Eh, tomorrow is close enough, let's do this....
Wild and Crazy Guys (2019)
Haven't cracked it open yet, but I've heard really good things.
About how the first casts of SNL and SCTV went on to do iconic movies, and those movies shaped our whole pop culture.
Covers each of the guys you see on the cover via old press interviews, and biographical research.
Plus, Martin Short, and Rick Moranis.
Got it right next to "Ghostbuster's Daughter", on my shelf.
Can't wait to dig into it.
TMNT/Ghostbusters (2014) &
TMNT/Ghostbusters 2 (2017)
From here...
Y'know, I was skeptical of the Turtle crossovers, but I checked 'em out, and they're actually pretty good.
Plus, the Turtles give the Busters their dimension tech that pays off in the RGB and ATC crossovers, so it ends up being vital backstory.
So....screw it, I'll collect them someday.
Well, one down, one to go.
TMNT/GB 2 is supposed to be here by now, but there's always something in my Amazon orders that gets lost, and needs to be ordered again.
It's always something.
Last year, it was the Garbage Pail Kids thing.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Review here.
*Guitar riff from "Celebrity Skin"*
It gets better on repeat viewings. :-)
Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Review here.
*Synth riff from "Home", by Vince Staples*
Also gets better every time.
Aquaman (2018)
Review here.
*Riff to "Africa", by Toto*
Shazam! (2019)
Review here.
*Riff to "I Don't Want To Grow Up", by The Ramones*
Bumblebee (2018)
Review here.
*Riff from "The Touch", by Stan Bush*
Now I own two good Transformers movies (this, and TF '86), and no bad ones.
Creed II (2018)
Review here.
And now all my Rockys are up to date.
Little Shop Of Horrors (1986)
Review here.
*Does the entire "Downtown/Skid Row", number word for word, beat for beat*
Had this on VHS forever, and then I forgot over the years to upgrade it.
Finally fixed this oversight in my collection.
My love for this is neck and neck with "Ghostbusters", I think.
And "Spaceballs".
They share one big tie for Moranis related beautiful 80's weirdness.
Oh, and the Blu-Ray has the real sad ending from the play!!
The happy ending cut is on there, but I'll never watch it again!
Outliving Sokar!!!
You were a troll, a bully, a racist, a classist, a hypocrite, a lying braggart, an exploiter of sensitive personal info and private suffering and tragedy to get a petty one up, and you would have loved the age of Trump.
Glad you missed it.
And, you always predicted I'd keel over of a heart attack from my weight problems, and the idea filled you with unrepentant joy.
And you died at 43, and I'm going to be 44 tomorrow, and each tick of the clock I outlive you will be a fucking gift.
My best birthday present ever.
Even better than the Mattel Godzilla I got when I was 6.
And unlike the neighbor kid from last year, I'm not gonna feel guilty and take it back.
Good riddance, you cruel rotten-hearted son of a bitch.
Wish I could've fed you to the Audrey II.
Previously with birthday loot-
Christmas and birthday loot (MM #45)
Previously with MM-
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
2 hours ago
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