Saturday, August 20, 2022

"Ms. Marvel" review.

Finally wrapped up that bigass book-a-thon, so now I'm catching up on everything.
I'm really late on....everything.

Previously with this franchise-

Easily better than Moon Knight.

From the first minutes of the first episode, I was like "oh, yeah, I'm already liking this better than Moon Knight".

She's Pakistani female Peter Parker with different powers.
But hey, Sony's playing keep-away with Spidey right this minute, so they need a backup Peter.

A lot of people are shitting their pants that mutants have formally been mentioned into canon.
What was he, chopped liver?

And, of course, we got the Carol Danvers cameo to hint towards "Marvels".
That's not a spoiler, we know that movie is coming, and the chest logos of Carol, Kamala, and Monica are right there in the logo of the flick.

So, yeah, cute little show, but still don't know how vital any of these shows are to keeping up with the movies.
I'm sure we'll get just enough backstory of Kamala in "Marvels" like we did for Wanda in "Multiverse".

And, I guess that's it for Ms. Marvel.
Oh! Right! The show rankings so far...

-What If?
-Ms. Marvel
-Moon Knight

The episodes for "She-Hulk" are dropping right now, but I'm gonna wait for them to gather up to binge them.
I waited this long, I can wait a little longer.

Stay tuned!

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