Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Part 9: "Living In The Sixth Dimension Can Be Rough".

Here we are again!
One more year 'til ten!!!!
Holy shit!!!!

Previous years yet again...

All the horror stuff from this year....

And, finally, song time!!

And, as always...

Merry Deathmas!
And a happy new candy! :-D

Next year, Halloween X!

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Star Wars: Benioff & Weiss trilogy is dead.

Meedyah Morsels #165

Yep, kiss that goodbye.

They bailed out because of the scheduling conflict with their big Netflix contract.
This was kinda doomed to happen.

On some level, this de-complicates things, now that there aren't three trilogies competing with each other, but it also complicates things.

Like, what's going to come out in 2022, 2024, an 2026 now?
These were the ones lined up.

Are they going back to the Rian Johnson trilogy?

Are they gonna beg Kevin Feige to expand his thing to three movies?

What about the "Knights Of The Old Republic", thing?
Was this the B&W thing, and that's dies too?
Or, is it the Rian Johnson thing?
Or the Feige thing?
Or, none of it, and it was just a fanboy wet dream?

*Sighs, head shake*
All this chaos and turmoil is why I wanna bail on this franchise after "Rise Of Skywalker".
Following the news on this shit is like getting dental work done.

Previously with MM-

Final "The Rise Of Skywalker", poster. (MM #164)

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Monday, October 28, 2019

My thing on country music.

Stuff from Facebook #14

TLDR version, it stinks!

October 23, 2014 

When the hell did country music become the vehicle for war propaganda bullshit? When I was little, country was about drinking, and domestic abuse, and adultery, and bank robberies, and being framed for crimes by a dirty corrupt system, and outrunning police in car chases. There was rebellion there. Now it's about ass-licking Republican presidents. WTF happened?

And the update...

October 23, 2018

There was a little bit of it in Iraq War 1, but 9/11 was the full and final werewolf transformation. Of course, Ted Nugent was always a thing, but he was always laughed off as a clown. Until 9/11.

It's all been a cynical ploy to weaponize rednecks going as far back as "the southern strategy", with Nixon and Reagan.
9/11 just accelerated it and made it more obvious.

Rednecks are all fascism can get ahold of.
They tried penetrating rock n' roll, and comedy, and all they got was Dave Mustaine, and Dennis Miller for their trouble.

Previously with SFF.

On voting. (SFF #13)

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On voting.

Stuff from Facebook #13

Vote or die, muthafucka! Muthafucka, vote or die!!

October 21, 2018

There seems to be this fantasy going around that if everyone just didn't vote (and that part's it own fantasy, but more on that later), that a dimension hole would open underneath The White House, and Congress, and suck up all the Republicans and Democrats, and send them to a dimension where they fall in a void forever, screaming. 
Never starving, never suffocating, never needing to use the restroom, just falling and screaming. Suspended in a loop in time. 
Meanwhile, in our dimension, the power vacuum is filled by The Green Party, and a virtually identical Green Party that calls itself the Teal Party to distinguish itself. 
And then utopia dawns. 
Yeah, that's not how anything works. 
Now, back around to everyone not voting. 
Your arm crossing, and pouting, and whining about "legitimate third party options", doesn't bring any solutions to the table. Given that, you're not gonna persuade everyone into a giant universal national voter strike. 
And say you did. All it'll take is one racist granny out in Timbuktu to vote, and she swings her whole state. And every state has that granny. Get up off your privileged ass, hold your nose for the guy/gal that isn't cutting Social Security, and fucking vote. 

Previously with SFF.

80's cartoons were fucked. (SFF #12)

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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Big 2019 Movies Part 12.


I'm a bit late to this, what with weather disasters and shit....


Zombieland. (way back when I just rented it, I long since bought a copy)

As good as the first, it's like the last 10 years didn't even happen.
Well, except for Abigail Breslin having boobs now.
But, everything else is the same.

If you loved the first, you'll love this one.

Man, did I ever miss FUN zombie movies!
The past decade, we've been stuck with fucking "Walking Dead".
Not to piss on "Walking Dead", but man, it ain't exactly fun.
At last, we get an antidote.
And the flick melts those 10 years away too.

Some other zom-coms have come along the way, but they don't hold a candle to Zombieland.
Accept no substitutes!
And stay for the after-credits!

I can't say much more without spoiling some things.

Yep, definitely worth seeing.
Check it out.

Next time, Terminator: Dark Fate.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Final "The Rise Of Skywalker", poster.

Meedyah Morsels #164

I'm a bit late on this...


It bookends ANH nicely....

And now, the guessing and thumb twiddling over the sequel trilogy is over.

Now this...

...can become this...

...can become this....

...and it's all done.
Now, to retro-link this here, and I'm all set.

Previous SW poster reveals.

Previously with TROS-

Star Wars posters! (MM #147)

Previously with MM-

Evil Dead 4 moving ahead. (MM #163)

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Evil Dead 4 moving ahead.

Meedyah Morsels #163

Bruce Campbell was at Rock and Shock festival, and he confirmed they are going forward, that they have an idea, they have a filmmaker picked out to direct it, and there will be no Ash, and no passing of the torch from Ash to the new person.
That there would be "a new idiot", to take up the mantle,  and that there'll always be stories of innocent people with limited ability versus evil books to tell.

This tweet gives better detail.

Previously with Evil Dead 4-

Evil Dead 4?!?!?!? Maybe. (MM #97)

Previously with MM-

Ghostbusters: Year One. (MM #162)

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Ghostbusters: Year One.

Meedyah Morsels #162

Okay, so I know more about what the next comic is.

Ghostbusters: Year One (2019)

Okay, so I was kinda wrong, kinda not.
It's not a straight adaptation of Ghostbusters 1.

The meta-story for it is, it's just after GB1, and a journalist wants to do a biography of the Busters, so each issue he interviews a different guy, and they flashback to lost scenes within GB1.

So, the ghosts they bust within the montage scene?
We'll probably get some of those.

The shit Winston has seen that will turn you white?
We'll get some of that.

The Fort Detmerring scene?
Eh, probably not, it's a G-Rated comic.
But, who knows?
They might find a clever way to dance around it.

Hmm, I wonder, will they do years 2-5 to fill in the GB1-GB2 gap?
We'll just have to see.

Previously with Ghostbusters comics-

The next Ghostbusters comic! (MM #152)

Previously with MM-

Ghostbusters biographies. (MM #161)

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Playing with your food: Ipso!

Munchies & Crunchies #10

Some more 80's memories.


They are what they look like.
Mints and fruit candies that came inside big hollowed out Lego blocks that were compatible with real Legos.
They were cool as shit.

The candy was just so-so.
They had the consistency/texture of Skittles.
The mint ones tasted like Tic-Tacs, or gumball machine gum.
The fruit ones tasted like watered down Starburst.

Blue Lego was mint, orange was orange, red was strawberry, green was lemon-lime.

After you ate the candy, you could hide little treasures inside the candy compartments.
I used them to drop little Lego bombs.

I had two of each flavor.
That's all I was able to get before they vanished from shelves in Maine.

It was a great poverty way to stretch your Legos.

The other way was Tyco blocks.

They were total clones of Legos, but they were way cheaper, came in buckets, and their figure guys weren't as good as the Lego minifigs.
I had regular and space (pictured).

What you'd do, is you'd get the littlest cheapest Lego space adventure set for the minifig, and the cooler pieces, then you'd get Tyco for filler, and Ipso to steroid up the size of your robot/spaceship/house.

And the Tyco buckets had extra space, so you could stuff more Legos in there.

Legos were pricey even in 80's money, but now they're fucking outrageous.
We need Tyco and Ipso to make a comeback for poor kids.

I gave all my Lego/Tyco/Ipso away to cousins ages ago, but I had fun times.

And it's cool to see the blue astronaut in Lego Movie; back before all these licensed characters, if you were a nerdy 80's kid, astronaut was your guy.
That's what you had.
I gave that little feller a lot of cool bases.


KFC recipe. (MC #9)

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Add Ronald Reagan to the pile.

Revisits #45.

Yep, this one's a sequel to both Reagan was a racist piece of shit, and The pervert pile.
It's a two-fer!

Ronald Reagan probably raped a chick.
It was on the Dollup, and they got it from Kitty Kelly's Nancy Reagan book.

It's alleged to have happened back in the 50's, Reagan was a meathead who absorbed the philosophy of every manipulative asshole he hung out with (which is how he got turned into a Republican in the first place), and he was pals with Errol Flynn, who was a rapist pedophile piece of human filth.
Also, rape was way easier to get away with in the 50's, and rough advances were seen as a sign of virility in the popular culture, so the 50's were just plain rapey.
In that atmosphere, with his gross friends, with his weak mind, I think he probably did it.

Maybe this is why the 80's were so weirdly rapey.
We had a rapey president giving the creepy screenwriters the dog whistle, and the wink, and the nod to crawl out of their sewers.

Anyway, here's those Dollup episodes.
The rape bit is in part 1, but the whole thing is good.
It's got Patton Oswalt.

Now I've got three posts to retro-link this to...


The bullshit pledge of allegiance. (R #44)

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ghostbusters biographies.

Meedyah Morsels #161

I talked about it here, so here it is.....

Ghostbuster's Daughter (2018) &
Wild and Crazy Guys (2019)

Acquired them here and here.

Ghostbuster's Daughter-

Told more from a daughter's point of view, then it gets to be more about Harold and his career once she becomes an adult, and can look back on it all from an adult's perspective.

We find out Harold and his first wife had an open marriage, being that they were full tilt hippies, which explains the weirdness in "Ghostbusters 2", of Janine being broke up with Egon, and Egon cracking a joke about all the tail he gets, and then Janine nailing Lewis, but then she dresses Lewis up in Egon's Ghostbuster's suit.
Apparently, Egon and Janine were kinky, and Ramis based it on himself.

I never got the line in "Ghostbusters 2", of Janine saying she fed baby Oscar French bread pizza.
How the Hell does a toothless baby eat that?
Did they throw it in the blender?
Did Lewis eat it, and say it was for the baby?
Well, now I know.
Harold was very hands-off as a parent, and taught Violet how to use the toaster oven to make French bread pizzas, and she practically lived off them for awhile.
So, that weird little line was a shout out to Violet.
I mean, within the story it still makes no sense, but it isn't meant to.

So, two little quirks in that flick finally make sense to me at last.

Yeah, Harold did coke for awhile, and yeah, he had an illegitimate daughter with a married woman, but aside for those things, and a weird incident where he drowned a cat, and a weird incident where he threw a tantrum over not getting the fancy table at a restaurant, he was damned near a perfect human being.

And his weird hands-off hippie-dippie way of raising Violet?
It works!
She had a lot of boyfriends, a couple of husbands, and an abortion, and had some mild drug use, but Harold just made sure she didn't end up dead, or in prison, and it all worked itself out, and Violet has turned out awesome.

Harold Ramis, awesome guy, awesome dad, this book is the mirror opposite of "Mommy Dearest".

All you new parents out there, be like Harold, not like Joan.

The whole Christian-conservative tight-ass "family values", parenting thing meant well, but it failed miserably.
Time to let it go already.

Hell, parent-shmarent, just be like Harold period.
Except for the cat thing.

Wild and Crazy Guys-


Takes awhile to build, but once their careers take off, it's a full speed ahead page-flipper.

It covers the guys you see on the cover, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, and Eddie Murphy, plus Rick Moranis, and John Candy who aren't on the cover for some reason (probably because they're SCTV-ers not SNL-ers), and how their SNL/SCTV careers led to their movies, and how their movies led to transforming the face of American comedy as we know it.

It follows the structure of picking one actor/comedian, then following the story from his point of view until he crosses over with another one of the 8, then following from their point of view until they cross over with another one, and so on, and so on.
Like a marathon baton pass.
Once they get uber-famous enough, their movies puzzle-piece together more, so there's less and less fragmenting, and having to jump back, and catch back up.

Along the way, Martin Short pops in a little, as does Dave Thomas from SCTV, and we get very brief fleeting mentions of the SNL girls.
The SCTV girls don't seem to exist at all.
Robin Williams pops up for a nanosecond, blink and you'll miss him.
John Landis pops up an awful lot.
Harold Ramis a little bit, but not as much as Landis.
But, that's all right, he got his own book.

For some reason, the big three it covers the most are Steve Martin, Chevy Chase, and Bill Murray.
Murray I can see, but Martin is practically the protagonist of the whole thing.
But, he still does SNL today, so I can see him being the spine of it, I guess.

The author makes you actually sympathize with Chevy Chase.
He had a rough childhood, his mom and dad both beat the shit out of him, and kids at school and in the neighborhood pounded him into moosh, so the arrogant persona he put on was his shield against a rough world I suppose.
Then sprinkle cocaine on top of all that, and well....
Course, he's still difficult, and grouchy, and hard to work with even as an old fart, so...yeah, damage is done on him, therapy ain't fixing it now.
Poor Chevy....

The interviewees they pull from most are Landis and Thomas, cuz Landis directed a big chunk of their movies, and Thomas hung out at a lot of the parties.

Along the way, pretty much all their films are touched on.
Some rushed past, and a tiny few flat out left out, but only the ones that really, really bombed.

We get a pretty good chunk on "Ghostbusters", and a good page and some change on "Little Shop Of Horrors". So, two of my birthday presents connect.
Damn, I kinda wanna have a double feature of GB and LSOH now...

If you're old enough to have grown up with the 80's comedies, and 80's/90's SNL, none of this stuff is really gonna surprise you.
I mean, for me, there were little details that I didn't know before, but I knew the broad strokes.

If you're a millennial/Gen-z-er, this book is written with you in mind, because it comes from the angle of assuming you never even heard of these guys, and then building up the details.

Recommended for everybody.
And I hope they do a part 2 about the SNL/SCTV girls.
And John Landis really needs to write his autobiography.

Both of these together are an excellent pairing if you love Ghostbusters, or just plain 80's comedy.
Must-haves for hardcore Ghostbusters fans.
Although, hardcore GB fans won't be surprised at all by WACG, but they will draw a lot of new stories and insights from GBD.

Here's some fun podcasts to listen to to enhance your enjoyment after you read the books.

And, that's all that!

Previously with books-

Books & comics.

Previously with MM-

GB2020 wraps! ...again...sorta... (MM #160)

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Movies I Missed Meltdown.

So, here's what happened.

Thursday, we had a big-ass nor'easter blow through, and smash the power grid to bits.
We were down for three days.
Every time, whether it's a tropical storm, ice storm, slush storm, micro-burst, it cripples half to all of the state.

You can always count on being down for three days or even more.
And being more sleep deprived and in need of a shower than you ever have in your life after those three plus days.

So, within those days, with nothing to do with no electricity, and unable to sleep from all the shit you have to do for basic survival, I finally sat down in free moments, and read "Wild And Crazy Guys", that I got for my birthday.
Flew right through it.

Goddamned, it was wonderful.

But, then I got angry.
First, why had I taken so fucking long to read this?
Well, I was wasting my time on all those stupid mediocre movies.

Second, within the content of the book, I find out I'm older than John Candy was when he died, and within his weight range.
And at least he had a legacy of wonderful movies he left behind when he went.
WTF have I done?
And why haven't I done it?
Oh, yeah, the mediocre movies again.

Third, "How Star Wars Conquered The Universe", also still sits there from fucking Christmas.

So, all that sleep deprived brooding was swirling around in my head even after getting some sleep, and coming back here, looking at those dumb reviews got me angry, so I killed 'em.
Then, that didn't make me feel good, so I slaughtered all of it, the whole MIM series.
I just scourged it with napalm.

Then, I felt bad.
I won't miss the reviews, they were pretty bland (IMHO).
I won't miss memories of the flicks, they were 90% mediocre and the 10% I appreciated I'd still never watch again anyway.
And the loss of all that work stung, but that was more time wasted I could have been using reading stuff I genuinely cared about, or *forehead slap* working on my own book.
No, I felt bad about wiping out all the conversations I had with Billdude.
I hope you can forgive me, Billdude.
Or anyone else who liked that stuff.

I guess I can finally relate to Matthew Joseph Peak when he got angry, and feeling all sorry for himself, and ripped up the original artwork for all his Freddy Krueger posters.
Or Hyla when he tore his whole blog down.

Anyway, the thing is done, and that series is dead for past and future.
I'm only gonna do theater movies now.
Which is what I was doing anyway before I got sidetracked by bullshit.
And I'm probably gonna be pickier with how many of those I even do.

I gotta get on my real projects, and stop being distracted.

....and now that I write this out, and calm down....I come back to something I said before, if I dropped dead tomorrow, I've gotten my humor out there in the world, and made people laugh, even if I didn't get rich off it.

That's not so bad.
Better than I thought possible as a depressed teenager.

Anyway, the whole thing made me realize yet again what's important, I guess.

I'll probably do a dual review of "Ghostbuster's Daughter", and "Wild & Crazy Guys", now.
Stay tuned for that.

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GB2020 wraps! ...again...sorta...

Meedyah Morsels #160

It already wrapped a week and some change ago, but Jason Reitman's veil of secrecy lifted enough to leak out a pic.

The other pics were with production folks, this is the cast.

So, now the waiting game begins for official set pics, costumes pics, gadgets, character names, a trailer, a poster, etc, etc, etc.

Previously with GB2020-

Ghostbusters 2020 wraps!

Previously with MM-

"The Batman", casting #4. (MM #159)

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"The Batman", casting #4.

Meedyah Morsels #159

And, we've got a Riddler!
And it's not Jonah Hill!
And he's not gonna be Penguin either!

Paul Dano!

More villains, still no Alfred.

Previously with "The Batman"-

Previously with MM-

"The Batman", casting #3. (MM #158)

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

80's cartoons were fucked.

Stuff from Facebook #12

But, with all I'm learning about Reagan, the 80's were fucked, period.

September 29, 2018

Here's something that separates Boomers and X-ers by a mile culturally. Transformers in general, but specifically Soundwave. Boomers don't get the joke of Soundwave's character. X-ers got it as kids intuitively. We just GOT it. I could play a clip of Soundwave right now doing his shtick, y'know "Laserbeak, Rumble, Ravage, eject, eject, ejeeect!!". They'd be like "yeah, it's a robot, so what?". Okay, I'll walk you through it. Transformers have had millions of years to evolve. They're beyond robots. They're sentient beings. They have personalities and emotions. They're PEOPLE. For Soundwave to act like a robot means THAT'S WHO HE IS AS A GUY. He's really uncharismatic, and very probably on the autism spectrum. Also, he has a jacked up voice box that no one has bothered to fix. Decepticons exploit the handicapped, and have terrible medical care. That's some fucked up shit for a children's cartoon. But, it was the 80's. Anyhoo, I've done my Beatles homework. I've seen the old SNLs. I've watched "Tommy", 25 times, and grit my teeth through "Hair", once. Boomers will never meet me half way on the Transformers stuff. It's not something I hold my breath on. Just something I find fascinating.

And the update....

September 29 at 12:37 AM

Soundwave had autism, but Rumble had an extroverted personality, and had to ride inside Soundwave's chest as a tape. Alongside a bird and a jaguar in some sort of magician's hat dimension. A headshrinker would have a field day with the Transformers. You millennials and your PC emotionally healthy Voltron and She-Ra remakes, you don't know how sweet you have it.


Previously with SFF.

Keep it to yourself, it's my life! (SFF #11)

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Keep it to yourself, it's my life!

Stuff from Facebook #11

Sage advice from me of a week ago.

October 9 at 12:15 PM

Comedy protip: If you really get in trouble, you can always get a crowd cheering and clapping along if you start doing jumping jacks with "my life", by Billy Joel playing in the background. 
I think they think it's going somewhere. 
Only for emergencies. 
Maximum use is 5 times per set. 
Less if there's a smart-Aleck in the crowd who figures it out.

Previously with SFF.

On worth. (SFF #10)

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On worth.

Stuff from Facebook #10

Never let a motherfucker call you worthless.

September 25th 2019

One of the (many) ways my depression fucked me over good and hard was to whisper the lovely message of "nothing I do matters :(", into my ear constantly. 
That's pretty fucking crippling. 
Now that I'm sure I'm free of the worst of it, and can look back, from an economic standpoint, I'm far from worthless. In unpaid free muscle-work alone, based on what it would cost for guys to come in and do it, for 20 years, 100-150 grand, easily. 
That's a retirement nest egg for most people. 
So, I'm worth that. 
Nevermind all the hard (but not impossible) to quantify shit I've done online that people do for jobs. Why, I bet I'm worth a quarter million, easily. 
So, next time some Republican piece of shit calls me worthless, I'll say "I'm worth quite a bit, actually, I was screwed over by people that didn't even give me an "attaboy", it's a big difference".

And that's free work-work, nevermind what your vote is worth, what your death is worth to crooked companies that take out insurance on you without you knowing, what your identity is worth to crooks, on, and on, and on.

If you're worthless, why are so many fuckers buzzing around trying to drink your blood?

Everyone has worth.
Making you feel worthless is abuse from predators.
Who see worth in you.
Or else they wouldn't be wasting their allegedly precious time fucking with you.
Don't fall for their crap.

Previously with SFF.

The upside of a gloomy life. (SFF #9)

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The upside of a gloomy life.

Stuff from Facebook #9

I was in one of my Eeyore modes writing this...

September 25th, 2019

When I look back at my life, its all been really rather tragic. 
The future doesn't look so great either. 
Y'know? Fuck it. 
Tragedies are more interesting anyway. 
Everyone remembers Romeo & Juliet, no one wrote down what Juliet's third cousin Bob the horse merchant was up to. 
And people outraged by the ending of Game Of Thrones, WTF did you want, a Disney ending? People that love me want a Disney ending for me, and I love them for it. 
But I just don't see it in the cards. 
It's a pretty shitty hand. 
Maybe if I had a derringer in my boot, I could shoot my way out of this card game vs evil cowboys. *Checks* Nope!

A friend helpfully pointed out, if I have people that love me enough to want the Disney ending, things really aren't so bad.

Previously with SFF.

Grandma. (SFF #8)

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Stuff from Facebook #8

Miss you.

September 17, 2018

Looked up my grandmother's obituary. April was the 11th anniversary of her death. 
I miss her to pieces. 
She was selfish, greedy, a moocher, told lies about her childhood and adolescence for pure entertainment, played sick for attention, and was outrageously lazy, but she was who she was, and she wasn't a hypocrite. 
Despite her flaws, she never pretended to be a fucking holy roller. 
She never put herself on a moral pedestal, and she never gave self-righteous lectures. 
Even in her lie stories, she made herself a flawed character. 
There were lies, but there was no bullshit. 
And there was no sneaky gossipy treachery with her. 
If she thought you were an asshole or an idiot, she'd come right out and say so to your face. 
And she was FUN. 
She wasn't fucking boring. 
Looking back, and looking at some of the idiots in my family still alive, I gotta say, she was my favorite. 
No one else like her. 
She was a character. 
Her absence is acutely felt.


Previously with SFF.

Equality bashing religions. (SFF #7)

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Equality bashing religions.

Stuff from Facebook #7

Covering my bases.

September 18, 2014 

I'm getting whines that I haven't been equal opportunity in my religion bashing, so here goes. 
Islam is a pack of second-hand lies from an illiterate epileptic pedophile. 
Mormonism is a scam from a known criminal. 
Scientology is the lunatic ramblings of a weasel-faced crook and failed pulp writer with deep-seated sexual identity issues. 
Buddhism is some nice sounding fortune cookie nonsense, and "nirvana", can only be achieved by fucking dying. 
The Dalai Lama is just an emperor who wants his kingdom back, and his Hollywood pals are grade-A suckers. 
Satanism and Wicca are just too fucking silly to even acknowledge. 
And finally, every cult that commits mass suicide gives me a hardon. 
There, that fair & balanced enough? 
Did I get everyone? 
Happy now?

Course, you typically only get these complaints from Christian-conservatives that want you to change the subject.

Previously with SFF.

"Classical Liberals". (SFF #6)

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

"The Batman", casting #3.

Meedyah Morsels #158

First Batman, then Commissioner, now we've got a Catwoman!

Zoe Kravitz!

You know me and my Catwoman fanboyism.
I'm a happy camper.

Still waiting on the Alfred casting though.

Previously with MM-

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #8. (MM #157)

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Monday, October 14, 2019

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #8.

Meedyah Morsels #157

Stuff is dropping like crazy now!

Okay, first, stuff that's solid reality...

Here's Audrey Marie Anderson as Harbinger.

A group photo with a bunch of characters.
Counter-clockwise from the bottom left, you have LaMonica Garrett as The Monitor, Candice Patton as Iris West-Allen, Tom Cavanagh as Pariah, Audrey Marie Anderson as Harbinger, Brandon Routh as Kingdom Come Superman, David Ramsey as John Diggle, Grant Gustin as The Flash, Cress Williams as Black Lightning, Hartley Sawyer as The Elongated Man, Osric Chau (Supernatural) as Ryan Choi, and Tyler Hoechlin as Superman.

Here's Burt Ward as elderly Dick Grayson with what looks like Ace The Bat-Hound.

Here's Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne on a Gotham newspaper.
(See rumors below)

Now, the unconfirmed rumors.

Robert Wuhl from Batman '89 supposedly shot a quick cameo scene as Alexander Knox where he's reading the above newspaper. That's enough to canonize all the Tim Burton Batmans.

Justin Hartley is supposedly coming back as Smallville-verse Green Arrow.

I said here..

so back when Arrow first came out, and I thought it was a Smallville spinoff, because that universe also had a Green Arrow, I wasn't wrong.

Well, now I'm really not wrong, cuz if this is legit, Smallville Arrow is finally on the show!

Tom Ellis allegedly shot a scene where Lucifer talks to Constantine.
So, Lucifer is canon.

The cast of Titans allegedly shot a quickie reaction scene cameo on the set of their show.
That would instantly canonize both Titans and Doom Patrol.
That's actually easy to pull off, cuz Greg Berlanti produces Titans and Doom Patrol.

Still no Lynda Carter!

Whether all this pans out or not, it certainly shows, they're literally trying to get everybody!
They want the whole DC multiverse under one canon, and I love it!

Again, they pull this off, it's DC's Infinity War/Endgame.

I wish Marvel would go back, and reclaim all the pre-MCU stuff.
It's not necessary, but it would be neat.

Previously with Crisis-

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #7. (MM #154)

Previously with MM-

EL Camino (2019) (MM #156)

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

EL Camino (2019)

Meedyah Morsels #156

Saw it yesterday, reviewing it today.

I dug it.
Some people are calling it a boring slog.
I think it fits in fine with a lot of the slower episodes of Breaking Bad.
And there are violent scenes punctuated in there.
You'll get your action fix.
It's just a slow burn.
But so was the whole goddamned show.
What show were you people watching?

It's a worthy epilogue to the show. IMHO.
People were scared it would ruin the perfection of the finale, I think they need not worry, this fits right in. It's the extra last bonus episode we always should have gotten.

I think it's great.
BB fans, embrace, enjoy.

Oh, and know there are misdirects in the trailers.
Things don't happen exactly as you're expecting.

The only real flaw?
It picks up immediately after BB, and flashes back to during, but everyone's noticeably older.
Just know that, and go along with it.
Criminy, the big de-aging movies (Gemini Man, The Irishman) haven't even come out yet, and everyone's spoiled by them. *Eyeroll*

And, RIP Robert Forster (vacuum cleaner man).

So, yeah, watch it.

Previously with TV shows-

Previously with MM-

ATC getting phased out? Looks like it. (MM #155)

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Friday, October 11, 2019

ATC getting phased out? Looks like it.

Meedyah Morsels #155

Picking up from the GB1 comic announcement....

I had a funny kinda feeling on the third anniversary of ATC, but I didn't wanna voice it until I knew for sure.
I think I know for sure.
Pretty much.
Not 100%, but enough.

Well, first there's the GB1 adaptation, now comes word of a re-release of the novelizations of GB1 & GB2 merged as an omnibus, and a making-of book for GB1 & GB2 together as an omnibus.
(Artwork not available for either yet)

Everything coming out for GB2020 is GB1 & GB2 related, they're avoiding GB:ATC like a plague ship.

I don't think its right, I don't think it's fair, but I can see the cold-blooded business logic.

It was divisive, it flopped financially, it doesn't matter that it got a fresh rating on RT, it doesn't matter that it has millions of loyal fans, it doesn't matter that the conventions had a zillion Holtzmann cosplayers, it doesn't matter that an image search for "Holtzmann fanart", gives you a jillion wonderful results.

All that matters to Sony is the box-office, and the controversy.

If they associate this new one in any way with ATC, the incels are gonna scream about it all over again, and that will be the conversation instead of enjoying the new one, and they want to get away from that bullshit.

Part of me can't blame them.

So ATC is quietly being buried.
I think that sucks donkey dick, but there it is.

Leslie Jones was right.

I still think it'll make a comeback someday though.
FXX is playing the extended cut 3 hours with commercials.
Ghostbusters 2 was looked down on, and its made a comeback.
"Brownstone boy", in GB2 is directing the new one.

It'll be back somehow.
But for now, it's going into hibernation.

Fuck y'all, it'll always be in my marathons.

Anyway, in hindsight, you can kinda see the phasing out process playing out.

GB101, and GB:ATC:WDMC, they were splicing it into canon on an artistic level, and on a business level, they were trying to squeeze whatever bucks out of it they could.

WDMC was a trial run for an ongoing series, but it clearly didn't get up off the ground.

Crossing Over, and GB35th, the girls had to be there, because CO was the everybody crossover, and you can't tell the history of the 35th anniversary without acknowledging all 3 movies.

But absent an anniversary, or crossover, there hasn't been the slightest whiff of anything ATC related.
GB/TF was classic team, the GB1 adaptation is classic, natch, and all the other books coming out are classic team.

And in-story in CO, they said they were going to refrain from the dimension portal because of the danger to the multiverse it caused twice.

I think that last one-shot for the 35th was goodbye.

...for awhile.

I think it'll lay low until GB2020 is in the rear-view mirror, and they've made their money, and it's on home video....and then ramping up towards and up to the 40th anniversary, the girls will be rolled back out again.

40th, definitely.
Which'll be the 8th anniversary of ATC.
Two years later, we'll hear some 10th anniversary stuff, hopefully the fan atmosphere will have lightened up a bit.
The scars for the actresses and Paul Feig should have healed by then.
Maybe we'll get some belated making-of stuff.

Maybe the animated one, and the prequel about the guys in college will have come out in between now and then to cushion things even more.

Anyway, that's my theories and predictions.

If I'm 100% wrong about them burying ATC for the foreseeable future, my jaw will smash through the floor.
I don't think I'm wrong though.

Barring something crazy and external happening, 40th anniversary at the earliest for ATC being taken out of the dusty attic boxes again.
So don't tap your feet waiting.
It'll be awhile.

Previously with MM-

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #7. (MM #154)

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #7.

Meedyah Morsels #154

A bunch of pics that accumulated waiting for new casting news.

CW-Superman and Kingdom Come Superman.

CW-Supes, KC Supes, and Flash.

Smallville Clark, Smallville Lois, and CW-Clark.

Kingdom Come Clark as Editor In Chief.

Jonah Hex, Constantine, Barry Allen, White Canary, and Blackstar.

Still no word on Lynda Carter, and my hopes for that are sinking....

Previously with Crisis-

Crisis On Infinite Earths update #6. (MM #145)

Previously with MM-

Ghostbusters 2020 wraps! (MM #153)

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"Classical Liberals".

Stuff from Facebook #6

Some more bullshit you run into arguing with conservatives.

October 6th, 2017.

I might have mentioned it before, but I'm getting sick of the new code-word "classical liberal". 
It lets regressives act like they're progressive. 
No, fuckface, you're a retro-grade piece of shit who wants to play-pretend the role of sage intellectual. 
The Republicans and Democrats swapped platforms in the 60's. 
The Dixie-crats all became Republicans. 
It was trying to suck Dixie-crat dick for votes down in Texas that got Kennedy fucking shot. 
Fuck these people. Now they want to rewrite history "oh, we're the REAL liberals, these other liberals are the FAKE liberals". 
No, muthafucka, if you're not progressive, get the fuck out. 
Get under your elephant tent with your elephant brethren, and be proud of it, you fucking lying cowards. 
Bad enough when there's solid battle lines, but this treacherous Terminator infiltration shit drives me batty. 
Sad thing is, this works on dumb people that don't read. And they are legion.

Previously with SFF.

Resurrection! (SFF #5)

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ghostbusters 2020 wraps!

Meedyah Morsels #153

It was supposed to be today, but apparently it wrapped Saturday, the 4th.
Thanks for dropping the ball, GB news sites!

Wrap party pics.

So, that's all done until reshoots, pickups, and post-production, which includes special effects.

Damn, we didn't learn anything new about the story or characters, I guess they did a good job of keeping it all under a bubble after all.
Not as good as Star Wars, but not bad!

Previously with GB2020-

GB2020: Tobin's Spirit Guide. (MM #142)

Previously with MM-

The next Ghostbusters comic! (MM #152)

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

The next Ghostbusters comic!

Meedyah Morsels #152

Yeah, I liked the way the titles looked on my Joker review, so I'm gonna do this format for all my stuff.

I said in the Transformers/Ghostbusters review...

No word on what the next Ghostbusters comic is, but they've got to kill the next 10 months until they can do a crossover with GB2020.


Well, whatever it is will be a pleasant surprise the way this was.

Well....I dunno how I feel about this.

Those images dropped on Tom Waltz's Twitter, and he's got a proven track record of being like The Riddler, he doesn't drop pics just cuz they're pretty, there's always meaning.

So, those aren't just random art pieces, they're covers.
And they're each Ghostbuster guy surrounded by scenes from the first movie, a pic of them in an upper corner busting a ghost from the first movie, and standing in front of the GB logo holding up one finger the way the GB2 logo holds up two.

Seems pretty clear to me, they're doing a direct adaptation of the first movie, and milking it for four issues.

Why do this?
Well, belatedly for the 35th anniversary, and because there never was a comic adaptation.
I know, it's a huge oversight.
Everything else from the 80's did, especially movies that were hits.

GB1 had two novelizations, a picture story book, an audio storybook, a coloring book, it had everything but the goddamned comic book.

And then GB2 had a two issue adaptation from NOW comics, with the RGB animated Ghostbusters substituting for the movie guys.

Maybe this is how they're building up to GB20.
I said above they've got 10 months to kill.
Four months for this, re-publish the GB2 adaptation, do a four issue "Answer The Call", adaptation, bam, and you're right up to GB20.

Then you directly adapt GB20, and then do a crossover.
Probably with the ATC girls, and whatever they fight ties into the first 2 movies, so it integrates all 3 other movies.
Maybe toss some '09 video game stuff in there.

Bam, there you go.
Then for 2021, you do Transformers 2.

Why do I think they'll do a crossover?
They did it for ATC.
Why not?
Why not have everything integrated?
Get it all under one canon.

I dunno how I feel about a GB1 adaptation, cuz....I've got the first movie.
Do I need to see it again?'s from Erik Burnham, so it won't just be a straight adaptation, there'll be extra scenes, and Easter eggs out the ass, so it'll be enhanced.
So, maybe it'll be worth collecting after all.

Anyway, glad they dropped it so fast after TF/GB finished.

Previously with Ghostbusters comics-

TF/GB: Ghosts Of Cybertron review (MM #148)

Previously with MM-

Happy 20th birthday, David Bowie: Hours!! (MM #151)

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