Thursday, June 9, 2022

Okay, let's unpack yesterday's stuff.

Yesterday was the 38th Ghostbusters anniversary, and we got some news drops.

Jason Reitman waited until 8:00 PM Pacific Time, which is 11:00 PM over here, and they take their sweet time flapping their gums for that shit, so go ahead and round it upward to midnight.

So, there was no way in Hell I was gonna get to talk about it yesterday.

Kee-rist, Jason likes dropping shit at midnight.
He did the same when Afterlife was announced.

Here's the goods!

Afterlife 2: Firehouse.

That's the codename, anyway.
Just like the codename for Afterlife was "Rust City".

Obviously, they're taking the franchise back to New York.
Whether we're getting Vigo, ATC crossover, or something totally new, we don't know yet.

Untitled Animated Movie.

It's back!

It's supposed to involve a different crew of Ghostbusters, so it sounds like another reboot bubble-verse like ATC.

Jason Reitman says it was his dad's passion project, so he and Gil Keenan are gonna finish that off for him, I guess.

Now that Afterlife was a success, he has the power to push this stuff through, and un-stick it from the limbo everything got stuck in when ATC flopped.

"Movie jail" pisses me off.
When you fail, you dust off and try again, you don't go "ope, no Ghostbusters anything now!" for 5 fucking years.
Hollywood is fuckin' dumb.

Untitled animated series.

It's back!

No details on if this is Ecto-Force re-tooled, or something totally new.

It'll be on Netflix, so I'll have to twiddle my thumbs for 2 years after it drops for it to come to disk.

Anyway, with the exception of "Firehouse" replacing that dumb Channing Tatum movie, this is pretty much the original future plans re-integrated.

Ghostbusters comic.

So, the news I dreaded, but knew was coming, IDW lost the comics license.
But! They didn't come out and say "IDW lost the license" instead, they announced Dark Horse has the license.
But! They didn't come out and say "Dark Horse has the license" they said there's going to be a new mini-series written by Jason Reitman and Gil Keenan, and oh by the way, Dark Horse is putting it out.

IDW lost GI Joe and Transformers, so the Ghostbusters/Transformers sequel already wasn't happening.
And if stuff they had planned out like that was dying, things weren't good.
But, IDW was putting out NOTHING for Ghostbusters since the pandemic.
Other properties rolled out on time.
They shat out TMNT stuff like eggs out of  a hen.
They didn't even put out a trade collection for "Year One" or "Spectral Shenanigans 3".
When planned trades don't go out, there's big trouble.
They never admitted it though.
They've never just leveled with us.
They knew, and they've just let us twiddle our thumbs, and stare at the calendar.
That fucking sucks, IDW.

Well, I collected 99% of it, so, I'm good.
I grabbed it all just in fucking time.

Anyway! The Dark Horse thing sounds like a prequel to Afterlife, and very probably ignores the IDW-verse.
Well, someday, someone can bring the IDW-verse back as yet another alternate timeline, and ATC, RGB, and all that will be re-canonized.

Here's hoping.

Anyway, it's not a bad thing Dark Horse has it, they've always done good by their movie properties.
They just lost Alien, Predator, and Star Wars to Disney, so they needed something!

And, that's the 4 things!
4 things instead of 1 to look forward to!

Stay tuned!

I'll retro-link this to the 38th anniversary now.

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