Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Prelude to post-MCU Spidey (part 2)

Warning, heavy Spider-Man: No Way Home and Morbius spoilers ahead.

Ever build a thing, and find a teeny mistake that makes you have to rip it all apart, and start over?
Yeah, happened to me.

Here's where my future prediction went wrong...

Now, clone-Venom is in the MCU with Holland-Spidey, as is Morbius and Vulture, so the little continuity hiccup of Venom-1 is fixed.
There'll no doubt be MCU clones of everyone Sony-Venom knows, and they'll pretend nothing happened, and bam, Holland-Spidey is effectively in the Venom-verse now.


I haven't seen "Morbius" but I've listened to spoilers, so here's what really happens.
Bail out if you don't want to know.
You've been warned ahead of time.

Vulture from MCU gets sucked into the Venom-verse via the giant sky-cracks from "No Way Home".

Y'know what fucked me up?
Remember this picture?

Yeah, forget that, it's not in the movie.

With the information I had available, my theory was pretty damned solid.
When the goddamned studio reshuffles reality with a keystroke, I naturally get foiled.
I'm good, but I'm not omnipotent.

So! Original-Venom, Morbius, and Vulture are in the Venom-verse.

Clone-Venom and Holland-Spidey are in MCU.

Sony clearly wanted things to be in the MCU world, ala that photo.
But, Marvel/Disney obviously said "Nope!! Nuh-uh!! Cut that! Keep your trash over there in the Venom-verse!!".

So, where does this put Clone-Venom and Holland-Spidey?
Fuck if I know.

I personally think they're saving them for a rainy day for a deal re-negotiation if they ever make "Secret Wars".

Or, maybe they'll temporarily drop Holland-Spidey into Venom-verse for a flick or two.

Who knows?

This stuff is all blowing in the breeze, and subject to change at the bat of Kevin Feige's eyelash.

In the meantime, there's Kraven, Madame Web, and two more Spider-verse movies coming from Sony.
Stay tuned.

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