Meedyah Morsels #155
Picking up from the GB1 comic announcement....
I had a funny kinda feeling on the third anniversary of ATC, but I didn't wanna voice it until I knew for sure.
I think I know for sure.
Pretty much.
Not 100%, but enough.
Well, first there's the GB1 adaptation, now comes word of a re-release of the novelizations of GB1 & GB2 merged as an omnibus, and a making-of book for GB1 & GB2 together as an omnibus.
(Artwork not available for either yet)
Everything coming out for GB2020 is GB1 & GB2 related, they're avoiding GB:ATC like a plague ship.
I don't think its right, I don't think it's fair, but I can see the cold-blooded business logic.
It was divisive, it flopped financially, it doesn't matter that it got a fresh rating on RT, it doesn't matter that it has millions of loyal fans, it doesn't matter that the conventions had a zillion Holtzmann cosplayers, it doesn't matter that an image search for "Holtzmann fanart", gives you a jillion wonderful results.
All that matters to Sony is the box-office, and the controversy.
If they associate this new one in any way with ATC, the incels are gonna scream about it all over again, and that will be the conversation instead of enjoying the new one, and they want to get away from that bullshit.
Part of me can't blame them.
So ATC is quietly being buried.
I think that sucks donkey dick, but there it is.
Leslie Jones was right.
I still think it'll make a comeback someday though.
FXX is playing the extended cut 3 hours with commercials.
Ghostbusters 2 was looked down on, and its made a comeback.
"Brownstone boy", in GB2 is directing the new one.
It'll be back somehow.
But for now, it's going into hibernation.
Fuck y'all, it'll always be in my marathons.
Anyway, in hindsight, you can kinda see the phasing out process playing out.
GB101, and GB:ATC:WDMC, they were splicing it into canon on an artistic level, and on a business level, they were trying to squeeze whatever bucks out of it they could.
WDMC was a trial run for an ongoing series, but it clearly didn't get up off the ground.
Crossing Over, and GB35th, the girls had to be there, because CO was the everybody crossover, and you can't tell the history of the 35th anniversary without acknowledging all 3 movies.
But absent an anniversary, or crossover, there hasn't been the slightest whiff of anything ATC related.
GB/TF was classic team, the GB1 adaptation is classic, natch, and all the other books coming out are classic team.
And in-story in CO, they said they were going to refrain from the dimension portal because of the danger to the multiverse it caused twice.
I think that last one-shot for the 35th was goodbye.
...for awhile.
I think it'll lay low until GB2020 is in the rear-view mirror, and they've made their money, and it's on home video....and then ramping up towards and up to the 40th anniversary, the girls will be rolled back out again.
40th, definitely.
Which'll be the 8th anniversary of ATC.
Two years later, we'll hear some 10th anniversary stuff, hopefully the fan atmosphere will have lightened up a bit.
The scars for the actresses and Paul Feig should have healed by then.
Maybe we'll get some belated making-of stuff.
Maybe the animated one, and the prequel about the guys in college will have come out in between now and then to cushion things even more.
Anyway, that's my theories and predictions.
If I'm 100% wrong about them burying ATC for the foreseeable future, my jaw will smash through the floor.
I don't think I'm wrong though.
Barring something crazy and external happening, 40th anniversary at the earliest for ATC being taken out of the dusty attic boxes again.
So don't tap your feet waiting.
It'll be awhile.
Previously with MM-
Crisis On Infinite Earths update #7. (MM #154)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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