Friday, October 21, 2022

Three quick things....

1. I'm not gonna review "Star Wars: Andor" cuz I'm not gonna finish it, cuz I don't like it.
I mean, it's beautifully filmed, acted, special effect-ed, it doesn't fail on any of those fronts.....but it's just a fucking downer.
I watch Star Wars for fun escape, not to be reminded of the looming doom on CNN every fucking day.
12 episodes of this shit? And it hasn't sunk its hooks in by 7?
Nope, I'm out.

2. During my read-a-thon, I back-logged a ton of media news shit. I went over that back-log, and asked myself "do I really care about this? Does this impending movie/show really make my life cooler?".
99% of that list was a fat "no". This was all that was left..... 
Lady Gaga is Harley Quinn. 
You've probably heard about that. You didn't need my blog for that. Movie doesn't come out until 2024. We've got awhile. 

3. Only other media news was various release dates, but covid resurgence is making studios play musical chairs with that shit all over again, so why bother anymore?

So, yeah, that's it.


B. D. said...

This may be of some's occurring to me now that although I consider "Watchmen" one of the four or five best things I've ever read, I don't really know, or think much, about the guy responsible for it....he's on your shit list, right?

Diacanu said...

Is it the one where he blames superheroes for Trump?
Or the one where he whines about the Watchmen HBO show? Or both?

Yeah, I love his run on Swamp Thing, and of course Watchmen, but lately, his opinions can go eat shit.

People in the business knew he was a pain in the ass back in the 90's when no one wanted to work with him, and only Rob Liefeld would hire him at Image.

Moore was a cokehead turning in late work, but 99% of the Image guys were also cokeheads who missed deadlines, so they didn't mind.

BUT EVEN THEN only Liefeld could put up with him.

Now the fandom is seeing him in all his cranky edgelord troll glory.

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