Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meaningless Slogans 3-"Elitism", more homespun bullshit..

"A president I could have a beer with".

...what sort of stunted bit of wish thinking is this?

What, do you wanna slam back a couple brewskies with your kid's bus driver too?

Just before they go to their job?
Of course not, that's nuts.

Why is it, when you give someone the keys to a fucking continent with a nuclear arsenal, the requirements suddenly slip?

I think the answer really does boil down to juvenile wish thinking.
If a beer swilling dumbass can get voted up there, then maybe you could too, and you could give your poker buddies cabinet positions, and man, wouldn't that just be so great?

Yeah, and then maybe you could ride around in your own private Voltron robot made of gold, and no dumb old girls would be allowed.
Except Mommy, cuz someone would need to dust for cobwebs, and turn on the night-light.

These are the people out there voting, folks.
This is what 30 years of disintegrating public schools, and moron mass media has done to the collective mentality of a once great nation.

Stick your head out the window, and take a big deep whiff of it.

Don't smell like roses, does it?

Turn on the TV though, they'll say it does.

And this whole elitism distrust/fear plants the seeds, and gets the ball rolling for the distrust of science.

And religion banks on that.

And politicians exploit religion, so they bank on it too.

And advertising uses anything they can, so they'll shovel at you whatever works.

And that's how that whole distrust of medicine gets planted for the quack remedies that I spoke of in the advertising rant.

I think it all comes down to insecurity.
America has a big fuckin' insecurity problem.

That's what all the "male enhancement" pill, and toupee, and diet pill ads are about.

A big problem with facing reality too, that's what all the dumb slogans, and doublespeak, and PC language are about.

That's why the patriotism slogans are meaningless mush meant to foster un-earned pride.
Un-earned pride is just what the doctor ordered for an illiterate ignorant public with deep-seated insecurities.

Oh, and that insecurity, at least the intellectual kind, IS well earned.
If you don't know who Mark Twain is, or can't find your own state on a map, I assure you, you ARE stupid.
All the quack pills and country songs in the universe won't fix that.

Try picking up a fucking book.
One that's not by Dean Koontz, Danielle Steele, or some desert nomad from 2-5 millennia ago.

Ahhh, yes, I know, I know, somehow, that's harder than keeping track of the stats of every player on your favorite football team, and juggling your credit debt from card to card.

This so-called culture of ours is about at a 6th grade emotional level.
Flip channels for 5 seconds, if somehow you've missed this.

Your "average man on the street", is pretty much indistinguishable from a 10 year old child.

If I were stuck at that level, I'd want to drink beer with the president too.
And I'd call "elitist", someone who called that attitude intellectually and emotionally retarded.
And I'd probably surround myself with like-minded individuals to single out and bully anyone who disagreed.
Which when you look around even lazily, is exactly the state of our political discourse.
The playground.

And the politicos know it.
That's how they know what bullshit to shovel and when.
It doesn't take an Einstein either.
These people have gotten so used to being near the top of such a weak curve, they really think they're bona-fide geniuses for being slightly brighter than retards.
Just check out the smug crowing of your typical jackass cable news pundit.

I think the problem ultimately comes down one's really in charge.
Once people get out of school, and move away from their folks, no one makes you do your homework anymore.
And the public schools have gotten rather shoddy at that too, so nowhere does it get fostered as an ingrained habit to seek more and more knowledge.

All becomes about money-chasing.

And people good at that game think they're bona-fide geniuses too.

But let me ask you something.
How many friends did you have, that were simultaneously good at Monopoly AND Trivial Pursuit?
Something to ponder.
Don't need an answer.
Roll it around for a bit.

As for no one being made to keep learning past high school, in a free country, I got no answer for that one.
People are free to be stupid.
No stopping it.

And the powers that be encourage it.

You'd think, that when these machinations are revealed, in the news, and in blogs like this, the sense of betrayal would anger people into self-educating more, and that would foster a more enlightened and informed electorate.

But...I guess being bought off with toys, and alcohol, and sugar, and greasy diets really is a strong enough drug to get people to be satisfied with their encroaching enslavement.

I dunno what the answer is.
Maybe a media that encouraged education over stupidity.
But...the channels are out there.
I myself only watch History, Ovation, PBS, and C-Span-2 all day.
For all the good it does me. :P

And of course, we have the internet.
I got this blog here to preach to the choir with.

But, is it enough?
Is it too little too late, in a world where people want a drinking buddy for president?

I dunno.


Sharon said...

It's never too late. We just have to keep talking. Keep trying to be heard. :)

Sharon said...

I think this quote from Heinlein is appropriate:

"Being intelligent is not a felony. But most societies evaluate it as at least a misdemeanor."

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

Mark_W said...


I think this quote from Heinlein is appropriate

Heavens bless you, it's nice to hear Heinlein's name mentioned in a postive way...I've spent many an hour, over the years, trying to get across my opinion that, though, (especially in his later life) he could be a contrary sort of fellow who was prone to load the argument and write some (let's be frank) tosh, he was, nevertheless, in his prime, apart from being a great writer, an expounder of some sound arguments...(Don't tell anyone, but I even finished (and, whisper it, enjoyed some of) Number of the Beast...)


Hazel said...

Claps happily.

Hazel (aka Corylus)

Sharon said...


For sure. I don't agree with everything Heinlein ever said, but there were still some gems. Most people are not aLL bad. ;)

Mark_W said...


Indeed, he certainly took advantage, in his later years, of the fact he could publish whatever he wanted to, and sadly a lot of it was pretty otiose, but stuff like The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress is still great...


Mark_W said...


Splendid rant, by the way, Sir.



Diacanu said...

Thanks everyone. :)

Been on a tear of inspiration lately.

Got another one up.
Not sure if it's as good, probably not. :P

Got part 5 written and ready to post, and it's pretty good.
Maybe as good as this one, who knows?

Jonathan said...


We should abduct a priest and have you take his place behind the pulpit one Sunday. You'd knock their socks off :)

Good stuff sir, keep it up.

Diacanu said...


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