobi series that's a sequel to the prequels with Ewan McGregor back as Obi.

There's a lot of stuff to nitpick the prequels for, but Ewan's Obi, and Ian's Palpatine are aces.
No one, not even the haters ever faulted them.

If this lands right, will people finally cool their fucking jets over the prequels?
We'll see!

Anyway, this one was definitely better than TPM.
Except the love dialog stuff.
But, I saw a YT video where psychologist movie fans diagnose Anakin with borderline personality disorder, and seen through that lens, Clones and Sith make a lot more sense.
I'm easing up on AOTC.

And hey, without AOTC, you don't get Clone Wars, you don't get Rebels, and then you don't get Asohka in Mandolorian, Book Of Boba-Fett, and her upcoming spinoff.
Also, without Rebels, you don't get Inquisitors in the Obi show!

Here's the crusher, without AOTC, you don't get your precious "Vader: Shards Of The Past" fan-film.

So, hey, how about some fuggin' gratitude, huh?

This movie planted a lot of important seeds in Star Wars lore.
It took awhile for them to bear fruit, but here we are harvesting, ain't we?

Well, like clone-babies in vats of blue shit!

What do you say to Uncle George, kids?
(Grudging tone of voice) "thhaaaank yooouuu 🙄😒". 

All right then!
*Crosses arms smugly*

Attack Of The Clones.
The meat and veggies you had to eat to get your ice cream.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Star Trek: Picard, season 2 review!

This is late, I've been distracted.
I don't have a fancier excuse than that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

"Moon Knight" review.

A little bit late, but I've been book bingeing, so between books, I catch up on shows I've missed.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (2022)

Finally, the other half of the crossover duology with "Spider-Man: No Way Home".

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Happy fifteenth Star Wars day!

Shitload of content this year!

-Star Wars: Visions (didn't watch it).
-Star Wars: The Bad Batch (watched it, didn't review it, wasn't very into it).
-And upcoming; Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi, which looks like it's finally gonna deliver the goods!
Edit- And the trailer and poster just dropped today!
-Also, Mandalorian season 3 by Christmas, but...that's far out, and there's no poster yet.

In other news...

"Rogue Squadron" has been bumped to 2023.

"Rangers Of The New Republic" got killed cuz Gina Carano is a transphobic anti-vax piece of Nazi shit.
They should just make a Bo Katan series.
I never fucking wanted a Cara Dune show.
Gimme Bo Katan, dammit!

Christopher Lloyd is in Mando season 3!

"Tales Of The Jedi" anthology series!

All for now...

Happy 10th Anniversary, The Avengers!

The first (planned) crossover mashup of superhero all-stars.
And still one of the best.

Pasted from the second link...

I knew at the time that it was a game changer, and a history maker.

I got the same buzz off it that I did seeing "Empire Strikes Back", and "Return Of The Jedi", as a kid.

I knew they were special, and I knew "Avengers", was special.

All Marvel's success since then has only seemed right and proper.

Anyway, I considered waiting for the 10th for it to be more of a balanced number, but with a global plague going on, you dunno how things are gonna go, so may as well leap onto today.

Yeah, I really thought I'd get the 'rona and croak, so I was getting that shit in early.

The Avengers movies only got better and better.
And "Endgame" even looped back to the first.

I think they should just keep looping.
Have the animated Spider-people, and Tom Holland Spidey, and Deadpool, and Wolverine, and Tim Story Fantastic Four, all fight in different parts of New York at the Avengers final act.

Then have everyone at different tables at the shawarma restaurant.

Do it, Marvel.
Do it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Happy 20th Anniversary, Spider-Man!

If X-Men got the Marvel universe up on its feet, then it was jumping and swinging at this point.
Literally and figuratively.

I said way back 11 years ago (!!!!) in the old review.

I dug it okay, but I remember Harry Knowles saying he went to the bathroom and cried after seeing it.
Fuckin' come on, man.

"Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark", now that, you can cry about.
Cry, and puke.
And pee a little.

Well, if 2022 future-me went back and told 2011 me that Toby-Spidey would culminate as part of the MCU in "No Way Home" and all these movies would truly come together, I would have wept for joy in the bathroom too!!!

Too bad Harry Knowles turned out to be a groper, we could have made up and been friends.
The universe takes some crazy fucking turns.

So, yeah, in uber-hindsight, once Spidey was on the chessboard, Marvel had basically already checkmated, and just had to wait long enough.

By the time Spidey 3 came out, we were one year from Iron Man, and the rest is history.
MCU/Disney talks about their phases, but this pre-MCU Phase 0 was where the plan was really already taking form.

And oh yeah, Spidey 1 still holds up as a nifty little movie.

Prelude to 15th Star Wars day.

Here's the first 14.
Just wanted to crunch them all down to one link for tomorrow.

-First to fourth. (Missed out)
-Fifth. (Series recap)
-Sixth. (Disney deal)
-Seventh. (Ep 7/TFA started)
-Eighth. (Ep 7/TFA wrapped)
-Ninth. (The Force Awakens)
-Tenth. (Rogue One)
-Eleventh. (The Last Jedi)
-Twelfth. (Solo)
-Thirteenth (The Rise Of Skywalker/The Mandolorian)
-Fourteenth (Mandalorian season 2)

Latest Bullmoose haul.

I got these Wednesday, April the 27th.
Sorry I'm late, but...well, I'll explain further down.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Margaret Wander Bonanno memorial (Part 2.5)

From here.

Then, later on, a part 2.5 of the digital books I have.
Got just 4 of those.
These were the paper books, see.

So, here's those digital books.
These fit in the gap in her timeline between "Strangers From The Sky" and "Saturn's Child".

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Still more tag/label updates!!

Added a Garamet tag for my Margaret memorial stuff, and other stuff she was referenced in.

Added a theater tag for all my movie reviews that required a theater trip, plus the Cinemagic saga.

Added a series-binge tag for my reviews of whole shows.

Added a literature tag for my reviews of books and comics to split them off from the movie stuff.

Added a loot tag for all my present hauls and shopping sprees, cuz they're reviews too.

I've needed these for a long time, but stupidly did jury-rigs instead of just doing it.
Well, it's done now.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Margaret Wander Bonanno memorial (Part 3)

Coming next, part 3, her movie/show recommendations.
And some miscellaneous other stuff.
I have that one all locked and loaded, it was the reading that was the slowpoke part.

So, here we go!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Margaret Wander Bonanno memorial (Part 2)

I'm gonna do a bigass review of all of her stuff.
Stay tuned for that.

Well, here it is!!!
Took me all goddamned year, averaging a book a month, but here we finally are.
And away we go!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Random anniversary!

That old copy got taken down, so here it is again!

And 52 years ago, "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon & Garfunkel was #1 on the charts!

And, it has another significance, but that's secret.
I'm just using this as a marker to remind me next year.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Star Trek: Discovery, season 4 review!

Yeah, this'll be quick.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

2 years of this Corona shit!!

Week 30 (I predicted this shit!).
Week 52 (AKA a year).
Week 57 (first shot!).
Week 60 (second shot!).
Week 62 (second shot through my system)
Week 94 (3rd shot!)

Or, 104 weeks 2 days since covid hit Maine.

Well, movie theaters are back, and I've seen "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and "The Batman" so at least there's that.

And infection/death numbers are finally starting to go down.
Omicron seems to be pretty much dead.

We might need a fourth shot before this is all done.
Fine and dandy.
Jab me as many times as you like.

Oh, and the Russkies are trying to stir up World War 3, and it takes 75 bucks to fill your gas tank, so that's fun.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Media tidbits #8

Part 7.

Some more delayed stuff...

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Disney/Fox Part 1.35: Dismantled Marvel viewing order.

Yeah, what the Hell, let's do it this way too....

Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Batman (2022)

Third movie back at the theaters since covid killed Cinemagic, and they came back as Apple.
The previous two being "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" and "Spider-Man: No Way Home".

Thursday, March 3, 2022

"Logan" irons out the X-Men timeline.

I alluded to it in the X-Men viewing order post, and I wanted to put it in as a spoiler to the Logan review, and forgot, but here it is.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

New Mutants revisited.

So, I felt compelled to see it again, and wow, it was like a whole other movie.
What frame of mind was I in when I saw it the first time?

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The lost-lost movies.

Okay, so here's the deal.
Three years ago, I went back through the years for all the dramas and comedies I missed out on by being a junkie for the superhero, sci-fi, and horror genres.
You may remember this.
These were the lost movies.
Or, as I called them back then "Movies I Missed".

Well, I had a tantrum, and tore the reviews all down.

So, those movies were re-lost.
Double lost.
Hence the title "lost-lost".

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022

Disney/Fox Part 1.3: Merged Marvel viewing order.

I mean, if this thing is happening, may as well sort it all out, right?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Disney/Fox Part 1.4: Why it matters that Marvel is re-assembling.

Why am I so anxious/excited about this whole thing?
Well, put it this way...

Prelude to Multiverse Of Madness, Part 3.

Disney/Fox Part 11.7: The road ahead part 4.

Warning, Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers and heavy speculation that could become spoilers ahead.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The last Ayn Rand/Atlas Shrugged post. (Hopefully)

God Awful Movies did the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy over the last 3 weeks finishing it up yesterday.
But before that, they covered the book on Citation Needed.
They did a damned good job.

Ivan Reitman (1946-2022)

He passed on the same Sunday night all the Doctor Strange stuff was dropping.
Needless to say, that day was an emotional rollercoaster.
I had to wait a bit.

Ghostbusters News compiled all the celebrity tributes herehere, here, and here.

He didn't just direct Ghostbuster 1 & 2, and produced Ghostbusters: Afterlife, he produced the "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon, and directed/produced "Heavy Metal".
Never mind all the other comedy films. 

Geekdom owes him a lot.
Thank you, Ivan.
You will be deeply missed.

Big 2021 year end movie recap (reconstructed!).


Maine's theaters were ruined right up to Ghostbusters and Spider-Man, so I had some waiting for disk releases to do....

Anyway, here we go....

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Eternals (2021)

Ahh! The last movie I missed in theaters due to fucking covid is in my file cabinet!
Another trauma wound healed.
So many more left to go.


Monday, February 14, 2022

Prelude to Multiverse Of Madness, Part 2.

Disney/Fox Part 11.6: The road ahead part 3.

Warning, heavy speculation that could become spoilers, proceed with caution.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Disney/Fox Part 18: New Mutants from start to finish.

I wanted to get these all together to crunch the list down.
And, I always wanted this story eventually compiled when I started it.
But, I've just been absent-minded about it.
Until now.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Marvel Multiverse, the seeds were planted.

Disney/Fox Part 2.5: The history of Marvel's movie deals. part 2.

A couple films in the MCU look prescient in hindsight.

Warning, big Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers ahead, and possible "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness" spoilers.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Book Of Boba-Fett.

May as well drop this review too...

Star Trek: Prodigy, season 1, part 1.

Almost a week late, because I struggled over whether to wait for all 20 episodes to be done,'s looking like season 1 part 2 won't drop until fucking Christmas, so, screw it, here we go.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Afterlife 2 and 3 ideas.

Oh!! Oh!! I had this pop into my head just as I was going to sleep last night, and I actually remembered it.

They would never do this, but it would be so fucking epic.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (blu-ray!!)

Got it yesterday!!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Happy 9th birthday, Jade Shade!


Previous years. 

-Year 6 (unobserved) 

Since last time, I made that Harry/Jade-Shade crossover trilogy a quadrilogy with...

Course, JS isn't actually in it.

But....with the 10th anniversary being next year....I should add something.
A special bonus wrap-up chapter maybe...
Yeah, stay tuned.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Happy 33rd birthday, Harry Hembock!!!!!!!!


Previous birthdays.

Stuff that happened after the 32nd.

-16th anniversary of "Nobody Loves Harry Hembock". (Unobserved)

Monday, January 10, 2022

Ghostbusters/IDW news at last!

I said in the "GB:Afterlife" blu-ray announcement...

So, if I'm on a genuine roll, stay tuned in April for comics news!

Well, it's a little bit earlier.
And...kinda not...well, I'll get into it....

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