Twisted Christmas! (Part 3)!!
A couple more for the "I'm sick of Charlie Brown and Rudolph", list.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Old review here.
Yep, there's snow, and Tony plays "jingle bells", on a vinyl record player.
It's a Christmas movie.
Marvel had its answer to "Batman Returns", all along, and I just didn't mentally register it.
Prometheus (2012)
Old review here.
This is why I'm even updating this.
It was on IFC tonight, and I just realized, Idris Elba puts up a Christmas tree, and plays a snippet of "joy to the world", on his accordion.
Prometheus is a Christmas movie!
A twisted Christmas movie!
It fits right in with Gremlins.
Yeah, it's an early jump on next Christmas, but I needed to get right on it before I forgot.
New posters for The Assessment, Opus
9 hours ago
Well there's something I didn't notice...
P'Zones are back!!! Ignore the Michael Mann movie "Blackhat" starring Chris Hemsworth at all costs, utter dull crap.
First ever image of a space cooch!!
Huh, I guess "Interstellar" wasn't all that far off!
I thought it looked like those annoying ring things when you fight Mother Brain in "Metroid"
Sonic/Duran Duran-
Well, it's Duran Duran's move now.
I think they need to cover the "sonic boom", song from Sonic CD.
I...never had a p'zone the first time around.
Pizza Hut, right?
Black Hat-
I haven't heard of anyone that liked that.
Black hole-
I keep posting "black hole sun", in threads about it.
No one laughs.
No one claps with joy or recognition.
What the fuck else is that song for except for the day we find the black hole?
It's like how Prince's "1999", was for new year's 1999.
You fucking play it for the occasion.
It's what you do.
Lol, oh, yeah, the ring things in Metroid.
I hated those little bastards.
Someone else had two rows of them in a Krispy Kreme box.
Not only are they zero calories, you'll suddenly be missing some of your own.
Oh gawd "Sonic CD." I only got to play about 15 minutes of it once because Sega CDs were hard to come by around here. It got utterly glowing scorching hot reviews from critics back in 1993 or whenever and then the American version was released with different music and that pissed off the very same critics!!
You know I'd actually like to go back and play it if it were possible...
I didn't know there were people who try to beat "Metroid" with the Wave Beam instead of the Ice Beam. I thought you HAD to freeze the Metroids before missiling them!
"Black Hole Sun" - Chris Cornell's still pretty warm in the grave, probably. I repeated the "whoa, that was the day he DIDN'T try to live!" joke that I heard when he committed suicide to some old friends and they weren't amused!! (They also weren't amused by another joke I heard, "Great White now have 100 hits, two of which are musical!")
P'Zones - yep, Pizza Hut. Okay, they're not GODLIKE but I like 'em. You can get Pepperoni, Meat Lovers or Supreme.
I noticed Pizza Hut dropped a lot of the weirdo new menu thingies they had a few years ago when they tried to get adventurous. You can't get Toasted Asiago crust anymore for one, I liked that a lot. And I wonder if anyone ever tried weird spinach pizzas with balsamic vinegar drizzle or whatever it was.
Place bets on when we try to send someone through the space coochie to see if it really transports you to God knows where. I bet 2040!
Sonic CD-
I played it on PC CD-ROM back in the day.
All those old CD games were/are under 100 megs or so, you can probably emulate it somewhere.
I think I tried the wave beam thing once.
You can beat the shit out of the Metroids with screw attack, but yeah, only ice beam kills them.
I guess you just have to get past them, and get to Mother Brain.
Chris Cornell's death-
Oh, yeah, right, didn't think of that.
Well, the dicks could have opened their mouths and said so, I ain't a mind reader.
Meh, I'll just eat a pile of Hot Pockets.
Same thing.
Trip through black hole-
We take forever, and we never get that shit done on an even year.
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