Episode #7.
Dear Dr Herbert
Considering the amount of times Harry Hembock has messed with the time space continuum and that meeting himself on multiple occasions somehow narrowly avoiding creating the ultimate paradoxes - will there still be beer and pizza in the future?
Depends on what 5th dimensional slice of the multi-verse you're looking at.
Why, in one possible future, a micro-brewed beer was actually a time machine.
Pretty sure Harry wiped that one out with a cosmic reboot or something...
I've suggested to anyone in authority who'll listen that a Harry Hembock task force should be initiated at the earliest possible convenience to track and repair his continuity rejiggerings, and diddlings.
They laugh at me like a madman.
I despair for us all.
Yes, Philip, you'll be glad to know it all works out gorgeously in that regard.
Genetically engineered pizza slice plants are hydroponically grown on most passenger spacelines in the 2050's.
It'll be a wonderful time to be ali...
Pizza plants have gone back, and conquered the 1800's!!!
It's a madhouse!!
A maaaadhoouuussse!!!
I am made of science!!
Arrgh!! My eyes!!
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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