Thursday, July 30, 2020

Happy 45th birthday to myself!

I already took care of the present haul last week, so that's done.

No party this year cuz of covid 19.
Ditto 4th of July.

5 years away from 50 now.
It creeps up on ya.

Here's today's doings pasted over from Facebook...

So, dad went to go play with his boat, so I decided to buy my own cake n' ice cream at the grocery store. 
Usually, I wake up, and it's waiting for me, but I hemmed and hawed about wanting one last night. 
I almost passed, I almost let it go, but I got craving a Friendly's ready-made sundae, so I convinced myself I had to go. 
Ugh, I hope next year covid-19 is over. 
I wore one of my cloth masks, and they're good, but my glasses fog up like a motherfucker, so I went into the store without them (my glasses), cuz at least myopia is SOME vision. 
I went to the bakery, and they had THE peanut butter cake. 
The one I lusted after since I was a kid, but they never had it on my birthday. 
So, I grabbed the fucker. 
Then...the Friendly's sundae's were gone. 
The whole ice cream section had been picked over pretty thoroughly. 
I did grab a half-gallon of Friendly's Reese's cup & Reese's pieces ice cream. 
Oh, and also, the Karens wouldn't stay away from me in the ice cream aisle like last time. 
Anyway, got home without incident. 
The cake....okay, but mediocre. 
What I always thought were Tagalongs (peanut butter Girl Scout cookies) stuck to it, were just deceptive frosting blobs. 
The peanut butter frosting...meh, I could do better myself just stirring Pillsbury vanilla frosting and JIF peanut butter together. 
Anyway, I've resolved that childhood fantasy. 
As with most fantasies, the reality didn't deliver. 
And the ice cream? 
Also meh. 
Should have got Chubby Hubby instead. 
Anyway, I'm full of cake n' ice cream, and probably won't have room for supper. 
Phew! Ooof!

Oh, forgot to mention, my mask smothered me, and I totally died. But, I'm a solid ghost that eats cake and ice cream, and American Chop Suey. So, no difference.

Oh, and I'm working on a story that I'm genuinely enjoying, and doesn't feel like work, and if it pans out, I might build my long-delayed novel out of this spinoff universe that's growing from it.

So, yeah, aside from the global plague, and the Nazi president, I'm feeling pretty good about life.

Previous years.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Liars and cowards, Part 9.

And part two of today's two-parter...
(Part 1)

Religious con-artists.

July 10, 2017

I've always scratched my head over the mentality religious people have of "better you be some religion I disagree with than *gasp* ATHEIST! ".
The only way I've gotten the logic to add up, is if you look at it through the eyes of a con artist.
You've got marks who haven't been conned yet, and you've got marks that are being conned by someone else, but the ones who can't be conned, they're dangerous.
They'll fuck everything up.
They'll blab the whole thing, and wreck the whole game.
So, even though someone is being handled by some other con-man, at least they're con-able, and therefore, safe.
So that's why they like the victims of other cons, even though they don't get to con them.
And it's why they've taught their marks to see it the same way.
So they can be extra eyes, and ears, and pairs of hands.

Burning bridges.

July 11, 2013

You know, I'm not without self-awareness. 
I do reflect on the things I say and do. 
A lot, actually. 
It's just my pissed off side wins the inner debate. 
He's smarter. 
Here's one instance. 
I often ask myself if I burn too many bridges. 
Now, let's say I someday write a book that makes it to the big publishers. 
Stop laughing. 
Let's just say, okay? 
Now, I've virulently slammed Entertainment Weekly on my blog. 
But, they're an ass you have to kiss in the business. 
Would that be a strike against me? 
Could very well be. 
But here's the thing, I can in every detail imagine the alternate timeline where I bite my tongue, and be a good little boy, and play the game...and then I don't get to tell the truth ever. 
I stop being me. 
I'd have to be a relentless phony. 
My...for lack of a better word...soul dies. 
Fuck that. 
People who think the things I do, and hold it in because they're scared are fucking bootlicking cowards. 
To a man, to a woman. 
Gutless, spineless, soulless. 
I'll pay the price to not be a bootlicking coward. 
It's worth it to me. 
So, fuck Entertainment Weekly, they're a rag. 
They have a privileged perch, that's it. 
They get access to everything, and they scoop everyone. 
Journalism wise, they're Highlights for kids. 
And fuck BloodyDisgusting. 
Their reviewers are wussies, and wussies ought not be allowed to review horror. 
Fuck 'em. 
They want a sorry out of me, earn it by not sucking. 
Will I regret this post someday? 
Even if they tie me to a chair and blowtorch my flesh off. 
Matter of fact, that kind of situation would prove me right, wouldn't it?

And the update...

July 11, 2017

This is a world that let Trump be president. 
This is a world that didn't stop Purdue from causing an opioid epidemic. 
Fuck just about everybody. 
Burn bridges? 
Fuck it, burn cities.

No one has anything to say to me on either side of the aisle about playing the game, and being a good little boy

I said it best in "dodging covid bullets".

Stick to your guns, and wait them out.
Wait the phonies, try-hards, and sellouts out.
Their little world will collapse, and you'll be right.
It must really suck to sell out, have the world collapse, and have to lie to defend it so your disgusting evil life doesn't feel wasted.
Boo-hoo for them.

America is an abusive relationship.

July 12, 2017

Y'know, I look back on it, and being an American has been like being in a toxic abusive marriage.  "Oh, you're in this relationship? Then you're Christian, and capitalist, because we say so. It's as intrinsic as your skin, hair, and eye color. Don't think about it....or WE'LL PUUUUNIIISH YOOOUU!!!!!". 
And if you do question those things "Oh? You Don't like putting up with our shit? See how you like being alone then. Yeah that's right, no one else will ever love you. No one. No one wants you. It's us, or nothing. IT'S US, OR FUCKING NOTHING!!! YOU INGRATE!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!?!?!". 
Then an hour later, America takes you out for ice cream, shows you  a blockbuster movie, and you forget for awhile. 
Until next time.

Ancient Astronaut theorists.

July 12, 2013

"Could (such and such bullshit) from (such and such myth) be ALIENS?? Ancient Astronaut Theorists say YES!". 
If they say "yes", they're not theorizing anymore, they're asserting. 
There, I just debunked their fake job with one fucking word. 
That was easy. 
Now, snacktime.

The self-destructiveness of smug.

July 17, 2016

You know what's the most self-destructive phrase in the English language? 
" you didn't know that!". 
Yeah, well I know it now, fuckface. 
A good 45% of my knowledge base comes from pricks trying to one-up me. 
Keep giving me power. 
It's delicious.

Life must be fun for stupid bigots.

July 17, 2015

The world must be such an easier funner place to navigate if you're a dumbass bigot. 
I mean, sometimes I get the blues over the hum-drum-ness of my life, and yearn for adventure, and there's no adventure to be had, all the wars are corrupted by corporate interest, we created all our villains, all the daredevil mountain climbing and ballooning shit is being done by bored billionaires, the oceans are being mapped by James Cameron, there's just nothing left. 
Unless evil aliens invade soon or something. 
BUUUT, if you're a bigot, everyone who simply doesn't look like you is a monster from a video game, and you just get to go to town. 
Especially if you can convince someone to give you a police or soldier uniform. 
That seems to be the best way to get maximum enjoyment out of this sick country is be trailer park stupid, and bigoted as fuck. 
Me and my too many braincells. 
What was I thinking?

And the update.

July 17, 2018

And the world got even more fun for the meatheads the last couple years.

Something I didn't consider.
When the world goes enough to shit because of stupid racist meatheads, we get to join the resistance, and fight Nazis.
Thanks for making life like Star Wars, CHUDs!

Racist knucklehead.

July 18, 2014

Someone I know has been spouting racist bullshit, and it's really making me sick. 
The stupidity of it. 
Nevermind that genetics debunks all of racism's assertions, nevermind the existence of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Barak Obama, nevermind simple fucking math and logic, that black people that fulfill a racist stereotype are a minority within a minority within a minority, whereas moron dipshit WHITE people are LEGION. 
MILLIONS of THOSE ignorant muthafuckas. 
Nope, fuck evidence, and reason, and logic "I just believe it". 
Fuck, I hate that. 
Belief with no backing. 
Just "I believe it because I believe it". 
Well, I'll just make this person a villain in my book. 
Everyone's getting theirs. 
It's my big book of vengeance. 
I gotta get back to it.

Well, I'm late by 6 years, but I finally had them get theirs in a story.

Nazis and kooks.

July 21, 2020

(Responding to an article about Twitter banning QAnon)

The "liberal media", were absolute shit at exposing Reagan and Bush Senior for what they were, or debunking the Satanic Panic as it happened, or a shitload of other things, but they were good gatekeepers against fucking Nazis and tinfoil kooks. 
You can't give fascism or anti-reality any quarter. 
It's not "tolerance", or "diversity", to let them sabotage society

Racist celebs, and people who can't seem to quit the n-word.

July 24, 2015

So, Hulk Hogan is fired for saying racist slurs, and now he's apologizing. 
Lotta that lately. 
Dumb rednecks having to apologize for being themselves. 
You know how you'll never have to apologize for racist slurs? 
It's really easy. 
Don't be a racist. 
Outside of being a racist, there's no proper context for throwing the N-bomb around. 
I mean using it sincerely, not singing a rap song, or imitating Dave Chappelle. 
I go years at a time not using it. 
Sometimes decades. 
How long has Chappelle been off? 
Ten years? 
There you go. 
If you have the internal struggle of "boy I wish I could  call that guy N-bomb, but I'll get in trouble", you're a racist. 
Stop it. 
It's really easy. 
Just remind yourself "these beliefs aren't true, and only stupid people believe them", and poof. 
Cold turkey. 
If you need a racism patch, or racism gum, maybe you just need to be put to sleep.

Treacherous dolts.

July 25, 2014

1. One doesn't have to be an Einstein to be ahead of the average dolt. 
2. Being smart doesn't put me on the hook to be a genius. 
3. If I WERE a genius, it wouldn't put me on the hook to be omni-competent in everything, and able to know everything that's happening behind my back. 
YET! Whenever some douchebag ever got the drop on me via treachery, many was the time I'd hear "haha!! You're not as smart as you think you are!". 
No, dipshit, I'm exactly as smart as I think I am, which is as smart as I am. 
No more, no less. 
How the hell is my not being treachery resistant validation of you being an asshole? 
All of which loops back to #1.

2016 third party voters are spoiled trash.

July 25, 2016

Have you noticed that the "a pox on both houses", crowd that come right out and say the country deserves Trump as punishment for nominating Hillary are pretty much all fucking white and well off? 
It's really easy to cheer on the hurricane when you've got a storm cellar. 
I'd be a lot more impressed if they were willing to strap themselves to a phone pole for the duration. 
Don't wait for it. 
They ain't got it in 'em. 
Real edgy rebellion left their pasty carcasses decades ago. 
If it was ever there.

Stein voters.

July 26, 2016

I'm just bowled over by how staggeringly stupid millennial liberals are. 
"Ohhhh, I don't like Hillary because of my MORALS, and my FEEEEELINGS!". 
FUCK your feelings!!! 
FUCK 'em!!! 
The Supreme Court, goddammit!!!! 
I don't care if you think sentient flesh-eating turds come out of Hillary's mouth, ears, and eye sockets!!! 
Hillary won't turn the Supreme Court into a Bible-Taliban fucking shit-show nightmare!!! 
Yeah, you're real fucking moral when a female friend of yours has to pound out her daddy's rape-baby while a cop watches. 
I'm in the fucking Twilight Zone. 
Holy shit.

And the addendum...

Oh, I'm sorry, that language was angry and trollish. 
Wouldn't want to offend the delicate sensibilities of the little safe-spacers. 
Getting a crypto-Nazi elected is serious upright morally clean business.

And another addendum...

I just learned that you can say the DNC are a pack of murderers that would kill Bernie, without evidence, and without social consequence, but if you call the person that says it "retard", you're a disgusting evil nasty troll. 
These are those "social skills", I missed out on not being extroverted, and hanging out with idiots. 
I have so much to learn and aspire to.

And the update...

July 26, 2017

Yep, this too. 
Ginsberg has a ticking clock over her head. 
Enjoy those liberties you used to have, kiddies. 
Keep telling yourself how MORAL you were when you voted Stein, or stayed home.

And another update...

July 26, 2018

Redemption isn't going to come for these little idiots. 
Unless we get up to full Third Reich, and they take up arms in the resistance.

And another update...

July 26, 2019

*Sigh* yep, and all that happened. 
How you FEELING, Stein voters, and Bernie bros? 
Feeling good about yourselves still?

Wonder how clean they feel watching housewives get their eyeballs shot out with rubber bullets.
I wonder if they kiss themselves in the mirror.
Safe bet the number that do isn't zero.
If it's one, it's too many.
And there's no way it's one.

Violating nature.

July 17, 2015

For the quadzillionth time. 
Nature isn't just grass, trees, and puppies. 
It's everything. 
The whole universe, and even the multiverse if there is one. 
Anything that turns out to exist is natural. 
So, when you tell me that something "violates nature", you're telling me you're a pathetic simpleton that doesn't know how fucking reality works. 
People like that need to be sent to a home to be cared for by nurses, not voted for.

And the addendum...

Also, if someone can "violate nature's God", guess what? 
They're God. 
Way to hand your adversaries ultimate power in the universe, dumbasses.

We'll be fiiiine!

July 27, 2016

Okay, I don't want to argue with the person that said this, because they're pathological, and lost up their own ass, but they said "if Trump is elected, we'll be okay for 4 years". 
Yeah, that's not a thing. 
There's never been an inconsequential demagogue president. 
That's not how any part of that equation works. 
We're still feeling the effects that Richard Nixon had on health care. 
We're still feeling the effects Reagan had on unions, airlines, and the treatment of the mentally ill. 
We're going to feel the effects Bush's negligence had on Louisiana for the next 30-40 years, and the middle east will feel his effects for the next 75-100 years.  
Presidents aren't a "no big whoop", kind of thing.

And the update...

July 27, 2020

I'm sure the "we", in "we'll", meant white people who shut up, and eat their TV dinners like good boys and girls.

"Batman The Cult", for no reason (honest!)

July 27, 2020

I always liked the way "Batman: The Cult", ended. 
Spoilers, if you haven't read it. 
This dude called Deacon Blackfire shows up, and brainwashes all the homeless people in Gotham into a cult army, and they take over. 
It looks very much like "Dark Knight Rises", when they do. 
I always thought DKR stole heavily from "The Cult". 
Anyhoo, how Batman beats Blackfire is great. 
He knows he can't just beat him up and take him in, cuz the cult-army will rip him to pieces. 
So, he beats the shit out of Blackfire in such a way that he won't pass out, or knock out, but just keeps inflicting painful punishment until he can't take it anymore, and goes "please...kill me, Batman, finish it..kill me". 
Then the mob tears Blackfire apart, because they can't stand for their leader to be weak. 
And that breaks the Thulsa Doom spell. 
Batman just walks away, and lets him be shredded. 
I'll leave it to your imagination who in the real world I might be applying this fantasy to.

Fascists have to lie.

July 28, 2018

Ever notice how the far-right has to lie and cheat to get their agenda through, and they can't admit what their agenda is until they've gotten it? 
Doesn't that just tell you everything? 
I've always wondered, if they really believe in "fuck the poor", and "fuck democracy", and "Devil take the hindmost", why not just say it? 
Why not shout it from the rooftops? 
Cuz there are sick fuckers that would agree, and gleefully vote for candidates like that. 
Even if it sealed their own doom. 
We've got people that stupid. 
Lots of them. 
What it tells me, is regardless of what the actual numbers are THEY, the libertarian swine, think there aren't enough. 
That they have to dupe the centrists into going along to get the numbers. 
Hell, they might even think NO ONE wants the world they want to inflict on us. 
In a strange sort of way, that gives me hope.

And, that bucket's empty!
Tomorrow, another bucket!

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Liars and cowards, Part 8.

Time to drop today's two-parter...

Conspiracy theories never find actual conspiracies.

June 2, 2017

The thing that pisses me off about the spread of conspiracy-theory thinking, is it's not USEFUL for anything. 
It poses as critical thinking, but it's not. 
Its a little boy putting on his daddy's shoes, and a lab coat. 
Even if every conspiracy were true, CONSPIRACY THEORIZING DOESN'T GET YOU TO PROOF!!!!!! 
A real conspiracy has never been stopped in its tracks by a conspiracy theory monger. 
Never will be. 
Don't wait for it. 
Release the breath you're holding. 
If conspiracy theorizing were a useful tool for uncovering the truth, it would be admissible in court. 
Ask Alex Jones how his conspiracies helped him in his custody trial.

And the update..

June 2, 2020

The conspiracy twats haven't captured and citizens-arrested a single lizard person, or grey alien. 
They love killing black people though. 
That really placates them.

What happened to the boomers??

June 7, 2017

(After seeing a graph in a friend's wall that shows people become more delighted with a conservative candidate the older they get)
I get why the WWII generation were/are fucking stupid. 
The depression, and poverty, and lack of education, and yadda, yadda. 
The Boomers were supposed to be better. 
WTF happened to them? 
Is there some universal brain rot that sets in at 60? 
If it happens to me, kill me. 
Just take my head the fuck off with a shotgun. 
While I'm still of sound mind, let me put that order in. 
When I start buying slogans like "make America great again", and "strong and steady", and I start saying shit like "cuck", just blast me in the face with deer shot until I hamburger away.

To which a friend helpfully pointed out...

If it makes you feel better, the existence of the Alt-right proves the rot sets in far earlier for many 🙂

I was warning about capitalism.

June 19, 2018

If I went back in time, to say, the 50's-60's, and told leftist intellectuals "look, give up on Russia and Cuba, they're a fucking lie. It's all fascist oligarchy in Marxist clothing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a total dipshit sapsucker", I would have been right, but they would have either shrugged me off with an eye-roll, or vociferously sought to undermine my reputation to make me go away. 
Doesn't have to be that far back, if I just went back 5 years, and said "capitalism is a ticking time-bomb, and painted on that bomb is a swastika", I would have gotten the same reaction. 
Oh, wait, I don't need the time machine, I was warning people. 
Not in those exact words, but close enough. 
How many more do I have to nail before I'm listened to? 
Face it, it's infinite. 
The stuff I see can't be sugar coated. 
People will never swallow that medicine without the sugar.

Haters of modern Trek are just anti-Anita Gamergater CHUDs.

(Wordforge  version)

June 19, 2020

So, I just solved a little mystery....

...I was reviewing in my mind how the crypto-fascists used Gamergate to shove their talking points into the heads of otherwise smart people, and poison Youtube...pretty much forever...

...and it occurred to me "gee, I wonder what Anita Sarkeesian is up to these days".

So I popped on over to Feminist Frequency, and guess what I saw?

She loves Discovery and Picard. 😃


Do you think the neckbeard CHUDS maybe hate those shows just to spite her??
Nahh, that couldn't be.
That would make their whole clique/movement a bunch of intellectually dishonest reactionaries.
And that can't be because....y'know, feelings and stuff. 

Anyway, seriously though, that was easy to crack open, wasn't it?

And FF?

(Facebook version)

June 19, 2020

So, I just figured a thing out. 
Whenever Nazi-neckbeard-CHUD Youtube is bitching about a thing in pop culture, go right on over to Feminist Frequency to see if Anita Sarkeesian likes that thing. 
I bet she does. 
Yep, I cracked the code. 
If you know someone who parrots CHUD-tube talking points when criticizing a media product, use this trick to shut them the fuck down. 
Cuz fuck 'em.

Hipster Nazis Part 2 (Part 1)

June 20, 2018

Y'know, I bet there were guys in Germany in the 40's that spouted Nazi talking points in "an ironic way". 
They even wore the uniform "as a joke". 
It was all just jokes. 
They didn't gass anyone, they didn't pick up a rifle, it was all just an Andy Kaufman routine for them. 
I bet you there were hipster Nazis. 
I bet there were. 
Just the laws of math. 
Had to have been. 
Doesn't matter though. 
History throws 'em in the same bloody bushel. 
Fuck hipster Nazis. 
In any era. 
And fuck anyone who falls for a hipster Nazis's shtick.

Trump literally can't do anything good.

June 23, 2018

Some douche challenged me to name something Trump did that I liked, or else I'm partisan.
Everything the fucker does is awful, it has nothing to do with party affiliation. 
But just out of curiosity, has the sonofabitch done anything good, even by accident? 
I can't think of anything. 
His every move is tainted by petty assholism.

Everyone who responded pretty much went with his "Home Alone 2", cameo.

Storm Rucker/jokey racists.
Hipster Nazis Part 3.

June 23, 2020

One thing I learned the hard way from the whole Storm Rucker/Spectre/Trey Garrison thing, joke-y racists aren't joking. 
They're telling you who they are. 
Believe them.

Also, see "So, Storm's a Nazi.....".

Libertarians saying they're liberals.

June 27, 2017

Something I see that pops up every once and awhile, and needs to die. 
Libertarians calling themselves liberals. 
No, you're not, knock it the fuck off. 
You're Republicans that want to smoke dope. 
It won't fly with me, Chester. 
Either it's a deliberate lie, or self denial, like when Elton John said he was bi on the way to being fully out as gay. 
Either way, stow that bullshit.


Context: Made the mistake of watching Sargon of Akkad on Joe Rogan.

Sargon has gone full mask-off Nazi, and Rogan is a transphobe, so fuck both of those douche-rags.

Abusive parents round 2. (Round 1)

July 3, 2017

Here's my thoughts on child abuse, spurred by a headline on George Takei's feed about a teacher that killed a little girl by gluing her mouth shut. 
Nothing that comes out of the mouth of a child deserves assault. 
This may seem retardedly obvious, but it's the one thing child abusers get really furiously bent about. 
Because it's the one thing a child can do. 
They can't beat YOU the fuck up. 
If you're getting bent up by the words of a child, you're deeply stunted, and unworthy of the title "adult". 
Either you're so stunted, that the gibberish of a kid (ala doody-head) gets to you, OR you're so blatantly defective, that a child can size you up, and the truth hurts. 
Neither one of those say good things about you. 
If anything a kid says gets you into "I'll show YOU!!", mode, you lose. 
You ain't showing anyone. 
You fucking lose. 
Hope this mouth gluing murderess loses, but justice is hard to come by these days. 
She might actually get a judge that thinks "well, the little bitch should have shut up when she was told". 
Well, at least we can socially shun her for the rest of her miserable rotten life. 
Oh, her family will stick behind her. 
I never get that. 
If a relative did that to a kid, I would stop loving them. 
That's a fucking monster, fuck you. 
Fucking human beings wear me down.

"Deeply held". 
("Religious Freedom", part 2)

July 4, 2014

So, consider this the sequel to my "religious freedom", rant. 
Here's another phrase I'm getting sick of fucking hearing. 
"Deeply held". 
It usually goes along with "...religious convictions", but the magical part, the part the user seems to think is a force-field against consequences, is the "deeply held", part. 
Who gives a FUCK if your convictions are "deeply held"??? 
Aren't ALL convictions "deeply held"? 
That's why they're fucking convictions, and not flights of whimsy. 
You know who had some deeply held religious convictions? 
The 9/11 terrorists!! 
Do ya care? 
If you'd been on one of the planes, and they'd said "this is our deeply held religious conviction", would you have sheepishly shrunk down, and said "oh, okay, I don't want to offend your convictions"??? 
Fuck 'em!! 
What the hell is so magical about "deeply held"?? 
Is it the "deeply", part? 
Like, it's literally deep inside your guts where it can't be yanked loose, so you're an immovable obstacle? 
That just makes it a dressed up version of "I'm an intransigent asshole", doesn't it? 
That's what it is. 
It's "I'm an intransigent asshole", but they want it to sound noble. 
It's not. 
Stop giving it the respect it never earned. 
I'm talking to you, dipshit politicians, and lapdog media. 
Wake the fuck up, and tear this horseshit down. 
Ask some fucking followup questions, instead of nodding like a string puppet.

Next for part two, more of these.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

Cats & chickens, Part 4: Clovis 2.

And, part two of today's two parter.
(Part 1)

Clovis is a violent little bugger.

June 15, 2020

*Looks at my mangled Frankenstein hands* damn, there's a lot of "I'll show you!", in Clovis.

And the addendum...

One good thing, when he finally tires himself out, he's highly susceptible to lullabies.

Doctor Clovis.

June 20, 2020

Clovis- Wait a minute....there's a kitten in your glasses. 
I'm going to have to remove him surgically before killing him. 
Hold REALLY still.....

Clovis-proofing myself.

June 21, 2020

I don't mind a scratch here and there, but Clovis is starting to hamburger-ize me. 
So, I've had to come up with tricks. 
I wear my winter shoveling gloves when I play with him. 
I put blankets on my feet when I lay on the bed so he doesn't chew my toes. 
And I put an afghan on my legs like a grandma when I'm at my computer desk so he doesn't cut my femoral artery climbing into my lap. 
That's cut the damage down quite nicely. 
I'm not mad at him. He just parties too hard. 
I know what it's like to be that guy. 
Totally sympathetic.

Clovis kills a moth.

June 21, 2020

Clovis is such a baby, he doesn't know what dead is. 
He just got done knocking down my speakers, and mouse and a bunch of other shit hunting a moth. He finally bit it, and mortally wounded it, sending it floating dying to the floor. 
He didn't grasp that he killed it, and he's still looking for it in the spots where it used to go when it was alive.  
He's just not processing it. 
Poor dumb little baby.

Clovis week 2.

June 22, 2020

Well, tomorrow will be week 2 we've had Clovis already. 
And already, he's grown big enough, he can't fit into the nook on top of the couch and under the windowsill (where he nestled in on day 1) anymore.

Clovis and the cellar.

June 27, 2020

Every day, I can see Clovis getting bigger. 
Wish he'd hurry up though. 
When he's big enough, I'll let him down cellar. 
That's kitty Disneyworld. 
He can burn off his steam down there. 
But....I'm scared of him falling into and drowning in the sump-pump holes. 
If he can grow another 4-6 inches or so, he'll be too big to plop into those.

Week 3!!

June 30, 2020

There, it's Tuesday, and that means it's been three weeks with Clovis, and that means we didn't get 'rona from his past owners.

Week 4, and Clovis and the cellar 2.

July 6, 2020

Clovis is growing fast enough, I showed him the cellar. 
He fucking loved it. 
From a kitty's point of view, it's a whole other house down there. 
Even though for humans, it's just storage for junk, and dad's workshop. 
He can run up and down the stairs, so there's no worry there. 
BUT, it seems like I have to be there with him. 
I went down there with him the first time to supervise, to make sure he didn't find something to hurt himself with. 
Everything went smooth, so I trust him to go alone. 
BUT, he won't go down there without me. 
He stops at the bottom step, and comes right back up. 
Plus, he doesn't seem bright enough yet to work the pet door on the cellar door. 
If I hold it open for him, he goes through, and I poked him through both directions, so he knows it goes both ways. 
But...he doesn't seem to know he can open it himself. 
Learning curve ahead, I guess.

And the addendum...

Also, the pet door has a magnet that pulls it closed so it doesn't swing forever. 
You have to give it a pretty hard whack to break the seal. 
He's still kinda tiny. 
I think Clovis has to get heavier to knock that sucker good enough anyway. 
Give it another month or so.

Clovis and the file cabinets.

July 11, 2020

*Clovis jumps up on my knee, jumps up on my desk, hops over to the little file cabinet I use as an elbow rest, and a lunch table, then to the pile of blankets on the wooden trunk, then the second biggest file cabinet, then the biggest file cabinet, then from the biggest file cabinet, to my shoulder, then back to the computer desk and to the floor* 
Me-'ve learned how to do that now...*doomed sigh*

Blonde Tarantula.

July 12, 2020

Fave nicknames for Clovis so far- "Tasmanian Devil", and "blonde Tarantula".

Squirt bottle.

July 13, 2020

Finally got a squirt bottle to correct Clovis. 
He seems to know what it is, and he scurries off when I so much as reach for it. 
Well, that was easy.

Clovis's first puke.

July 14, 2020

Clovis had his first puke. 
He filled up on crunchies, then dad gave him a Sheba dinner (dumbass!), then he (Clovis, not dad) caught and ate a moth. 
That moth was like Mister Creasote's mint.

Shots/Buff Tabby.

July 16, 2020

Clovis had his shots. 
Vet says he's a Buff Tabby. 
Googled Buff Tabbies, and holy shit, all the kittens look like Clovis clones. 
Same wide head, same blue eyes. 
And he's gonna grow up into a big fat Garfield.

Kitties keeping me awake, past and future.

July 23, 2013

So fucking fucking tired...cats won't let me sleep...little bastards...ohhhhh....

And the update...

And now I miss 'em. 
Clovis helps heal the hole in the heart, but I'm greedy, I want all three of 'em.

And the addendum...

I dunno how Wembley & Digby would have accepted Clovis, but Clovis would have loved them. And he likely would have expressed that love as bites, kicks, and headlocks. 🙂

And that's today's all done!

Read More......

Cats & chickens, Part 3.

Another two-parter to empty out!

Wembley's enemy!

May 26, 2017

We've got this neighbor cat who comes over, and hangs out in the back yard. He's a yellow tabby with a white bib and boots, long and skinny, long skinny face, big nose, little eyes proportionate to his head (for a cat). Beautiful, and sweetly behaved. And Wembley hates his everliving guts. 🤣

And the update...

May 26, 2020

Oh yeah! Wembley's enemy! I forgot this little guy! He hasn't come around in a couple years.

Wembley's belly.

June 24, 2015

Ebony and ivory live together on my cat's fat belly.

Ant murder, and animal rights (Wembly is mentioned)

June 10, 2014

So, a couple hours so ago, I murdered an ant. 
Big bastard. 
About a couple jellybeans in length. 
Bludgeoned him with the butt end of my Blu-ray remote. 
His guts resembled banana pudding. 
He writhed in agony for about 30 seconds before I could get a paper towel to finish him off properly with a good fist crush. 
I won't see the inside of a cell, or even a courtroom, because ants don't have rights. 
PETA would see a reversal of this order. 
So, naturally, I oppose them. 
If ants were tastier, Wembly would have committed the murder for me. 
Now, if PETA thinks Wembly deserves rights, shouldn't he also go to jail for his crimes? 
Don't rights come with responsibilities? 
I don't think PETA has really thought all this through. 
Come to think of it, I don't think our whole species has. 
We might have to stare into the abyss that all rights are make-believe.

Wembley's stories.

July 9, 2018

Sometimes, Wembley will look up at you, and with his sad Artoo-Detoo voice, tell you the saddest story in the world. 
He tells it very well, wish I could understand him. 
Nonetheless, here's my approximation, based on his tone, body language, and what I know of him as a person. 
"Once upon a time, my owner didn't give me my soup, pat me, or look at my butthole. Then, the next day, meteors fell from the sky, and all the babies of the world died. So..yeah...think of that".

And the update...

July 9, 2020

*Sigh* I miss those little stories.

Wembley's voice.

July 18, 2013

Wembly sounds exactly like Debi Derryberry (Jimmy Neutron) doing her cat voice. 
So, either Debi Derryberry does a dead-on cat, or Wembly is doing a dead-on Debi Derryberry. 
Either way, it's eerie.


July 14, 2016

Anyone with a cat to English dictionary care to tell me what the hell "merahu", means?

Carrying cats.

July 20, 2018

Newbie tip from a lifelong cat owner. Carry them on your hip like a toddler, not back down legs up like a human baby. They're baby sized, so it's tempting, but they HATE it.  They hate being carried period, but they tolerate hip-mounted a little longer for some reason.

Flea baths.

July 24, 2011

Wembly and Digby just had their weekly flea baths. 
Wembly is such a fucking crybaby.

Kitty fears.

July 25, 2013

Good thing you startled, and spazzed out at the sound of my chair scraping, kitties. I really was going to kill you. That split second saved your lives. It always does! I'm always plotting to kill you. Stay on edge forever.

And the update...

July 25, 2019

Wembley has gone from thinking I'm always going to kill him, to thinking every time I leave the house, I'm dead. 
Basically, he's become a dog.

Trouble creeping up for Digby. :(

June 12, 2013

It's always something. Poor Digby's got a kidney stone. 
He keeps trying to pee, and nothing comes out, and he washes his peepee in pain. 
Gonna have to take him to the vet tomorrow. 
Poor little bastid. 
I know how he feels.

Wasn't long after, we lost him. :-(

Wembley starts to get sick.

June 13, 2019

We're worried Wembley might have the diabeetus. He drinks a lot, and pees a lot, and he throws up in the hallway at least once a week if not twice. He's old and fat. He's in the risk zone. 🙁

And the update...

June 13, 2020 was his ticker. Vet could've told us, but dad hates paying for the vet, so...

Yep. Now for future reference, we know what a cat heart attack looks like.
It's quite awful.

I saved the chickens.

May 30, 2018

Had to plug the heat lamp in to save the chickens. Dad and these chickens is like a 6 year old with a hamster. I'm kind of disgusted.

And the update..

May 30, 2019

And now one of them is goddamned dead, and another mutilated due to his lack of supervision.

And the other update..

May 30, 2020

Damn, weird to ponder that this time 2 years ago was cold enough to kill the chickens, and today I had to run the AC full tilt. Maine's weather sure is a mess.

Daisy's doomed!

May 20, 2020

I have a sinking feeling our chickens are doomed. 
Daisy is wobbling around, and acting dizzy, and falls down. 
I Googled the symptoms, and the best thing it can be is a fungal infection, the worst it can be is a virus called Marek's disease. 
If it's that one, Daisy's doomed. 
By the time symptoms exhibit, it's too late. 
Dad's eliminated the possibility of a fungal infection from the food,'s probably that one. 
The virus is highly infectious, so the others probably have it. 
They need to be vaccinated so they don't die too, but dad is a tight-wad with anything to do with vets. So, if it's Marek's, which it very probably is, the poor bitches are done for. 
This is gonna be fucking horrible.

Daisy's not doomed!

June 3, 2020

Oh, keep forgetting to mention, Daisy's still ticking. 
Whatever was making her toss her head back and fall down went away. 
I think it was mold in her food. 
I think dad lied to my face about taking proper hygiene precautions, and quietly cleaned the feeder out. 
Whatever, as long as she's all right.

And that's all the Wembly, Digby, & chickens ones.

Up next, new Clovis stories.

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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Greedy swine, Part 4.

And the other backlog post for today...

Shrug this!

April 13, 2019

I think it's long past time for the tech industry to pull a reverse "Atlas Shrugged", on science deniers. Shut them out of Twitter and Facebook, lock up their Google and Yahoo mail, deny their gas cards, shut off their electrical meters, block their debit cards at the grocery stores. 
Cripple 'em.

Evil people have boring desires.

May 8, 2017

A thing I notice about all the evil going on in the world, is it's for money, and you look at the shit the criminals buy with their money,'s all so boring and predictable. 
What unimaginative fucks these people are. 
They're plenty imaginative in their crimes, but then when it comes to the "rolling in the loot and booty", phase of the plan....boredom. 
Big houses, yachts, food gluttony, sex with brain damaged retards sealed up in plastic bodies. 
Just gawdy, tacky, ugly, gluttonous crap. 
I can go down to the grocery store right now, fill a cart with bakery goods, and give myself diabetes. It's not an accomplishment. 
I can drive out to Nevada, and buy some hoo-ers. 
And the cheap is as good as the rich. 
The food all turns to shit, and the cheap pussy makes you cum as hard as the expensive pussy. 
I just don't get it. 
All that effort and hurting people for shit that's artificially marked up to impress other criminals. Maybe I just don't have the right brain wiring for capitalism. 
Many people have called it my "lack of ambition". 
I'll have PLENTY of ambition if you present me with something interesting to chase after. 
The world just keeps using crappy bait. 
The mentality of conspicuous consumption eludes me. 
It's an alien fucking planet.

And the update...

May 8, 2019

Capitalism is for predators and dupes. 
Neither one of those types has an imagination. 
If you're neither of those, you're not gonna enjoy the ride.

Bigotry, and the rich. 

May 21, 2017

I never bought into bigotry and xenophobia, because I never fell for the trick of being told to hate other poor people. 
That never clicked for me. 
Even when I was so young I had a single syllable vocabulary, it was just so glaringly obvious to me that the rich were where all the trouble was coming from. 
I reasoned even then "if the rich are good, then why don't they just give everyone money, and make poor go away?". 
If a child could figure it out, why can't adults? 
I'm used to America swallowing this shit, but it's quite depressing to see the UK fall for it. 
A little bit of fear, and their intellect blew away like sand in a wind tunnel. 
It almost makes me lose hope sometimes. 
But then I look at history, and the greedy are vain and stupid, and don't learn, and all fail the same exact way.

This is what they are.

June 9, 2019

You know how you should know once and for all there's nothing to conservatism?
There's no one stepping up in the face of Trumpism going "no, here's the GOOD version of conservatism!".
Not a goddamned one.
Oh, some are a little less homophobic, or class-ist, or racist, or a little less zealous in their anti-abortion fever, or less gun-nutty, but you can't have their shit with NONE of it.
And you definitely can't have their shit without the greed.
And you definitely can't have their shit without thinking it right and proper that the rich devour anything they can get their mitts on.
You're never gonna hear that voice, cuz it ain't out there.
They're not even smart enough to lie.
This is it.
This is what they are.
They always denied it, but there was never proof.
They kept acting like it was just seconds away, but it never showed up.
Stop waiting for it.
It ain't there.
Your "good conservative friend", will sit right there, and let Roe v Wade burn down.
Just like they sat right there for Citizen's United.
Just like they sat right there for Iraq.
Just like they sat right there for the airline unions getting smashed by Reagan.
Just like they sat right there for every step along the way of our public schools getting gutted.
You don't have "a good conservative friend".
You don't.
Sorry to break it to you.
I feel for ya, I've been there.

Well, at least we've got The Lincoln Project.
Better late than never.
I mean, they're anti-Trump, but don't give them money.
Not if you want to sleep peacefully.

We did homework on this, people!

June 23, 2016

You know, I'm baffled that my atheist friends are baffled by Brexit and Trump. 
All the damned books we've read about evolution, and the brain, and how humans are glitch prone meat robots, it explains every scrap of this shit. 
Did you take amnesia pills?

Conservatism, the philosophy of despair.

June 24, 2019

Jesus Fuckballs, the level of cynical despair it must fucking take to be a fucking Republican. 
You pretty much have to believe that there's absolutely no hope for the human species at all, so that you can believe that none of the harm you do to the world matters, just so long as you get yours. 
I mean, I'm not so sure I have hope for the survival of humanity, and I can't even get to their level of selfishness and evil. 
It's looking more and more like global warming  (I refuse to say "climate change", the right-wing made it up) is going to get us, and we're fucked. 
All of us. 
And there's a non-zero chance Trump could get a nuke lobbed at us. 
And even knowing those unpleasant little nuggets, I can't and won't turn to the dark side. 
Fuck, I can't even turn into a proper capitalist. 
The thought of starting my own business makes me want to puke. 
Even knowing it could save my ass. 
Nope, can't. 
I just keep seeing becoming Trump as a possibility, or Alex Jones, and I run shrieking in horror.

Rich corpse, poor corpse.

July 5, 2017

When you have a poor person on the coroner's slab, and they're cut all up, you know what you find? Blood, meat, a stomach full of puke, and intestines full of shit. 
You know what you find when you cut up a rich person? 
Same thing. 
Same exact thing. 
A glowing energy ball doesn't levitate out, and the coroner doesn't go "ohhhh, there it is!! There's what made you special!!". 
Hierarchical societies, particularly unjust ones, hinge on that glow-ball being there, and yet no one's found it. 
You'd think that would bother people. 
It doesn't seem to. 
Dirty cops get let off for murdering 12 year old boys, and rapists get let off because they could swim well. 
The judges in these cases seem to do so on the assumption that these cops and swimmers are the precious jewels of society, and that they themselves are precious jewels of society. 
But when they're all put on the slab, blood, puke, shit. 
That should bother people more than it does.

And the update..

July 5, 2020

I think people are finally getting bothered enough.

Pride monsters.

July 22, 2014

I'm a hard guy to be friends with for most people. 
What that majority refuses to understand, is I'm devoted to logic, reason, and consistency, above everything, and to the fucking DEATH. 
To the fucking DEATH. 
You can tie me to a chair and start ripping parts off, and I won't swear allegiance to bullshit to save my own life. 
I won't do it to save YOUR life. 
And I'm not blindly loyal, if a friend is being illogical, I'll smack them around as hard as if they were Deepak Chopra. 
When it happens, they just can't believe it. 
They just can't fucking believe it. 
They see it as either personal betrayal, or that I should have mindlessly stayed on Team Democrat, or Team Whatever. 
Now, you fine folks on my feed haven't had to run afoul of this side of me, because you're a smart bunch. 
But, its raised a lot of hell in other quarters, and in earlier eras of my life. 
Thought I'd clarify this. 
I thought my actions over the years would have made this clear, but I guess it needs saying.

And the update...

July 22, 2017

Well, past me, I just gotta say, pick your battles. 
Some people are driven by vanity, they're beyond the reach of reason, and you have to treat them like you would a pet. 
And that's if you even keep 'em around. 
Sometimes they trick you. 
Sometimes they look like "oh, they're smart, they're ticking along at my level, they'll get it!". 
Nope, then you find out, it's vanity to the death for them like it's logic to the death for you. 
They're like Spider-Man villains that way. 
A little bit of butt-hurt to the pride, they'll hunt you like a dog in a fox hunt. 
You see that pride pop out, cut your losses. 
Fuck 'em. 
Nip that shit in the bud. 
Life's too short.

Fucking Americans are ENCOURAGED to be pride monsters.
It's like the national personality.
Well, I hate it then.
Fuck America.
Bunch of plague spreading simpletons.


July 23 2014

The names in my spam basket are so fucking fake. 
I keep expecting Arweega P. McBinklefinky any day now.

Collider Dead.

July 23, 2018

Phew, damn, that hurt. 
First episode of Collider Heroes since Jon Schnepp died. 
When Amy Dallen comes on, it'll toss your heart into an egg beater. 
Tissues time.

And the update...

July 23, 2020

And now there's no Collider Heroes. 
Marc Fernandez poofed all the shows away like Thanos. 
Sorry, John Schnepp! 
You wanted to leave a legacy? 
Not on Youtube, you don't!

And, that's those done for today!

Read More......

Hypocrites, Part 8.

'Nother backlog to unload.
Here we go...

The fake-macho of the right.

July 1, 2017

"Brexit Chief Hamstrung by May's Tough Stance, Ex-Aide Tells BBC". 
Could the media PLEASE stop playing into the right-wing's vain self narrative as butch and rugged? Politicians are doughy, pale, pudgy, jowly, soft creatures. 
Very few could take a properly thrown punch by an athlete, less could chop wood, and none could bench press 300. 
When they're being intransigent and petulant, call it that. 
It's not a "tough stance", or "playing hardball".  
They're being little brats. 
When the left wing is stubborn, they're called obstructionist. 
I can see the right-wing press doing it, but I see left-wingers swallow this shit on a reflex level. 
"Oh, these people are into war and guns, they don't fuck around!! Oh no!!". 
Fuck them, and the horses they rode in on. 
And lefties, knock it the fuck off. 
Strap on some balls and stop taking this shit.

And the update..

The American press is finally treating the Trump clown car as what they are, but they could still stand to roll up their sleeves, and stop tippy-toe-ing. 
The Brit press is still treating their righties like John Wayne characters though. 
Stop feeding the myth, people. 
They're three year olds.

"Our betters".

July 2, 2014

I'm physically exhausted with rich assholes crying and crying about taxes. 
If these pricks really believed their delusional bullshit that they were these Ayn Randian Übermenschen that were anointed by evolution/destiny/providence/God to rule over us peons, then, wouldn't it follow, that even if the state sucked out every last dime out of their vaults, their fucking glorious magnificence would just earn it all back all over again? 
They don't believe it, do they? 
Course not. 
They know they're no different than the clock-punchers they spit on. 
They know it's all ill-gotten-gains. 
Burglars guard their shit the most fiercely. 
And the truly funny part, is your average Rush-listening American has been brainwashed to believe these people are "our betters".

"Religious freedom".

July 2, 2014

Here's yet another phrase I'm getting burnt out on. 
"Religious freedom". 
Everyone's got all the religious freedom they'll ever need. 
You can wear all the mystical symbols, and wacky hats you want, you can pray to any inter-dimensional bogey your heart desires, and you can even build a special building for your fellow fan-club members to hang out in, and not pay taxes. 
Seems like a pretty square deal to me. 
But, some people apparently want more. 
And it always seems to step on other people's toes. 
And when you point this out, the attitude is basically "fuck 'em". 
Well, that's not freedom, that's being a cock/cunt. 
Last time I checked, anyway. 
I dunno, maybe words aren't supposed to mean anything in the 21st century. 
I guess I'm an old fuddy-duddy before my time.

And the update..

July 2, 2018.

Religious freedom keeps you from being fed to the lions, and keeps the other sects from burning your house down. 
And vice versa. 
End of.

Religious freedom 2.

July 7, 2015

I wonder how many of these sobbing blubbering "respect my religious beliefs", assholes would gleefully sneak some bacon into a Muslim's dinner. 
You can bet your ass it ain't zero.

Bernie-bros and Pence.

July 14, 2016

Trump's VP is Mike Pence, an anti-LGBT bigot who believes in conversion therapy. 
If you're a Bernie-or-buster who's voting Trump, you were never a progressive, and I don't know why you were ever in that movement to start with. 
Fuck, but people perplex me.

The NRA are fucking traitors. 
(Sequel to "The NRA are fucking ghouls")

July 17, 2018

One bright side to this cascading nightmare we're all in...the permanent shit smear recent revelations put across the fucking NRA. 
I never again for the rest of my fucking life have to suffer some moron saying they represent "real patriotic America", without being able to laugh in their stupid fucking mouth-breathing face. 
That vile organization wrapped itself in the flag, and eagle feathers, and Jesus for waaaaayyy too fucking long. 
Having that be all over is like being rescued from a desert island by a Tardis. 
Say, what are gun rights like in Russia? 
Non-existent you say? 
Wow, that's weird. 
It's like greedy oligarchs don't believe in anything, and have no fucks to give. 
Who could have forecast that? 
Except every lefty ever.

And the update...

July 17, 2019

And now they're bleeding membership and dough. 
Die, you monsters. 
Be dead already.

Hooray, Gunforge!
(Gunforge being the gun-nut members of Wordforge)

July 18, 2020

(Re: the fascist stormtroopers in Portland Oregon)
(Context, these members ran and hid when this story broke)
Zombie, oldfella, Paladin, and Forbin must be gearing up to use their 2nd amendment superpowers to save us all.
I feel so safe, and cozy, knowing WF's valiant heroes will always save us.
Hooray, gunforge, hooray!

Liberal prudes. (Hi, Paula Kirby!)

July 23, 2014

I've never understood why you can have all the pornography and gore you want in a novel, but once you import it to a VISUAL medium, it suddenly becomes objectionable. 
The only argument that holds water is a small child can just look at a picture, but they can't read. Yeah, okay, but if the idea of your precious darlings finding your porn freaks you out, maybe you oughtn't have any in your house?  
Why do the rest of us have to suffer the prudes? 
I don't know what's worse, the prudes, or the hypocrites who flog their dongs/flick their beans to the good bits in "Lady Chatterly's Lover", and "Moll Flanders", and think they're classier for it.

And the update...

July 23, 2019

Because people are scared of their own dorks and hoo-hoos because of a religious upbringing. 
Even the ones that abandon religion still have those fangs of fear and guilt stuck in their necks. 
Even though the fangs are broken off, they still pump, like a broken off bee sting.

And, that's those.
Next up, greedy swine, and that'll be all for today.

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Star Trek: Prodigy- Confirmed!!

Yep,  I guessed right!!

Nickelodeon-Trek is "Star Trek: Prodigy", from now on!

And, we've got a show logo!!

Hmm, the logo style alone makes me think of Jimmy Neutron.
I hope the show style is a bit less goofy than than that.
We shall see!
It's supposed to come out in 2021.
No solid release date yet.
Stay tuned!

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Star Trek: Lower Decks- assload of new stuff.

Video and images!

First, the opening scene from the first episode!

Second, pic of the engineer, Andy Billups, voiced by Paul Scheer.

Third, a bigass info-dump of screengrabs from future episodes.

From "Second Contact".

From "Envoys".

From "Temporal Edict".

From "Moist Vessel".

Phew! And that's all that!

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