I wrote this on Facebook, and I want it compiled in the 5th Harry volume, so I wanted to post it here, but at the time, I was working on
my big 90's retrospective that ended up taking forever, and I figured "ahhh, the next Harry-versary is awhile away, I've got plenty of time!", and then stuff in RL kept coming up, and new movies would drop I'd have to go see, and it just kept getting delayed.
And then I just got done with this "
Shmegalamonga-ganza!", thing, and I realized there's no time like now.
Let's get this fucking done, you lazy chicken dummy!
So, at long last, here it is...
As all the Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey shit has come out, I keep thinking of shit that's in the Harry Hembock books. It's like "oh, shit!".
I've got him dry humping women's hands at a bus stop.
I've got him pelvic thrusting his erection at people at a mall.
I've got him pimping his girlfriend.
I've got him humping the corpse of his freshly dead girlfriend killed by a super villain.
There's some fucked up shit in there, that if I wrote it now, he'd be seeing jail time.
But then...I have him in other episodes in front of firing squads, and in electric chairs with no explanation, so I guess it all hooks together.
Well...that first book has "the true life adventures of a horrid little man", on the cover.
He's not really a "good guy". He's an amoral mad scientist who delusionally THINKS he's a superhero, so he's really bad at it.
I don't know how many people picked up on that, and I think I really fucked it up when I made him a more moral character in the reboot "Nobody loves Harry Hembock".
No, he's meant to be an anti-hero on the level of Alex from "A Clockwork Orange".
I also think my art style is too "cute", that it doesn't read as dark as what was in my head. So I'm like "shit...in this hashtag-metoo age, do I gotta explain the joke?", and it's like "yeah, I think I do".
Hmm, I have him become president in one time compressed episode, so maybe I was predicting something....
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