Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Birthday loot 2022 update.

Last time, I said...

Also, ordered a 2 pack of "Tron" and "Tron Legacy" but that hasn't arrived yet.

Stay tuned!

Boom, it dropped in the mailbox the very next day!

...and right on the same damned day, David Warner died.
So, it became a memorial watch.

Yeah, these two together are fucking spectacular.

I said it all in my original review of Tron about it being decades ahead of its time.

Combined with the sequel, it goes together like "The Shining" and "Doctor Sleep".
They're made to be all one piece.
You can see all the Easter-egg-y ways they connect as a binge.

So, I'm a happy camper.

I mean, except for David Warner being gone, but...we have his movies.
I gotta fire up "Time Bandits" too.


B. D. said...

I'm not going to tell you that you have to skip the new "Beavis & Butt-Head" movie, but it's only good for a few laughs at best. It's not terrible or anything, but it (along with the final season of the show) suggests that things would have been fine ending in 1997.

Weird thing: it's about B & B going through a wormhole from 1998 and ending up in 2022. So that means it's skipping right over the eighth season from 2011, which had them commenting on "Twilight" and "Jersey Shore" and crap like that.

I also watched "Abducted In Plain Sight" which makes the 1970s look like the single stupidest and most unsafe time one could have possibly lived in. Uh, I recommend it? It's really embarrassing though.

Diacanu said...

Ugh, that crap-ass "Jersey Shore" season made me swear off all new B&B after that.
If it hasn't gotten better than that despite them rebooting 2011 way, I'll give it a miss.

I recently saw a cute clip of Beavis talking to a sentient dumpster fire, it was amusing, but it didn't rock my world or anything.

I read an article that said B&B was making fun of MTV's pre-grunge audience, and Daria was predicting their future "Jersey Shore" audience.
Yeah, that's about right.

B. D. said...

I'd say the new B&B movie is...about as good as....uh, maybe better than "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie," maybe. It has a few decent ideas but doesn't do that much with them? And of course we have to have callbacks to all the old jokes, Butthead beating up Beavis, "fiiiire!," the two of them getting away with everything, you know the drill. Depressing that they have to go the same nostalgia route as everything else.

Did I already mention that I watched the entire run of the original show (2011 season included) on a pirating site? I did. Uhm....honest to God, I only belly laughed maybe four or five times. The original 1996 movie beats the piss out of both the new movie and the old show all to hell, for some reason. Maybe I'm just too old to watch it. It just beat the same jokes to hell over and over and over and over and over and over again! And since Mike Judge has openly admitted he was getting sick of it by the time he did the first movie, it doesn't become a plus of the viewing experience. The 2011 season wasn't any better than the old show and continued beating the old gags and ideas to death too. I don't remember anyone really loving that 2011 season either, when it happened all I remember were complaints about the notion that they were stuck in the 90s didn't help things.

Two new seasons have been green-lit; I'll probably cave in and watch them, but if they're nothing special, I won't be surprised.
Judge is pushing 60, he's got to be too old for this schtick!!

B&B made fun of grunge a lot of the time too; at first I thought one of the pluses of watching the show would have been finding cool old lost songs from the early 90s, but very few surfaced.

Diacanu said...

I see the anti-abortionists got kicked in the dick in your state!
How gob-smacked are you?
A lot, or a lot?

B. D. said...

I don't know what they did in Maine, but the campaign here was called "Value Them Both," which...uh, I don't know how a woman being forced to bleed to death from an eptopic pregnancy could possibly be "valuing them both" unless by "valuing" you mean "they both die." Uh, yeah, sure. It's not like I was going to ask one of these poor people how the phrase "value them both" means anything, they all probably think Trump is God.

Isn't it funny how every news site I visit, regardless of political alignment, has ads for right wing T-shirts in little sidebars all the time? "WHO NEEDS MONKEY POX WHEN WE HAVE DONKEY POX, THE REAL CANCER KILLING AMERICA" t-shirts on Salon or something like that is really funny.

I would never want to live in Texas, so anything this poor dumb state of mine can do to NOT be Texas is fine with me.
Unfortunately, after a week of cool lovely weather (while the rest of the world was melting like ass) the shitty heat was very much like Texas though.

I'm not really sure how the pro-Roe crowd even did pull this victory off--I guess the anti-abortionists were just too lazy to vote?

Diacanu said...

Read-a-thon done, now to catch up on stuff!

I saw one of the news channel shows peculating that when everything's going good, people are lazy, and don't vote, but when you horrify them with stuff like this anti-Roe shit, it finally gets them off their fucking ass.
Women are registering to vote in record numbers, and they're predicting "pink wave".

On the one hand, that's great, but on the other hand...where the fuck were you people before?
Hillary told you in the 2016 debates all this shit was gonna happen!
Was Kardashians more fucking interesting?

B. D. said...

People didn't think Trump would win but were ashamed to vote for Hillary. That's the first thing IMO.

I did worry that the rednecks were gonna win. That they didnt brings hope to my heart.

Kate Bush getting discovered by new generation is nice, now let's see kids listen to "Get Out Of My House" or "Babooshka" or $Legion$ favorite "Sat In My Lap."

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