So, here's what happened.
Thursday, we had a big-ass nor'easter blow through, and smash the power grid to bits.
We were down for three days.
Every time, whether it's a tropical storm, ice storm, slush storm, micro-burst, it cripples half to all of the state.
You can always count on being down for three days or even more.
And being more sleep deprived and in need of a shower than you ever have in your life after those three plus days.
So, within those days, with nothing to do with no electricity, and unable to sleep from all the shit you have to do for basic survival, I finally sat down in free moments, and read "Wild And Crazy Guys", that I got for my birthday.
Flew right through it.
Goddamned, it was wonderful.
But, then I got angry.
First, why had I taken so fucking long to read this?
Well, I was wasting my time on all those stupid mediocre movies.
Second, within the content of the book, I find out I'm older than John Candy was when he died, and within his weight range.
And at least he had a legacy of wonderful movies he left behind when he went.
WTF have I done?
And why haven't I done it?
Oh, yeah, the mediocre movies again.
Third, "How Star Wars Conquered The Universe", also still sits there from fucking Christmas.
So, all that sleep deprived brooding was swirling around in my head even after getting some sleep, and coming back here, looking at those dumb reviews got me angry, so I killed 'em.
Then, that didn't make me feel good, so I slaughtered all of it, the whole MIM series.
I just scourged it with napalm.
Then, I felt bad.
I won't miss the reviews, they were pretty bland (IMHO).
I won't miss memories of the flicks, they were 90% mediocre and the 10% I appreciated I'd still never watch again anyway.
And the loss of all that work stung, but that was more time wasted I could have been using reading stuff I genuinely cared about, or *forehead slap* working on my own book.
No, I felt bad about wiping out all the conversations I had with Billdude.
I hope you can forgive me, Billdude.
Or anyone else who liked that stuff.
I guess I can finally relate to Matthew Joseph Peak when he got angry, and feeling all sorry for himself, and ripped up the original artwork for all his Freddy Krueger posters.
Or Hyla when he tore his whole blog down.
Anyway, the thing is done, and that series is dead for past and future.
I'm only gonna do theater movies now.
Which is what I was doing anyway before I got sidetracked by bullshit.
And I'm probably gonna be pickier with how many of those I even do.
I gotta get on my real projects, and stop being distracted.
....and now that I write this out, and calm down....I come back to something I said before, if I dropped dead tomorrow, I've gotten my humor out there in the world, and made people laugh, even if I didn't get rich off it.
That's not so bad.
Better than I thought possible as a depressed teenager.
Anyway, the whole thing made me realize yet again what's important, I guess.
I'll probably do a dual review of "Ghostbuster's Daughter", and "Wild & Crazy Guys", now.
Stay tuned for that.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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