In "Happy New Year!!!! (this time for sure)", where I looked back at 2017 from New years 2018, I said...
Oh, and where 2016 was all our favorite celebs dying, this year, they were all turning out to be pedos, molesters, harassers, homophobic bullies, and rapists.
Yep, Cosby was just the tip of the iceberg.
Well, this whole thing has had more time to unfold, and Cosby is finally in jail, so he's guilty as Hell, so let's talk about this.
Now, I feel like a stupid coward.
But, those are feelings the whole world has to face up to now.
Look, even if you waved a magic wand, and poofed all the rapes away, Cosby is still a piece of shit for the consensual cheating under his wife's nose, how he ruined Lisa Bonet's career, the self-righteous hypocritical anti-swearing shit he pulled on Eddy Murphy and Wanda Sykes, and the way he tried to bludgeon his baby-mama and secret daughter into silence with his attack-dog lawyer-squad.
The same lawyer-squad who protected him from the consequences of his rapes over the years.
And the bastard openly outright thinks he's too rich, famous, and important to be in jail.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Arrogant entitled assbag.
He's black Trump.
Anyway, one of my boards has been keeping a running tally of all the perverts since Cosby and Weinstein, and here's the list.
Bill Cosby
Harvey Weinstein
Allison Mack
John Kricfalusi
TJ Miller
Kevin Spacey
Donald Trump
Terry Gilliam
Ryan Seacrest
Lawrence Krauss
Harry Knowles
Steven Seagal
Gene Simmons
Danny Masterson
Russell Simmons
Matt Lauer
John Lasseter
Bill O'Reilly
Roger Ailes
Geraldo Rivera
Louis C.K.
Mario Batali
Eric Bolling
Bob Beckel
Charlie Rose
Eric Greitens
Andy Dick
Sean Hannity
Pat Meehan
Eric Schneiderman
Luc Besson
Garrison Keillor
James Franco
Nick Carter
Richard Dreyfuss
Gary Goddard
Dustin Hoffman
Jeremy Piven
Tom Sizemore
Jeffrey Tambor
Morgan Freeman
Sylvester Stallone
R. Kelly
Woody Allen
Jared Leto
Victor Salva
Leslie Moonves
Allen Baron
Asia Argento
Stoney Westmoreland
John Wetteland
Chris Brown
James Woods
Vic Mingnona
Ryan Adams
Ben Stein
Robert Craft
Rob Cohen
Kevin Tsujihara
Frankie Shaw
Stephen Collins
Jeffrey Jones
Kyle Massey
Kristaps Porzingis
David Blaine
Anthony Weiner
David Stringer
Rick Schroder
James David Manning
Jim Cummings
Tony Robbins
Cuba Gooding, Jr
Max Landis
Andy Rubin
Jeffrey Epstein
Kip Purdue
Alan Dershowitz
David Byrd
Chris Obi
Alex Jones
And I bet even that's still just the tip of the iceberg.
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
2 hours ago
I don't have too many heroes in that list but I am slightly depressed over Louis CK, who was on such a huge hot streak five years ago and now, poof.
Is Alex Jones on a downturn?
What'd Terry Gilliam do?
Alex Jones allegedly sent kiddie porn to his lawyer.
Like, not "here's some kiddie porn", but he pressed something wrong while he was looking at it, or something.
There's e-mail records to prove it.
He and his lawyers are trying to concoct a good bullshit story.
Ellen Barkin said never to get in an elevator alone with him (Terry Gilliam), and didn't give specific details.
Where's Schwarzenegger? Guess nobody cares about his problems anymore. At least he blasted Trump.
Paula Poundstone too, but nobody remembers her (probably nobody has any reason to, either.) Maybe her story is bullshit, I dunno.
LOL, Gene Simmons. Big shocker.
Consider your post as having added them to the list. ;)
Although, I think Poundstone was exonerated.
As was Chris Hardwick who I took off the list before posting.
Add Reagan to the pile!
The details on Trump.
Prince Andrew, Michael Bloomberg, and Roy Cohn.
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