In part 1.5, I said I'd flesh this allegory out, so here we go....
So, after a few millennia of swimming around, Godzilla rose up from the sea.
And Godzilla had the land to himself for a good long while, and he had a ball.
Until the asteroid.....
...and then the party was over.
...for awhile.... it was the age of mammals.
Godzilla was gone.
....but not so's you'd really notice. it went on like this for awhile.
Until finally, a new critter came on the scene.
And thus began the age of man.
But was Godzilla vanquished?
...if so...not so's you'd really notice....
....and so it went on like this for awhile.
Until finally, there came civilization.
...but not so's you'd really notice....
But, at least the higher brain was getting involved with the slaughter.
Now, we could justify it all with bullshit.
And thus, arose King-Kong.
And King-Kong had bigger shit to lose.
Like this.
...and this...
....and this....
...and this...
...and this.....
...for you see, unlike Godzilla, King-Kong could do a bit of this...
....and this....
....besides just this...
...and this...
.....and so, King-Kong needed to defend all his stuff.
And so, he combined some of this....
....with this.
.....and the fight between King-Kong and Godzilla was truly on.
...and this pushed King-Kong to build bigger more fortified cities, and the bigger they got, the safer the people inside got, and the cozier they got, and the fancier their art and science got...
....and thus was advanced civilization born.
...but not so's you'd really notice...., on top of this....
....with this.....
....was added some of this....
...and this....
....and thus arose Jet Jaguar.
...and thus was born enlightenment....
...but not so's you'd really notice...., man, intelligence, civilization, enlightenment, in the larger picture, it's still really been a struggle of King-Kong vs. Godzilla.
Man's higher and lower natures, within and without, bashing against each other.
So, next chapter, we'll look closer at human history from that angle.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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