Monday, February 14, 2022

Prelude to Multiverse Of Madness, Part 2.

Disney/Fox Part 11.6: The road ahead part 3.

Warning, heavy speculation that could become spoilers, proceed with caution.

Okay, first of all, the poster dropped last night... did the second official trailer....

...and the TV cut version with different footage.

Watch those trailers, cuz I'm gonna dissect 'em and ruin the surprises for ya if you don't see 'em first.

But first, the poster.

Down in the corner with the last "s" in "Madness".

Reflected on that shard is Captain Carter's shield!
So, bam, Captain Carter confirmed.
"What If?" is live-action canon.

And here's a comparison to the poster for Doctor Strange 1.

Nice symmetry eh?
Totally going to be the one for the blu-ray cover.

Okay!! Nuff of that! Now the trailer!!
From the first cut from link 1.
Time index 1:21

"We should tell him the truth".

Bam! Professor X!
The X-Men universe just got canonized!

All you MCU-only fanboys/fangirls have to watch the X-movies now!
Have to!
It's the law!
Watching order is in the link.
You're welcome.

Rumors and speculation through the grapevine is that Xavier is part of The Illuminati, a real organization (in the Marvel-verse) based on the fake one (in conspiracy wackadoo land) that protects reality from cosmic level threats.
In the comics, Strange and Reed Richards are also part of this group, and this is probably where we'll get Reed's tie-in too.

Okay, now time index 1:35 or so....

First, I thought this was Human Torch.
Then, I though it was Monica Rambeau as Photon.

Switch over to the TV cut now...

....and I totally think this is Nova now.
A cosmic level hero on the level of Captain Marvel who's the boss of Nova Corps, which was introduced way back at "Guardians Of The Galaxy".

His costume has a chest symbol of 3 circles, and you can totally see the circles.
They've done a good job of hiding who they've cast as Nova then.

Waaaaait a minuuuuute!
Rumors have swirled that Tom Cruise is cameo-ing as an alternate Iron Man, and photos have leaked with him wearing a green-screen suit, so the rumor-ers have ASSUMED he's Iron Man!
What if he's Nova?!?!
If that pans out, I win the internet.

Also in the TV cut, you get a better look at Defender Strange, plus Zombie Wanda, and Zombie Strange.
So we're getting some Marvel Zombie action in live-action too!

So, that's all of that for now.
I think before the flick comes out, we'll get one more trailer with more characters like we did with "No Way Home".
Stay tuned for that.

Like last time, I'll retro-link this in the big Marvel/Fox crossovers thingie.


B. D. said...

RIP Ivan Reitman!! (he had quite a hand in getting "Animal House" made too y'know!)

"Doctor Sleep" the book was okay (despite the heroes completely routing the villains without a single loss), "Doctor Sleep" the movie was only good for Rebecca Ferguson. I hated the final act with all the cheap Kubrick porn. I wouldn't even want to know what Josh Martin would have had to say about it.

Diacanu said...

Re: Scream. Yeah, I bailed out at 3.
It was pretty lousy.
I can suffer through some bad shit too.
For part 6, they'll probably contrive Arquette back to life, and have him be the next surprise killer.
Then for part 7, it'll be his evil twin, and he'll be good again.

Re: Futile And Stupid Gesture.
Yep to all of that.

Re: Ivan Reitman.
Yeah, that hit me hard.
Finally did a post.

Re: Doctor Sleep.
Yeah, Danny and Abra have the same problem as Superman and Wonder Woman.
They're basically Gods, so how do you put them in genuine jeopardy?
You either need powered villains, kryptonite, or both.

B. D. said...

I thought the second "Scream" was okay at the time but I'm guessing I'd hate it today and I haven't watched it in probably 17 years or so anyway. I probably just didn't want to admit it was bad. The third one was horrible conspiracy theory crap loaded with lame characters and I didn't like it at the time.

Actual message board post from around 1998 after Dewey got cut up in "Scream 2": "Okay I think I've got it figured out. Scream 1 - Dewey stabbed in the back and lives. Scream 2 - Dewey stabbed multiple times and lives. Scream 3 - Dewey shot multiple times and set on fire and lives. Scream 4 - Dewey's arms and legs cut off and lives. Scream 5 - Dewey's brain in a vat."

I still laugh thinking about that, and wonder if that person would have even guessed they'd make five Scream movies.
Your prediction about what they'd do is not entirely impossible, look at all the retconning they've done with...well, I was going to say "Roseanne," but ANYTHING now really.

The parts of King's book that I like are Danny Torrance at the beginning, down and out and drunk and causing trouble and hitting lows and haunted by everything. THAT stuff was really, really good--King had no trouble with that at all.
But by the end it was so easy going with the good versus evil stuff.
The book and the movie both share inconsistencies with both the good people's powers and the bad people's powers...Rose the Hat could astrally project herself, but only uses it once?
Do people EVER get this right or consistent? Remember Phantom Menace where Jedis could run away super fast?

Now watching Peter Jackson's eight hour Beatles documentary.

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