It was a year ago today, that my friend, Margaret poked me with a stick to upload the scans of my books to the Kindle store.
(As detailed in the introduction to book 3).
Course, as I explained here, there were...technical issues...and I had to forego Kindle for awhile, in favor of Createspace print editions, which, I was originally going to nervously tippy-toe up to a year later once the Kindles were selling well.
Well, I'm glad there were technical problems, Createspace uploading is actually easier, and the Kindles aren't moving, so...I might have thrown in the towel.
So, thanks, Margaret, for getting the dominoes tipping. :)
...and finally, at long last, we come to this one.
The big friggin' kahuna!
Order here!
Well, like I said last time, this one was going to come out a lot faster.
And it did, a week to the day.
I just had to dig up a Harry anniversary to justify it.
So....what's gone on in that...week?
Why, the completed sale of book 3!
Full circle. ;)
Also, last time, I said this one would be better than book 3.
Indeed it is!
Here's what you get!
Sickest, weirdest, most twisted episodes ever!!
S'more raunch.
Loads of laughs.
THREE books worth of material!
Value!!!! Price wise, it divvies up to 12 bucks a pop, which, is a SUPER bargain compared to the individual prices of books 1 & 2. Plus, a third of the shipping.
Issue length stories, and quickies, all run through a blender! You never know what's coming at you!
Stuff I got in big trouble for in school to get revenge on teachers. (PLEASE grant me my revenge!)
Bonus materials for the entire series, including...
Full color gallery of alternate covers for the original books, the lost books, and several unmade sequels.
Tech blueprints.
A map of EVERY Harryverse character! (Up until 1996)
A dental health poster I won a ribbon for in second grade that put the cartooning monkey on my back. The true start of it all. From that ribbon, to now, it completes the journey. :D
The original Harry Hembock text stories! (Described here).
Pretty much...EVERYTHING!
This is it, this is the one I was chomping at the bit to release.
And, thus ends the series!
Tch...hmm, nothing left for it, but the Kindles of 3 and 4 now, I guess.
Time to chip away at some of the slightly bigger ones...
Yeah, in those early days, I was giving every new chapter/segment a label.
That's...when I didn't have many, and needed to grow the list.
Now...not so much.
Anyhoo, the arguments at were getting so repetitive, I made this to have literal push-button access to the easiest takedowns of the drivel I was having to answer...and then I hardly ever found use for it, and drifted away from the site when the modship got heavy handed, and the format went crappy.
Eh, well, it's fun to have...
Now, a lot of these at first glance might just seem like snotty insult, but if you follow around the "see also", links, like a "Choose Your Own Adventure", they all lead back to Faith, or Supernatural, and those are pretty fucking bulletproof, and (IMO) justifies the snark in the other ones.
And even Faith, and Supernatural lead back into each other.
If you follow the loop around enough times, you do see there's no wiggle room, every single little "yeah, but what about...", is covered if you go through it enough.
I deliberately constructed the thing like an argument machine
I planned it pretty meticulously.
I've always been rather proud of it.
Tch...d'ohhh, and then I did these shit "sequels", to try to tie into the stupid "Podsville/Shrieks/ Feesh", concept I was obsessed with at the time.
(I'll tear into that shit when I get to it)
No, these don't have the same inspiration, they're just spittle.
Eh, I dunno, unlike most of Innerspace, some actual good moments sprinkled in here....but, still writing my way out of depression.
I won't take back that there's a lot of American dick-waving bullshit culture around how this is all handled though.
I think it really all comes down to...these are all just fucking feelings, but America treats them like THINGS out there in the world to be bought with success.
There, see, I didn't have to write those long ass rambles.
Then, I threw a bunch of other annoying junk in....
This series of rants was pretty much the seeds that Shmegalamonga grew from.
I needed the label to keep it handy for awhile....but now, not so much.
Shit, killing this will screw up a bunch of old posts, I'm sure, I've got it everywhere...but...dammit, I gotta clean this stuff out, and something has to go.
Well, I'll fix old posts as I casually find them...
So, picking up from yesterday...
Let's keep hacking away here...
Ah, yes, definitely...
This category reeeaally has to go, since the entries are flat out DEAD, and, I've wanted to flat out wipe it out...but...I've got some nice comments on there, and, I don't wanna lose the memories of those good times, so...I'll just kill the category, and compile it here.
*Siiiiiigh* looking at these, 1.) I gotta find the right software to get some of these Youtubed back up like I said I would three fuggin' years ago 2.) man, I gotta get back to stuff like "little red cars", and not the crummy navel-gazing, and political crap I got wrapped up in in those middle years.
All right, I got way too many Labels going on down there...
...and it's been bugging me in the back of my mind to fix it up for awhile now.'s gonna be a laborious chore, so, I've been putting it off.
Well, nothing else to do for awhile, may as well get this over and done with.
Let's chip away at the easy ones first...
Ehh, strangely, never found too much use for this one...
Plus, most (if not all) of this is compiled elsewhere, and doesn't need a label with 9 entries to place-hold it.
So, the short and sweet of it is, the FTB/SC bunch want to be considered "the third wave", of atheism, (the first being David Hume, Bertrand Russel, etc, the second being Dawkins, Dennet, Hitchens, Harris).
Why is this "third wave", necessary?
Too many old white guys, not enough, you guessed it, militant feminists.
Also, Carrier says (but so do his cohorts) that, well, if you're not with them, you're against them.
That, if you don't join their rotten club, then you must be anti-feminist, pro-racist, pro-homophobia, etc, etc.
Um, well, fuck you, Richard Carrier.
With a red rubber dick.
To reiterate what I said last time...
Puritanism, and commandments, are for religions. Kinda why I booted that junk out of my life in the first place.
No one died, and made you Pope of fuckin' atheism, Carrier.
Also, this "with us or against us", bullshit didn't fly when it sharted out of Dubya Bush's pie-hole.
Fascinating that you lot have gleefully taken on the rhetoric of that nightmare clique of chuckle-heads.
When do the armbands get passed out, eh?
Let me make it clear, I DO believe in equal rights for everyone.
I just don't want to join your awful club.
It's full of shitty people who've behaved disgustingly, I want no part of them.
And, I don't want to, nor do I have to, answer to you.
You're an asshole, Richard Carrier.
I don't hang out with assholes, it's really that simple.
And the rest of you lot?
Fuck you, fuck your whining, fuck your tears, fuck your drama, fuck your fevered egos, fuck your middle-class privilege, fuck your entitlement, and fuck your first-world problems.
Tarzan yell about "feminism", when you're shoveling money towards female driving instructors in Afghanistan, or something.
Stuffing your own wallets with ad-click revenue isn't the same thing.
Not bad, for a month that seemingly went by like molasses...
Now, on to what you'll get outta this book....
Sick, weird, and funny episodes like last time, but also...
RAUNCHIER adventures! Definitely not kid approved.
Seriously, think "Behind The Green Door", and then the 3 Stooges show up and start a pie fight.
Literally two books for....less than the price of two. Plus, only half the shipping.
Complete issue-length storylines, in amongst the quickie episodes.
Some color pages, but not as episodes.
The excitement of not only having the Harry Hembock threequel, but being over the hump! :-)
And book 4 will be even better!! (8-D
And on that score...yeah, a month kills me to wait out, 4 is gonna come out a lot faster.
I want this project done within summertime.
So, keep eyes peeled for that.
Got all four books up there, the blog profile cartoon as a test image (I'll fix it later), and an RSS stream of my blog updates.
(This post'll appear there lickety split).
Gotta mention, go ahead, and check out the previews there, but...please, order my print books from Createspace.
(Here and here)
It's the exact same price for you, but, I get pennies for royalties for some reason if it's through Amazon.
Don't screw me, mkay?
Sources conflict over whether the series started on this date, or if the 3rd issue came out.
But...where it's terrible, I'm not going to bend over backwards.
If he never does another cool flick again, this is good enough.
If you managed to miss out on this one..what the hell are you waiting for?
But, his drought of filmic awesome is more than made up for with...
Rescue Me!!
Man, did that show ever help get me through the 00's.
Soon as the seasons of those get a bit cheaper, I'm gonna get 'em, promise.
Oh, it wasn't perfect, there were a lot of clunker episodes, and a couple clunker seasons, and it went off the rails when Denis's character was just running around fuckin' everybody.
Got kind of ridiculous.
But, compared to the other shit that was on, it was the best show on TV; that's right critics, you can cram "The Shield", and "Nip/Tuck", sideways.
Oh, okay, "The Shield", was all right, I just never got into it.
Now, we've got "The Walking Dead", and "Breaking Bad", and there was "House", and those reruns will be on forever, but yeah, for the fuggin' Bush years, it was "Rescue Me".
For me, anyway.
Hey...that's right....where are the "Rescue Me", rerun marathons?
They do "House", and "NCIS", all fuckin' weekend.
Ditto "Law And Order: Rape".
Whelp, gotta get them DVDs, huh?
So, that's my rambling reminiscence of "Rescue Me".
Favorite standup special?
Hmmm...."No Cure For Cancer", I guess.
Wow, 3 years ago I did those? Literally seems like yesterday.
Well, since then, Borders has turned into Books-A-Million, and, you hardly notice the change.
Was hoping Bull Moose would get it, but meh, either way.
Damn, 3 years, I gotta get back to doing those...I really enjoyed 'em.
Yeah, "Dream Child", is the least good of the bunch, many say it flat out sucks, but...I've decided to commemorate all of 'em.
In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
Well, let's repost those, and see what buried treasures we've got....
The smell of Krazyfool.
Smells have the ability to effect mood. The perfume industry is based on this notion. Some smells can even make you high. Like permanent ink marker inhaled for a good minute or two. MMMMM. Gasoline stinks pretty good. Reformulated gasoline really stinks all chemically. You just know that shit's more poison than the regular stuff. Y'ever get one of those clear super bounce balls out of a quarter vending machine as a kid? That's what reformulated gas smells like, the stink of clear superballs. Play-Doh, oh MAN does that shit stink good! I don't know why they have never made a Play-Doh perfume or air freshener. I guess Play-Doh guards that secret dearly. Play-Doh gives me a rush. I take a good hard snort of that, I'm floating on a cloud of bliss. You could passify rioting protesters by cropdusting Play-doh smell on 'em. Every smell gives me another mood. Y'wanna know how I smell, and see the world through the mood I see it through? Okay, first get anti-bacterial Dial bar soap. Specifically, the "spring rain", scent. Bath with it vigorously. Wash your hands compulsivly with it. Afterward, sniff your hands. Don't be embarrased, snort your palms like a bloodhound. That shit's a real good stink. Nice and clean, gives you an "ahhhhh", feeling. Okay, now the next ingredient. Get old spice high endurance deoderant. The green "pure sport", kind. Now, don't just rub it on your armpits like normal SMEAR that shit on! Ten strokes a pit! That's the secret. Get good and sticky. Then put your shirt on and rub it in. Poke your fingers up in your pits good and sniff 'em after. If you've got a hang up about doing weird shit like that, just don't get caught. Do what I tell you! Sniff your goddamn fingers! Good ain't it? 'Specially mixed with the spring rain soap. Now cross your arms behind your head and let your pits potpurri the air for a bit. The high should kick in in about half an hour. Not really a trippy state, just colors seem brighter, air seems fresher, and sitcoms seem funnier. I've gone through many soaps and deoderants to find this combination. Reaction to your personal body chemistry may vary. Like I said, I've made scent sniffing a little side study of mine. I'm quite sure the spring rain all sport combo is the way to go. Sure, there are more mouth watering smells to be had like potpurri sprays and incense and shit, but that stuff is strong and cloying. I find it actually overstimulates to the point of a kind of logieness. Clean smells are more relaxing. Spring rain, all sport. Trust me.
Yeah, Old Spice All Sport is still my stink-crayon of choice, but I haven't seen "Spring Rain", around in a helluva while....
My goodbye to Ryan's Realm.
Well, I know how much you love my brand of irreverent humor and my velvet smooth singing voice, but all good things must come to an end. That's right I've got to be moving along. No, don't cry, it'll just make this harder. I'm going to ..Califorina..yeah, that's it California to! Yeah, that's it, computer technical scientific computer science. In California yet. Yep, I'm gonna settle down and be a good little boy and wear a tie and do my homework and study computer technical scientific computer science. Yeah that's it, that's the ticket. I'll be all responsible and mature like. What with my computer technical scientific computer science degree I'm sure to aquire with all my studying and tie wearing. Someday, you may be out in California and see a respectable responsible computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist lighting his cigar with a wad of $100 bills, and you'll say to yourself "holy crap! I think that respectable responsible computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist who's lighting his cigar with a wad of $100 bills is Krazyfool!". Maybe you'll walk up to that respectable responsible computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist who's lighting his cigar with a wad of $100 bills, and ask "are you my childhood hero Krazyfool?", and maybe, just maybe, I'll call my gang of hired goons to beat the shinola out of you. Because, after all, I'm a respectable responsible computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist with respectable responsibilities, and I can't be doing frivolous immature things like reminiscing with Ryans. Maybe you'll look up from the pavement as I walk off to my hovercar whilst one of my goons keeps step, refilling my martini from a tumbler. You'll say to yourself "what a respectable responsible computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist with respectable responsibilities he's become, If only my life could be as respectable and responsible and computer technical scientific computer science oriented as his, in California even". Maybe you'll even shed a tear of admiration and think to yourself "gee, he wasn't such a bad dude way back when, If only I hadn't flamed him". Maybe I'll wave goodbye with a warm smile on my face as my hovercar's engines blow your hairpiece out into the street. As I sit in my hover car being orally pleasured by a $50,000 whore, I'll think of all the good times I had with my message board pals, and how they saw through my psychotic rages and clinically depressed funks to the lovable marshmallowy piglety creature beneath. I'll remember all the happier more innocent times, of 33K modems, of Billdudes, of Wubbs, of Minions, $Legion$s and all the other denizens of the cyberplayland of my youth. As my hover car speeds me towards my respectable responsibilities at the computer technical scientific computer science technical building, I'll remember all the laughs we shared, the songs we sang, the 3DFX games I refused to buy because of my thrifty nature, and all the things I managed to frame };-)Legion's(-:{ name with. Then, the hover car will pull up to the computer technical scientific computer science technical building. I'll ejaculate on the $50,000 hooker's face, write her a personal check, and saunter up to the computer technical scientific computer science technical building to perform my computer technical scientific computer science technical responsible responsibilities. Or, maybe I'll just become a leech off the system with an elaborate insurance scam so I can stay home all day and watch gameshows. Ouch! My kidneys! My kidneys! I'll sue!! I'll sue you for all you're worth you lousy rotten computer technical scientific computer science technical specialist who's lighting his cigar with a wad of $100 bills!!! Well, either way, good bye, god bless, smack Billdude upside the head for me when he gets too out of line. Happy trails. Sayonara.
Internetz srs bznz, gais!! 8-P
An assault on starving children.
Starving children ads. When those sad, soulful, puppy dog eyes of those sickly little foreign kids look up at me from the TV seeming to say "please help me, I'm so hungry, all it would take is pennies a day to feed and clothe, and educate me", I immediately respond....with NO!!! I don't WANT TO!!! I'm BAD!!! Same goes for disaster relief, Jerry's kids, PBS drives, school shooting funds, wearing aids ribbons, wearing armbands, helping old ladies across the street, opening doors for the blind, not laughing at guys with metal voice boxes, not parking vertically across two handicapped spots, not doing 80 in residential areas across crosswalks in school zones, or any other namby pamby crap I'm "supposed", to "want", to "do", for my "fellow man". What have they done for me lately? El zilcho, THAT'S what!! Where was a Jerry's kid when I was lying in a bloody heap covered in splintery lumber, nails, and chunks of cinderblock when I fell into that open bulkhead when my house was being built? Nowhere for miles, THAT'S where. Where was a starving Zimbabwe child when I cracked my collarbone that one time? They were obviously where everyone else who didn't hear my shrieks of agony were. Nowhere to be found. I've had to drag my own carcass out of every goddamn bit of trouble I've been in metaphorically and physically. "EEEEW, help us pweeese?", fuck you! You weren't there for me, I'm sure as HELL not lifting a finger for you little mocha colored bastards!!! Let's see the fucking Ethiopians do a "we are the world", for our fucking drought!!! Hmm, don't see it do you? The silence is deafening. Fuck the world!! Let it bail itself out. I've got TV to watch!!!
What can I say, I was bitten on the neck by a bat that was bitten by Denis Leary....
...on the topic of The Olympics...
..apparently, The Spice Girls one-time re-united for the closing ceremony.
Man, that takes me back....
Rewind the old mind-machine to well, back to 1996, same year as Izzy, weird....
Remember who they started knocking off the charts?
Yep, Marilyn Manson.
Bubblegum came back, and MTV pretty much threw him under the bus.
It's all these years later, and I finally see it in the proper context.
In '96 , I scoffed at Manson, inwardly ridiculed his fandom, and couldn't wait for what he represented to blow over in the zeitgeist.
Then, Spice girls led to Britney, led to more Disney-spawned Britney clones than I can count anymore, led to American Idol, led to American Idol clones, with Britney judging one of them, and...things have never been the same.
I owe the man an apology.
I see now, he was a superhero trying to save us all from what came after....
Something to fill the slow days when my big project posts are taking too long to ferment, and the deadlines for calendar-sensitive goodies are too painful to wait out.