Monday, January 3, 2022

Looking back at Fox/Sony Marvel.

Disney/Fox Part 2.4: The history of Marvel's movie deals. part 1.5.
Looking back at multi-studio Marvel.
But who are we kidding?
Fox and Sony were the biggest non-MCU players.

I'll say it up front, I like Marvel better with other studios rather than consolidated under the MCU roof.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's cool that it's now retroactively getting consolidated under the MCU continuity, so we've basically been watching all one big show for the past 22 years, but that stuff wouldn't exist to absorb if Sony/Fox didn't make it in the first place.

Fox & Sony made/make movies Disney would never make.
Deadpool wouldn't exist without Fox.
And Hell, it barely existed with Fox, except for Ryan Reynold's supernatural willpower.
Logan? Forget about it.
The bloody bits in the First Class quadrilogy? Forget it.
Venom? Forget it.
Just the sad ending in "Amazing Spider-Man 2"?
Forget it.
Disney wouldn't touch it.

Hell, just by the laws of math, more studios plain means more movies; Disney can't make them all even if they did R rated.

Arm-wrestling other producers like Amy Pascal might ruffle Kevin Feige's feathers, but too bad. 
I'm not a producer loyalist, I just want more awesome movies for myself and other fans.

As cool as seeing the X-Men interact in the MCU is going to be, I'll dearly miss the Fox-verse.
We'll never see its like again.

I hope Sony stays in the game as long as they can, cuz...if Disney owned Spidey again outright, where would they squeeze his movies in? 
They'd have to cut something. 
What would you cut? 
If you went back in time a couple years, you might say "screw Shang-Chi, I've got no interest. Spidey should go there!". 
And now Shang-Chi is out, and it's a fucking masterpiece. 
Cut that? Never. Not on my watch.

No, fragmented Marvel was messy, but it tried more things.
The future looks fun, sure, but I'll also miss that messy experimental period that made that future possible.

Well, it's not 100% over, again, we've got Sony, and "Morbius" looks like if Jerry Dandridge from "Fright Night" became Batman.
So, stay tuned for that, true believers.

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