Okay, this is ahead of schedule, but let's do another one of these...
...cuz, like I explained in the 3rd anniversary post, I want to pull all of this shit together, bring it to a shape, and streamline it for the next phase.
More on that in the next post after this...
But first...
Volume I
(Dickypedia the rant contains links to all the prior sub-entries, so that's got that..)
Volume II
(Stab at pulling all the prior Podsvilles back in line with the original intent)
..okay, now on to the new stuff...
Well, I boiled all prior entries down to little phrases, so I guess all of "there's nothing to know", boils down to...
The whole damned ya-fuckin-hoo hoo-hah.
But, when I imagine the mass-collective conformity horde-beast from whence The Whole Damned Ya-Fuckin-Hoo Hoo-Hah issues forth...
...I can only call it "the wall of screaming meat".
I have for a long damned time.
This is just the first time on the blog.
I like the term, it conjures an immediate mental picture, and gives you a really good visual fix on the whole thing.
Yes, The Wall Of Screaming Meat.
You can just picture that thing barreling down on you like a tsunami, can't you?
That's about what we're up against, dear reader.
So, I guess really "the whole damned ya-fucking-hoo hoo-hah", can be broken down to "shrieks from the wall".
Yeah, that nails it down.
Very nicely.
Seen in that context, it becomes easier to break the other shit down too.
Let's go back through Volume II...
Sniveling thugs, Sideshow Bob, Quack-whores, greed-bags, Myth Cult Kidfuckers, Joey Ratz, Lying Savages, Tinfoil Mongers, Science Denialists, Sissybaby-fuckers, squabble dubs, The Owners, Myth Cult Rapists, He-Man Woman-Hater's Club, The Greasy Turd, Randian Villains, Concerned Mothers, The Rape Couple, Madonna, Dillhole, The Hammer-Brothers...
All of 'em, all of 'em, just more twisted horrific visages on The Wall Of Screaming Meat.
And the effluvia, the slime trail...
Homeopathic faith, thuggery, Godbawlz, The Horror, The Pie Eating Contest, the stuff that makes you go "Spock was right", The Horror Show, The Slow motion Apocalypse, Straining Out A Movement, Entropy, "Bullshit Yourself!", Santi Teardrops, Incoherent Bullshit, The Poison...
All of it, fucking all of it, Shrieks From The Wall....
And the path The Wall Of Screaming Meat is rumbling along?
Podsville, Third World Shitholes, Strawberry Fields, The Real World, The Shining Habitrail On A Hill, Fairhaven, Teeny-jail, Foxwoods-Junior...
What would you call that? In relation to the whole Wall metaphor?
Where would you keep a Wall Of Screaming Meat?
I wouldn't want that awful thing in my neighborhood, I'd put it in some sort of prison.
Preferably extra-dimensional, and whipped up by either Dr. Strange, or Egon Spengler, or both.
The Containment Unit, I guess.
Yep, us few sane people are trapped forever in The Containment Unit being chased around by The Wall Of Screaming Meat.
But, I'd guess you'd call the whole thing, wall and all, The House Of Horrors.
Racing through The House Of Horrors, trying desperately not to be driven to true madness by the Shrieks From The Wall.
Those horrible, horrible, shrieks.
Hmm, it strikes me, that would be a good title for something...
Yep, I finally got the new title for "Postcards From Podsville".
I was never really 100% happy with it, to be honest.
But, I had to go through PFP to get to this chapter.
So, henceforth, this will be called "Shrieks From The Wall".
...but, I'm stuck with the Podsville tag, so...oh, well..
Let it be a historical curiosity.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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