In "Meaningless Slogans", (11 fucking years ago!!) I tore the pledge of allegiance to shreds, and I did a pretty damned good job, if I do say so myself.
But I've learned a lot more since then.
There's NO level where the pledge isn't bullshit.
There isn't a single atom of it having value.
And there isn't an atom of the believers in the pledge not being either morons, bastards, or moronic bastards.
It never makes them kindly tolerant people; if you resist the pledge, well, they'd murder you if they could.
Put it this way.
Imagine a world where General Mills had a promotion that sold Cocoa Puffs flags if you sent in enough Cocoa Puffs box tops.
Then imagine it came with a note suggesting saluting the Coco Puffs Flag and saying "I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!".
Then a magazine spread the idea of saluting this flag, and chanting "I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!".
Then, The American Legion, and Knights Of Columbus stuck their dicks in, and said saluting the Cocoa Puffs Flag, and chanting "I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!", made you patriotic, and if you didn't do it, you were a filthy traitor, and you should be legally forced to do it.
And lawmakers did!
And kids that didn't want to say stupid fucking "I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!", got the shit beaten out of them!
That's the pledge.
That's what really happened.
It was a stupid poem written by a nationalistic bigot preacher in order for a magazine to sell flags.
It's pure Madison Avenue.
It's pure capitalism.
It's the true face of America.
Below is a four part podcast that lays it all out in finer detail.
It's a long sit, but it's worth it.
You see every little in and out of how this stupid ritual built up momentum, and got treated like it was handed down from Baby Jesus.
The usual cast of characters are involved.
Right-wing bullies, and left-wing wimps that knuckled under to the bullies, and then the occasional hero, but not as many of them as you'd like.
Anyway, the podcast....
I did.
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