Thursday, February 3, 2022

Afterlife 2 and 3 ideas.

Oh!! Oh!! I had this pop into my head just as I was going to sleep last night, and I actually remembered it.

They would never do this, but it would be so fucking epic.

Building out from the general idea from here...

So, if 1 was Gozer, and 2 will be Vigo, then 3, I'm thinking an ATC crossover.
If we're sticking with revisiting films, and only films.
Just my theory.

Okay, starting with Afterlife 2, here's how I'd make revisiting Vigo absolutely fucking epic.

You "Back To The Future 3" that shit!

Instead of re-hashing Vigo coming out of the painting again, you have the kids get sucked into the painting as a time doorway back to medieval Carpathia.

Then you can shoot in New Zealand to make it all "Lord Of The Rings" gorgeous, and you get away from New York again.

You set up the first act in New York, or course.
Have that Callie, Phoebe, and Trevor have moved out to the firehouse, and Lucky, Podcast, and Grooberson are visiting.

Introduce a re-casted grownup Oscar Barret to make that link to Ghostbusters 2.

Re-introduce the cast of "Answer The Call" as female opposites to the cameo characters in ATC to hint at there are parallel dimensions.

Then, they dig out the Vigo painting at the firehouse.
A bucket of leftover mood-slime accidentally re-activates it, and it turns into a doorway, and you hear Vigo say "death is but is a doorway...time is a window...." and the kids get sucked in and land in Carpathia.

This is where the "Back To The Future 3" element comes in, you have the rest of the adult cast be ancestors.

-Oscar is the ancestor to Tobin.
-Callie and Grooberson are his servants.
-J.K. Simmons is the ancestor of Shandor, and is Vigo's lackey who creates the painting.
-The original cast pop up as blacksmiths, and scribes, and shopkeepers, and stuff.
-Ditto the ATC cast.

Then the main plot is, the kids and the adult ancestors as helpers are meant to bring down and capture original human Vigo to preserve a causality loop.

They beat Vigo, and Shandor, Vigo's tried and executed offscreen, they go back through the (freshly painted with mood-slime paints) painting, and history is preserved.

Epic, right?
Fuck yeah, it is.

Now here's my idea for Afterlife 3.

You go full "Multiverse Of Madness".

And here's how I figured out how to link the universes, and I think this is my goddamned masterpiece.

The Boogeyman!!!

Yes, they used Boogeyman in the animated series!
His realm had portals all over the walls that opened up into kids closets.
What if it didn't just pop out in closets in the "The Real Ghostbusters" universe, but the whole multiverse?
Then, you can have him pop out in live-action form in the prime/movie universe.

The kids go after him into his realm, and then they pop out in the RGB universe, and turn into cartoons, and they can spend about 20 minutes there wallowing in RGB Easter eggs.

Then, they find Boogey again, and follow him into his realm, and pop out in the ATC universe.
The kids bring the RGB crew with them, and they turn into live-action.
You just get actors who look like the cartoons, and dub their voices with the RGB voice cast.

Again, you spend 20 minutes in ATC-world wallowing in references, you can have fun comparing animated Egon to Holtzmann and such.

Then, all 3 crews combined get back into boogey-realm, and beat Boogeyman once and for all.
BUT, they blow up Boogey-realm with an ATC proton bomb, and the ATC/RGB casts get stuck in the prime/movie universe.

So, we tie it back to something Peter said way back at the first movie "the franchise rights alone will make us millions!".

Yep, the other casts become franchises.
ATC goes to Boston, and they end up in the Chinese restaurant again.
RGB goes to New Jersey.

And now the whole franchise is merged in-universe, and meta-wise for us fans.

Nice huh?
They'll never do it though.
If they do, I'll shit myself in shock.

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