Thursday, February 17, 2022

Prelude to Multiverse Of Madness, Part 3.

Disney/Fox Part 11.7: The road ahead part 4.

Warning, Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers and heavy speculation that could become spoilers ahead.

Okay, so, here's everyone the internet grapevine is rumoring are in "Multiverse Of Madness".
Having this at hand, I can just check them off in the review when the flick comes out.

Spoiler space, so it doesn't show up on Facebook...


-America Chavez (In the trailer)
-Patrick Stewart Xavier (confirmed as fuck!!!)
-Strange-Supreme (in the trailer)
-Captain Carter (confirmed, her shield is on the poster)

Can be safely assumed-

-Photon (is in the trailer, or is it Human Torch??)
-Loki (allegedly confirmed)
-Girl-Loki/Sylvie (allegedly confirmed)
-Wanda's kids, Billy and Tommy (allegedly confirmed, and heavily hinted at in Wandavision)
-Bruce Campbell will likely cameo cuz of Sam Raimi
-Toby McGuire Spider-Man (rumor with big hints, would tie it all the way back to the Dr. Strange shout-out way back in Spider-Man 1, and fulfill Sony's contract for one more Spidey cameo in MCU)
-Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds is outright denying it, but Andrew Garfield lied)

Total rumor-
(But all of the above started as rumor, and the 3 Spideys were a rumor, and totally came true, so....)

-Black Bolt 
-Tom Cruise Iron Man (leaked photo looks like him, and is that him in the trailer?)
-Nick Cage Ghost Rider 
-Sophie Turner Phoenix (would be able to tussle with Wanda)
-One of the Reed Richards-es (also Illuminati)
-Magik (portal powers, would fit in to the multiverse plot)
-Quicksilver (hinted at with the fake-out in Wandavision)
-Human Torch (is in the trailer...or is it Photon??)

Another leaker says this isn't a backdoor Avengers movie the way "Civil War" was, the cameos are pretty quick.
Says that...

Billy and Tommy Maximoff, Black Bolt, Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, the Ancient One, Sylvie, and Human Torch will have 2-3 minutes of screen time each.

Strange Supreme, Loki, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Rintrah, Quicksilver, Magik, Jean Grey, and Maria Rambeau’s Photon will have 3-5 minutes each.

Captain Carter, Professor X, and Gargantos will have about 8 minutes.

Rob Liefeld, creator of Deadpool, says vaguely that some of the rumors out there are true.
Especially that Fox characters are in it.

So, that's all of it.
For now.

 As usual, I'll retro-link this in the big Marvel/Fox crossovers thingie.


Diacanu said...

Okay, some updates.

You can pretty much almost take Tom Cruise Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Deadpool to the bank.
You have to connect the leaked stuff with thumbtacks and yarn, but there's enough evidence for proof.

Pre-vis effects shots leaked of Wanda fighting Professor X.
Now, pre-vis effects are preliminary N64 looking rubbish, and any nerd out there can fake that shit, but these got proven true.

Pre-vis Wanda had the scar/blood splat on her face, and the white shirt and jeans, all of which ended up being on Wanda in the trailer.
These images leaked back in October '21.

So!! If that's really Wanda, then she's also really fighting Professor X.
Professor X in those pre-vis pic is wearing he green shirt, and sitting in the golden hover chair from the 90's X-Men cartoon.

These same pre-vis leaks also had Deadpool imprisoned in some kind of glass cube.

America Chavez is in one of these cubes in the trailer.

So, if the cube is real, Deadpool is real.

Next, the mysterious glowey figure that no one can tell if it's Human Torch, Monica Rambeau, or Iron Man?
A higher resolution version of the trailer got out, and it definitely looks like Superior Iron Man, a villain variant of IM from the comics.

A Lego set leaked before the trailer with Gargantos, Dr. Strange, and America Chavez.
Gargantos is the tentacle & eyeball monster that ended up in the trailer, so that Lego leak is real.

So, the other Lego leak is real, that of Dr. Strange's house, with good and evil Dr. Stranges, Professor X in his gold chair like in the pre-vis leak, Spider-Man, and Iron Man looking like the Superior Iron Man from the trailer.

And that little Lego Iron Man has a decidedly Tom Cruise looking hairdo.

Now, we can't tell from the Lego which actor is under the mask, but other details are pointing to Tobey.

Diacanu said...

Under the mask for Spidey, I meant.

Oh, okay, I may as well say the big clue that everyone's running with for Tobey being the version Spidey in the flick.

The foreign voice actor (I think it was Spanish) that dubs Tobey for one of the foreign versions posted a Spidey pic on his Twitter to hint he was going in to record or Spidey again.
Tobey very easily could have recorded some quick Dr. Strange scenes at the same time he did his "No Way home" scenes.

Also, the extension of the Sony deal allowed for one more solo movie, and one more crossover cameo.
Tobey being Spidey instead of Tom Holland would still count.
Although, Tom Holland voiced Spidey in "What If?".
Well, we'll see!

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