The original.
No, I don't hate America, but I admit I hate some stupid people's nightmare apocalypse vision for it.
And no Bizarro-America is as joyless, hopeless, bleak, scary, stupid, and despair ravaged as the one the "you hate America!!", bunch would inflict on you.
Look, dipshits, if you have to undermine my patriotism, and possibly even citizenship, to win points in the debate, that instantly says everything about your arguments, and thus your worldview, and thus your scurrying little machinations.
But, good thing about the crazies in these groups, is they put the cards on the table; there's no chin scratching over what's going on in their fevered little minds.
They lay it all out there for you.
In the latter part of this rant, I picked over Glenn Beck's little list for his vision of a "real American".
Fuck you, Glenn.
And mega fuck you for co-opting Tom Paine's "Common Sense", for your shitty book.
Let's see your Christian ass dig into "The Age Of Reason".
You wouldn't go anywhere near it.
History re-writing little snake.
But I digress....
This is all just another flavor of the insincere and empty indoctrination-patriotism I covered in the meaningless slogans recap.
It all kind of ties into advertising, because it's really all a cynical ad pitch.
It would be bad enough that it's all a sick ad campaign, but the part that pisses me off, indeed infuriates me the most, is how UNIMAGINATIVE, and BAD, an ad campaign it is!!!
As a writer, I'm appalled at just how LAME it is.
And how UGLY and STUPID and flat out BAD the imaginary product they're selling is.
As good as America is, and can be, the sales pitches are such UTTER BULLSHIT!
And it's not even GOOD BULLSHIT!!!
THAT'S the part that galls me!
Compared to all the imaginative, and well constructed, and pleasing bullshit that's out there to choose from, like movies, and fiction writing, the American sales pitch is FUCKING HORRIBLE!!!!
The American sales pitch, (usually in combination with the Bible I find) tells a HORRIBLE STORY!!
And that gets at the part that really annoys me, the product they're selling ISN'T AMERICA!!
It's not the America I know!
It's not the America I signed on for.
It's not the America that raised and nourished me.
It's not the America in the writings of Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson, and The Constitution.
I don't know what this fucking beast is, but it ain't America.
The THING in the ad campaigns, that demands obedience, that makes kids say pledges, that thing, I have no fucking relation to.
That's some fucking cult or something, I don't know what the fuck that is.
It's a free country, you're welcome to go live like that, but leave me out.
Wanna have your little cult within America, fine, but stop calling your cult "real America".
There ain't no "real America", that's the point of America.
And that's another thing I'm sick of, this one-size-fits-all notion of "the American dream".
That's something else that's been warped into an advertising buzzword for a narrow little cult.
I've foraged around for answers, and nearest I can figure, what this "American dream", really amounts to, is a chance at prosperity.
That's it, that's what we're selling to all the immigrants who come here.
I like that American dream.
But domestically, it seems to mean this more detailed involved thing to do with fevered and relentless consumerist acquisition, and self-seeking opportunism, and status climbing, and corporate dominance, and just the whole greed-bag thing.
And I don't relate to that.
My dreams don't involve boardrooms, and backstabbing, and wheeling and dealing, and conspicuous consumption.
But if you're not into that, that sub-cult doesn't consider you American.
And I, like a lot of Americans, got mentally twisted up in the prongs of that mess, and tried to relate to it, tried to conform to it, but I couldn't, because again, the sales pitch is SO FUCKING AWFUL!!!
The only one who even TRIED to make a really good stab at selling that America, was Ayn Rand.
I think her propaganda is fallacy ridden, and illogical, and awful, but at least she TRIED.
Everyone else into the money-chasing game will just give you the "shut up and get on board, or five across the eyes, mothafucka!", routine.
Yeah, that encourages me!
Might motivate you, like someone chasing you with a cattle prod, but it doesn't teach to you to love anything, much less this country.
And how can something be your "dream", if you don't love the fucking thing?
Sorry, I'm not wired like that.
I tried, I tried really fucking hard.
Like I tried with the whole God thing.
If you folks out there reading this are wired like that, kudos for you, you're fucking lucky, because boy, this is the country for it.
But, if you're reading this, and you're like me, a status ambivalent, frugal, artsy, geek, you feel my pain.
Well, I'm here to tell you, you're not fucking crazy.
There's no "real America", and no "real Americans".
It's yet another ad campaign.
And just like I said in the advertising section, vote with your dollars and channel clicker.
Don't like it, don't support it.
Life's too short.
Be who you are.
They try to make you forget all that.
Anyway, fuck propaganda, the propaganda all sucks.
And America deserves better than shitty propaganda.
That's real patriotism.
To say that America deserves better than this puke.
If America must have propaganda, let's make it worthy of this country.
Read Tom Paine.
It's all there.
But see, this goes back to "Meaningless Slogans 3", and the chipping away at education, and sowing illiteracy and anti-intellectualism.
You have to read books for the good shit.
It doesn't come on fucking bumper stickers and t-shirts.
And it ain't ever gonna be on your fucking TV.
TV and bumper stickers are going to sell you narrow prejudices of a sub-group.
And that's what America is, a gathering of sub-groups.
Some you'll like, some you won't.
But ultimately, none objectively superior to another.
So beware the ones who say there's a "real America", out there.
Their utopia is Hell for someone else.
And clearly, they couldn't give a shit.
And THAT'S un-American and un-democratic.
Yeah, if that shit's America, I hate that, but it's not, so eat me.
Hmm, lost the "inner-space", angle...I guess it's just know it's bullshit, believe in yourself, and apply the lessons of the advertising chapter to the bullshit.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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